Chapter 247 She Directed a Wonderful Drama

Chris looked up and saw his wife, Karen Long, arriving with some people. He couldn't help but feel excited, "Honey..." 1/5

"How much do you want? I can give you whatever you ask, just don't hurt him!"

Karen attempted to negotiate with the mad woman in front of her.

Seeing Karen's arrival, Bonnie became even more aggressive and raised her price, "500 million! Final offer!"

Chris was shocked, "You asked for 20 million just now, and now it's 500 million? Are you out of your mind?"

"Do you plan to pay up or not? Your husband is in my hands!"

"I'll pay! 500 million, right? I'll write you a check right now! Just don't hurt him!"

Karen pulled out her checkbook and quickly wrote a 500 million check. She walked up to Bonnie and handed it over, saying, "Here! This is a 500 million check! Take it, and never bother my husband again!" "Honey, don't give her the money! I don't know her. She's just. someone I paid to put on a show!"

"A show?" Karen was puzzled.

"Yes! I just pretended to have an affair to provoke you. You don't need to give her so much money!"

"Mr. Wade, you're such a cheapskate, but Ms. Long is so generous! Thanks!"

Bonnie smirked as she successfully pocketed the 500 million check. She thought she could now leave, but Karen grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back.

"You're not getting away that easily! How dare you threaten my husband? I'll teach you a good lesson..."

Karen had figured it out her husband hadn't been cheating on her but deliberately trying to provoke her, and now he was being blackmailed.

Bonnie couldn't be allowed to leave with the money now!

The two women started fighting, and the scene quickly descended into chaos.

Chapter 247 She Directed a Wonderful Drama


Worried that Karen might get hurt, Chris rushed to help but ended up with his arm scratched by Bonnie's dagger. "Ah!"

Chris was bleeding!

"Da mn! How dare you hurt my husband!"

Full of rage, Karen gave Bonnie a thorough beating, but Bonnie still had the dagger and managed to scratch Karen.

Cecelia brought Verda to help and quickly subdued Bonnie, retrieving the 500 million check.

"Take this crazy woman to the police station!" Cecelia commanded. "Yes!" Verda prepared to take the woman away, but the two debt collectors said, "We'll take care of her!" "No, no..." Bonnie cried out in fear, but the two men dragged her away.

She would have to figure out how to repay the two million high- interest loan herself!

With the trouble finally resolved, Chris saw his wife injured and couldn't help but worry, "Honey, you got hurt!"

"I'm fine; what about you?"

"I'm fine too!"

Karen covered her wound and looked at Cecelia. "Miss Linsey, thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, Ms. Long! Now the truth is out; Mr. Wade never betrayed you. He was only trying to provoke you. You should give him another chance."

"I know, thank you."

Karen was grateful to Cecelia. Without her wise plan, this spectacular drama wouldn't have happened.

"Mr. Wade, you saw it too. When you were threatened, Ms. Long was the only one who would worry about you and do anything for you. Don't act recklessly anymore, and spend more time with your family!" "Thank you for the reminder. I will change!"

Chris had undergone a significant transformation in his heart.

Chapter 247 She Directed a Wonderful Drama


Looking at his wife, he fell they were now a couple through thick and thin.

"I'm sorry, honey. Forgive me..."

With tears in her eyes, Chris embraced his wife, and Karen said, "It's okay; let's go back and take care of your wound."

After thanking Cecelia, the couple left the hotel together.

For Cecelia, today's attendance at the Wood family's party was like killing two birds with one stone. She had managed to get close to both John and Karen, bringing her closer to her goal. Cecelia also planned to leave when she ran into Gary.

Gary had explicitly come to find her. Seeing Cecelia, he felt a bit uneasy, but he had to say what needed to be said.

"Cecelia, please, I'm saying this as your father. Can you stop now? Spare the Linsey family, please!"

"Who do you think you are? Am I your daughter? Now you want me to spare you. But how did you and Mom treat me and my little brother back then? And now you have the nerve to say such things?" For Cecelia, not killing them was already merciful!

"I know I did many things in the past that hurt you, but you've taken your revenge these past few days. Isn't your anger satisfied now?" Gary sighed, "You see, the entire Linsey family ended up in the hospital because of you. Ollie was hurt the most. Please, just let us go for my sake. At least you were raised by me."

"You think I am the reason you got hurt? None of you are innocent! You all deserve it!"

Cecelia's gaze turned cold, "You want me to spare you all? Let me take charge of Linsey Group, and I'll let you go!"

Gary's face darkened. There was no way he would give up Linsey Group.

"Well, there's nothing to say now!"

Cecelia walked past Gary, returned to the party, greeted John, and prepared to leave.

"Miss Linsey, you can stay. I want to express my gratitude later, personally.

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Chapter 247 She Directed a Wonderful Drama

John treated her as a lucky charm and was reluctant to let her go.


"Mr. Wood, I appreciate that, but I must do something else today. So, I'm leaving now. Goodbye!"

Cecelia turned around, and Maggie approached with a smile, holding a glass of wine. "Miss Linsey, it's almost the agreed time. Are you ready?"

"I'll meet you as agreed, Ms. Taylor! See you tomorrow morning!"

After Cecelia finished speaking, she walked straight out of the


Camelia and Winnie saw her leaving and smirked.

"Time for Cecelia to pay!"

"Exactly! I've already made preparations. Let's show her what we've got!" Camelia chuckled with satisfaction.

Verda went to get the car while Cecelia stepped out of the hotel. While waiting for the car, she searched for the address Remington had sent her. She needed to pick up something later.

At this moment, a few older women walked toward Cecelia outside the hotel, pointing and whispering about her.

"That's her! Cecelia or something!"

"She's that bi tch!"

"Shame on her! Fooling around with more than one man!"

Hearing the gossip, Cecelia looked up to see the elderly ladies, who showed no signs of stopping. Their voices grew louder, seemingly wanting to attract attention.

Many passers-by stopped to watch. Cecelia's brows furrowed with annoyance. "Ladies, did I offend you? Why are you slandering me?" "Nonsense! You were never a decent woman, to begin with!" One of the women yelled aggressively, and the others joined in, pointing fingers at Cecelia and insulting her.

"You better shut up! Or I'll call the police on you!" Cecelia warned. "I dare you!"

"Step aside! Watch this!"

A woman from behind the crowd shouted, and the crowd

Chapter 247 She Directed a Wonderful Drama


immediately dispersed. In a flash, a woman holding a large bucket of paint rushed toward Cecelia, intending to splash it on her.

It happened so fast. Cecelia was preparing to dodge, and in the nick of time, a black umbrella was swiftly opened in front of her, shielding her from most of the paint. Cecelia looked up, and when she saw the person holding the umbrella, her eyes widened in astonishment.

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