Chapter 266 A Miracle Happened

Chapter 266 A Miracle Happened


The ambulance arrived at the hospital, and the medical staff opened the back door and carried the injured person out of the vehicle.

Ariella also got out of the ambulance. Today, it was Ariella who had invited Cynthia to watch a show, but Ariella never expected Cynthial to have an accident even before the show started.

Ariella quickly called an ambulance, and now she accompanied Cynthia to the hospital.

She was terrified when she saw Cynthia bleeding so much.

"Doctors! Help her! Help her, please!"

Ariella followed behind the medical staff, shouting continuously.

Shepard rushed out from the crowd behind and saw a woman lying. on the stretcher, her face and body covered in blood.

At that moment, his heart ached for her.

The medical staff brought Cynthia onto a stretcher, put her on an oxygen mask, and wheeled her toward the emergency room in al hurry.

Shepard stood frozen in place, his palms cold. When Ariella saw him, she charged him and exclaimed, "Shepard! You have to save Cynthia! Hurry up!"

Shepard finally snapped back to reality and rushed toward the emergency room, catching up with the medical staff.

In a life-or-death situation, the stretcher was pushed rapidly. Shepard rushed over and took the oxygen bag from one of the nurses, with his hands on the stretcher as they entered the emergency room together.

The doctors began to work tirelessly to save Cynthia. Shepard wasn't a emergency specialist, so he could only watch from the side.

Seeing the blood on Cynthia's head, Shepard felt really anxious and concerned. Images of Cynthia beaming at him when she visited him flashed through his mind.

And time after time, he always declined her with various excuses, giving her the cold shoulder.

Now he realized that he was being too harsh.

A terrifying feeling of impending loss overwhelmed him which

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Chapter 266 A Miracle Happened

caused him to fully realize how important Cynthia was to him.


"The patient's blood pressure is too low. She is experiencing severe blood loss and needs an emergency transfusion.

After confirming that the patient had type A blood, the doctor requested the nurse to obtain type A plasma from the blood bank.

But soon, news came that the hospital was short of type A blood. At this moment, Shepard spoke up, "Take mine. I have type A blood." "Dr. Nuno?"

The doctor and nurses were all surprised, as no one had noticed when Shepard had entered.

"Take mine to save her! Hurry up!"

Shepard angrily shouted, and the nurses immediately came to help

After confirming the blood type compatibility, the nurses made, Shepard lie down on a nearby makeshift bed and began drawing his blood.

As the blood bag was gradually filled, the plasma, which was still warm, was immediately transfused into Cynthia's body.

Cecelia rushed to the emergency room of the hospital with Auroral and saw Ariella.

Noticing the bloodstains on Ariella's clothes, Cecelia asked in surprise, "Ariella, what are you doing here?"

"Cece, I was with Cynthia today. After she had an accident, I called an ambulance to bring her heré," Ariella explained.

"Thank you, Ariella." Cecelia expressed her gratitude.

Aurora also said, "Thank you so much! How is Cynthia doing now?"

"She is still being rescued in the emergency room. My brother is also. in there," Ariella replied.

Since there was still no news from the emergency room, everyone could only wait outside. Cecelia and Aurora listened to Ariella's explanation of the accident, finding it heart-wrenching. Cynthia was very badly hurt this time. They wondered if she could be saved.

Remington received the news and rushed over with Samson. When Remington saw his mother and Cecelia, he asked. "How is my

Chapter 266 A Miracle Happened


"She is still being rescued in the emergency room."

"How did it happen?" Samson was also very concerned.

Everyone was anxiously waiting and praying for Cynthia, Aurora couldn't stop crying. Just the thought of her daughter's life was in danger made her heart ache.


Aurora had been separated from her children for such a long time as 18 years. They had only reunited for a few days, yet now her daughter encountered such an incident. How could Aurora not feel sad and upset?

"Mom, don't be too sad. Cynthia will be fine." Remington comforted his mother.

Cecelia also soothed, "We have to have faith in the doctors. Shepard is there with her. Cynthia will be fine."

Everyone looked toward the closed door of the emergency room. Inside the emergency room, blood transfusion and emergency treatment were being carried out in an orderly manner.

Realizing that one bag of blood was insufficient to save Cynthia, Shepard asked the nurse to continue drawing his blood.

"Dr. Nuno, losing more than 400CC will cause harm to your health," the nurse worriedly said. "We have already asked for more blood from the other hospitals." "Don't waste time! Hurry up and do it!"

Shepard flared up, in stark contrast to his usual gentle and refined self. His colleagues had never seen him like this before and could only comply with his requests. Despite the infusion of 800CC of plasma into Cynthia's body, she deteriorated into hypovolemic shock, with her vítal signs plummeting to a critical level. "The patient is experiencing hypovolemic shock. Quick! Prepare the defibrillator!"

The doctors began another round of rescue.

When Shepard heard their words, he got up from the bed despite the discomfort after getting his blood drawn.

He walked up to the operating table, watching his colleagues desperately trying to save Cynthia, who seemed lifeless. As the

Chapter 266 A Miracle Happened

numbers on the machine dropped, Shepard got a heartache. "Cynthia! Wake up! You can't die!"

"Cynthia, listen up! As long as you wake up, I promise to be your boyfriend."

"Do you hear me? Wake up! Cynthia!"

Then, all the emergency personnel realized that the patient lying. there had a connection with Shepard.


Despite the completion of the defibrillation, Cynthia showed no signs of awakening, plunging the doctors into a state of despair.

They had done everything they could.

"Dr. Nuno, I'm sorry."

The doctors sweated profusely and felt helpless. Though accustomed to such scenes, they still felt sorry.

"No! She won't die. She can't die."

Shepard rushed up and personally picked up the defibrillator, continuing to perform emergency measures on Cynthia. "Cynthia! Wake up! I want you to wake up."

The medical staff didn't know how to comfort him, so they could only watch as he broke down and shouted like crazy. After a set of defibrillation measures, Shepard stared at the flat line. on the monitor with red eyes, too sad to breathe. Although he had rejected Cynthia every day, he had unknowingly fallen in love with her.

It was only now, when he lost her that he realized it.

Shepard covered his eyes and sank into a state of grief. Nevertheless, a miraclé happened.

Suddenly, a subtle fluctuation appeared on the electrocardiogram monitor, with the amplitude of the fluctuations altering.

A nurse noticed it and exclaimed, "Her heart is beating again!"

All eyes turned to the line on the monitor, and indeed, a fluctuation was evident.

"Quick! The patient is showing vital signs! Keep up with the resuscitation efforts!"

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