Chapter 271 The Darkest Moment Has Come

Chapter 271 The Darkest Moment Has Come

BS 15:12

When Gary stag gered and was about to faint, Harry helped him up

in time.

Gary looked at Cecilia and still wouldn't give up. "Cecilia, I'm your father no matter what. How could you join them against me?


"How could someone like you be my father? After taking over the Done Group, have you ever really thought about keeping the Done Group thriving?

"No! You only thought about making the Done Group your own! You just wanted to line your pocket! You only wanted to become rich yourself!

"Right now, can announce that you, Gary, are no longer the president and legal person of the Linsey Group!"

Cecilia announced the result aggressively.

"But I still have stock equity. I'm a shareholder. I object!"

"Eight votes in favour. One vote against. Overruled! The resolution is officially passed!"

Cecilia's eyes were cold and stern. She continued, "You now have two options. Firstly, sell your remaining shares at a discount and give them to me. Secondly, wait for the verdict!"

The result was a big blow to Gary, If it wasn't for Harry supporting Gary, Gary might have fainted on the spot.

Next, Cecilia continued to speak, "In addition to removing the chairman of the board, I'm also removing Sean as president and Harry as vice president. As of today, Sean and Harry are officially removed from the company!"

Upon hearing this, Harry was devastated. His beautiful dream was shattered. It made him want to cry.

Gary went limp from Harry's arms. Harry called out, "Uncle Gary! Uncle Gary..."

Cecilia swept a glance at the passed-out Gary and said sarcastically, "Stop yelling his name. Get him to the hospital. If you take him to the hospital now, it might not be too late!"

Harry had no choice but to pick up Gary and leave the conference


Harry and Gary's departure meant that everything had settled.

Chapter 271 The Darkest Moment Has Come


Cecilia expressed her thanks again. "Thank you all for your help today. In order for the group and the company to thrive, I would like to elect a new CEO today. May I ask if everyone has any suggestions?"

"Miss Linsey, I elect you as the new CEO!" Karen was the first to speak.

John followed closely, "I also agree!"

The other shareholders echoed their approval.

Everyone approved Cecilia unanimously. Shareholders made this decision not because they were impulsive, but because Cecilia had the ability to take up the task of managing the company. Cecilia was not only able to quietly become the number one shareholder of the Linsey Group, but she was also able to remove Gary and the others in a cruel way. So she had excellent management and leadership skills.

Besides, she was Leila's daughter, she was the rightful heir of the Done Group.

Therefore, everyone did not have any objections to Cecilia being the chairman of the board!!

"Alright then! Thank you all for your support! I am honored to have your trust. I will granf the management of the group to Mr. Mavis of Middlebox Group. And I'm going to let him take the position of CEO. May I ask if you have any objections?"

The shareholders had no objections. Since Middlebox Group now had a large share of the equity, everyone had no objection to Ludwig running the company.

Ludwig was very flattered. "Thank you, Miss Linsey. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

Originally, he was worried that he might not even get the chance to manage Middlebox Group because Cecilia had bought it. Now, not only would he continue to be able to manage Middlebox Group, but Cecilia had also handed over the Linsey Group to him. Therefore, he was very grateful to Cecilia.

Ludwig thanked Cecilia for trusting and appreciating him!

After the meeting, Cecilia spoke privately with several major shareholders. Everyone also had high expectations for Cécilia.

"Guys, don't worry. I will make the group and the company grow again. I will live up to everyone's trust. 15:12

Chapter 271 The Darkest Moment Has Come

This was the promise Cecilia made to the shareholders. And she was going to make all the shareholders get a return on their investment within a year.


The shareholders left the company one by one. Karen stayed at the end. Then Karen took Cecilia's hand and thanked her. "Miss Linsey, thank you so much. You are so amazing."

Cecilia humbly said, "Mrs. Long, you are so exceptional. I should learn from you."

Karen smiled and said, "Let's stop buttering up each other. I still have something to tell you.

"What is it?"

"Tomorrow is KLCS's annual charity day, and it's also the recruitment day of new members. I'd like to invite you to join the KLCS.

Karen took the initiative to extend the invitation.

Cecilia knew about KLCS, and those who could join had to be absolutely powerful and influential.

Since Cecilia had this opportunity to formally join KLCS, she wouldn't refuse Karen's goodwill. "Thanks. It's my honor."

Karen chatted with Cecilia for a while about family matters before leaving the Linsey Group.

Cecilia went to the chairman's office after seeing off the shareholders.

Looking at the dull decoration style, Cecilia ordered, "Change all the furniture here. The decoration style of the chairman and president's office should be changed. Just keep it in the decoration style of LC Group.'

"Yes, Miss Linsey!" Her henchman immediately went to do it.

Then, Cecilia and Ludwig discussed the work arrangement. "Mr. Mavis, next, let's not rush to lay off employees. Let's first release the announcement of the group name change to the public. Then, we'll notify all mid-level and above managers to meet at 1 p.m.


"Okay, Miss Linsey."

According to Cecilia's prediction, the changes around the group would definitely trigger a big chain reaction.

The first thing that the Linsey Group's AGM triggered was a shock. within the group. Employees were shocked to Tearn the news.

Chapter 271 The Darkest Moment Has Come

1% 15:12


The chairman of the board had been removed from his post, and the president and vice-president had been fired. Upon hearing the news, the employees were in a state of panic at the prospect of such a big change in the company.

They didn't know what was going to happen to the group and the company, but they had a feeling that the Linsey Group was going to change drastically.

The Linsey Group did change, and Gary was so angry that he was hospitalized, but that was not enough!

The evidence and information that Cecilia had asked Verda to find had finally come into play!

"Get all the evidence of Gary's embezzlement, corruption, and dereliction of duty in recent years ready. By the time Gary and Harry come at us, we'll let the public have a good look at the evil deeds they have done!" Cecilia informed Upton.

"Understood, Miss Linsey."

Cecilia not only wanted to knock Gary down, but also wanted him to never get up again.

It was time for her to show them what hell was!

Cecilia had finally taken back the Done Group. She could breathe a sigh of relief.

But she couldn't be completely relieved because her mother was still nowhere to be found. And her younger brother hadn't reappeared either. There was still a lot for her to do.

After taking care of the affairs of the Linsey Group, Cecilia left the Linsey Group's building with her men. When she got into her car, the driver handed her a bouquet of purple hyacinths. "Who sent me these flowers?"

"A man just said he wanted me to pass the flowers on to you."

Cecilia picked up the hyacinth bouquet. She knew that the flower represented apology.

[I'm sorry. Please forgive me.]

Inside the bouquet was a note, on which had several words in the same handwriting as on the wishing card!

It was Adam!

Chapter 271 The Darkest Moment Has Come

It was her younger brother Kevin!

Cecilia was instantly in tears. Then, she subconsciously looked around and caught a glimpse of a hiding figure. Her heart ached. Against all odds, she chased after the figure. 5/5


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