Chapter 244 His Biological Father


But he couldn't quite explain the feeling. It seemed familiar but they didn't know each other.

They only had a brief encounter!

Perhaps he was overthinking!

Adam didn't stop in his tracks. He continued to search for clues about his relatives.

When he was 8 years old, his adopted father's chemical experiment. exploded, causing him to forget many childhood memories.

Now, all he remembered was that his original name was Jason, and he vaguely recalled having relatives in the Cathail Republic, maybe a sister and a mother, but he had forgotten their last names. Only his adopted father knew his true origins, but unfortunately, his adopted father was no longer alive.

There were no reliable clues. How could he find them?

After saying those words, Cecelia changed her aggressive and stern expression and turned to Roger, "Sorry, Captain Shawn, for causing you trouble. I'll go to the ward first.

Without looking back, Cecelia walked away. Winnie was intimidated by her words and didn't continue causing trouble. She just made a request. "Then you have to accompany me to the 50th-anniversary party in my grandfather's house tonight!"

"Okay!" Roger didn't like those kinds of occasions, but he agreed.

In the hospital room.

Bill lay on the hospital bed, his face pale. The listening device and bullet inside his body had been successfully removed.

Samson accompanied him by the bedside. Looking at his unconscious father, he had extremely complicated emotions. He recalled every bit of time he had spent with his father over the years and had tears in his eyes.

Whether he was Bill or using Samuel's identity, it couldn't change the fact that he was Samson's biological father.

He had been forced to endure for 20 years, unable to reveal his true identity to his family. How painful must that have been?

Chapter 244 His Biological Father

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Cecelia walked into the hospital room, and Samson quickly wiped away his tears.

After looking at the man on the hospital bed, Cecelia comforted Samson, "As long as Remington and the others come back, 2/5

everything will be revealed, and your father can return to the Nelson family again!"

"I hope so!"

"You take care of things here for now! I'll leave!"


After greeting Samson, Cecelia left the hospital. She contacted Morty and arranged to meet later.

She drove to the Miller family and Morty was waiting for her at the door. "Cece, why do you have time to come today?"

"I just want to see what you've been up to lately."

"I changed jobs. I'll officially start at the Nelson Group on Monday. Mr. Nelson arranged a good position for me."

"That's great."

Cecelia nodded and started talking about some topics related to Nick. When she mentioned his mother, she asked, "Morty, do your really not know the whereabouts of your mother?" "My father never told me, so I don't know who my mother is."

"I know her."

Morty was shocked by her words. "Cece, you know her? Do you know who my mother is? Is it mentioned in the things my father left for you that day?"

It was clear that Morty was also looking forward to knowing about his mother. Cecelia said, "I found out about your identity and helped you find your mother by chance. Do you want to meet her?" "I want to! Where is she?"

Morty asked excitedly.

Losing his father had made him sad and depressed for a long time, but if he could find his mother, he might be happy.

But he also held some resentment towards his mother in his heart. "Forget it. She abandoned me heartlessly back then. Why should! go find her? Maybe she has already remarried and is living a good

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Chapter 244 His Biological Father

life. I don't want to have any half-siblings."

"No! Your mother is quite pitiful. She was involved in some things and was imprisoned for 18 years. But she never abandoned you. She loves you and has always been thinking about you." Cecelia didn't explain the details. She just told him some reasons briefly.

Morty couldn't help but shed tears after hearing that.

He wiped away his tears with his sleeve and said, "Cece, please take me to see her, okay?"

Cecelia nodded.

They drove to a recuperation center in the Center City.

Inside the center.


Maryam was here every day for rehabilitation and to recover her health. Knowing that her son was still alive, she trained even harder.

She hoped that one day, she could reunite with her son with a healthy body.

In the rehabilitation room, many people were doing exercises. Cecelia and Morty came here together.

Morty looked at the crowd, all wearing the same patient clothes, and asked, "Which one is my mother?"

"Find her yourself. See if you can find her. Your mother has been training hárd in rehabilitation for you. She must be the most hardworking person here."

Morty scanned the room again. There were men and women, and he noticed a few women patients who were training so hard.

There was a slender woman. Her clothes were soaked with sweat. The rehabilitation therapist pulled out the equipment and reminded her, "Maryam! The time' is up! You can rest now!" "Teacher, let me do it again! I want to do it again!"

"Can your body handle it? Rehabilitation takes time!"

"I know, but I want to practice more. I want to walk and see my son."

The rehabilitation therapist was moved by her determination and had to agree to help her again.

Just as Maryam was preparing to do it again, she saw a fiqure

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Chapter 244 His Biological Father



At first, she couldn't see the features clearly against the light. When the person came closer, she saw clearly.

It was a young face, exactly like her son in the photo that Cecelia had shown her. She couldn't believe it. Was that her son?

For a moment, all the bitterness surged up in Maryam's heart. She slowly stood up, staring at the boy in front of her. Her eyes were filled with tears uncontrollably, and her lips were trembling. Morty's eyes were also filled with tears as he looked at the thin woman in front of him.

He had always thought he was a child abandoned ruthlessly by his mother, but now he knew he was wrong!

He had misunderstood his mother for so many years!

He had no idea how much suffering his mother had gone through. Seeing her like this now, his heart ached so much.

Just like that, they unexpectedly faced each other, both with tears in their eyes, neither saying a word.

Cecelia walked over. "Anut Maryam, this is Morty. He came to see you!"

"Alright..." Tears kept running down Maryam's face. She lowered her head and hurriedly wiped them away, but the tears seemed endless. "Mom, I am Morty."

Morty also shed tears, looking at his mother.

The word "Mom" deeply touched Maryam. She raised her tearful eyes and looked at her son, unable to hold back her heartache anymore. "Son, I'm sorry..."

She apologized for her foolishness back then. If she had taken him directly to find Nick, maybe they could have lived as a family of three now! But she made the wrong decision, unilaterally deciding to give birth to him, yet not fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother even for a day. "Mom..."

Morty took the initiative to step forward and hugged his mother.


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Chapter 244 His Biological Father

His mother was so thin, and he could feel her bones against his hands. His heart ached even more!


No matter what happened in the past, he didn't care. As long as he could see his mother now, he felt content.

From now on, he would also be a child with a mother!

"Morty, my son..."

Maryam also hugged Morty, and they wept bitterly.

Everyone around them looked at them, moved by such a scene. Looking at them, Cecelia also had tears in her eyes.

She felt sorry for Nick because she got him involved. But now, helping Morty reunite with his mother could be considered compensation to the Miller family! Maryam and Morty were finally reunited. Morty decided to visit Maryam every day and bring her back to the Miller family once she recovered.

With this matter settled, Morty stayed behind to accompany his mother, while Cecelia left the sanatorium. Verda came to pick her up.

"Miss Linsey! Today is the day of the 50th-anniversary celebration of Mainstay Group. Are you going to attend?"

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