Chapter 240 She Loved Someone Else

Chapter 240 She Loved Someone Else

Cecelia was aware of the reputation of Shark Base, knowing that it couldn't be dealt with by just Remington alone.

At that moment, she was so worried and reluctant to let him go to Shark Base alone.

"Remington, I will go with you!"

The anxiety and worry on Cecelia's face greatly encouraged Remington. He felt her concern.

"No, Cece, the children need you to take care of them. Stay here!"

After saying that, he urgently kissed her, passionate and dominant, but quickly let go of her. "Cece, wait for me to come back!" After he said that, Remington turned and walked away with big strides.


Cecelia chased after him, watching him go downstairs and walk out of the Aroma Villa.

His back was firm and resolute!

At that moment, her heart seemed to be missing a piece and started to panic.

Remington, please come back!' She prayed in her heart.

When Remington was about to leave with his team, Samson approached, worriedly asking, "Remi, where are you going so late?"

He had a feeling that Remington going out at night must be related to the previous interrogation of his father.

"Remi, are you going to a dangerous place? Take me with you! I can help!"

"There's no need, Samson! While I'm away, you need to take care of the family and the company!"

Remington held his shoulder, with a serious expression, then hugged him. "No matter when, you are always my brother!"

After saying these words, Remington got into the car and the vehicle quickly drove away.

Samson looked in the direction they left. The words Remi just said. echoed in Samson's ears, and along with the belated hug, he was moved to tears. Chapter 240 She Loved Someone Else

Remi finally accepted him as his brother!

Remi, don't worry, I will take good care of the family!' Samson secretly said to himself.

That night, many members of the Nelson family had trouble sleeping.

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Although Gabriella had celebrated her 70th birthday, she felt uneasy in her fieart because of the big incident involving her son.

After Cecelia put the children to sleep, she went to visit Gabriella. "Gabriella, are you still awake?"

"Oh, Cecelia, it's you!"

Cecelia helped Gabriella sit up, saying, "Gabriella, stop worrying!" "Ah... With so much happening at home, how can I not worry?"

"Gabriella, despite the unpleasant events today, you were able to see your son who you thought had passed away years ago. That is one thing to be happy about."

"I know, but thinking about what he has done, I feel so guilty. As a mother, I haven't fulfilled my responsibility. He even made his own brother..." Gabriella started crying again.

"Gabriella, don't be sad. Let me tell you, Remington has found out the truth. His uncle is not a completely wicked person. And, Remington's father, the real Samuel, your eldest son, might still be alive!" "Really?"

Gabriella was shocked. "Samuel is really alive? What's going on?"

Cecelia explained briefly, "We might have misunderstood Samuel's twin brother. Someone forced him to come back to the Nelson family and replace the real Samuel. He had no choice. Remington has gone to save his father now. I believe it won't be long, he will come Back and reunite with you.

"Is that really true? I hope it is!"

After hearing this information, Gabriella felt a little better. Now, all she could do was wait for the results.

After Gabriella fell asleep, Cecelia left the room and met Aurora and Cynthia.

Chapter 240 She Loved Someone Else


They had been talking for a while, and Cynthia had learned how her mother had been getting by all these years. It was thanks to a deaf and mute old couple who had saved her and taken care of her. When Cynthia saw Cecelia coming out, she grabbed her and said to her mother, "Mom, we have to thank Cecelia for everything. Without her, we wouldn't have had this reunion today! Cecelia is truly the blessing of our Nelson family!"

Aurora smiled gently and said, "Cecelia, we really have to thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for our family. It must be our ancestors' blessing that Remington could find such a wonderful woman like you!"

Aurora held Cecelia's hand. She really liked her daughter-in-law.

"Aurora, you're too kind. I'm just doing what I can."

Cecelia didn't say anything about Remington leaving to save his father, fearing that they would worry.

"Oh, sweetie, I hope that you and Remington can remarry soon so that you can all be reunited as a family. Then, we will truly be one family."

"Aurora, we don't need to rush!" Then, Cecelia said to Cynthia, "Cynthia, take Aurora to rest! Have sweet dreams! I'll go to bed now!"


After settling everyone down, Cecelia specifically went to Maryam Snow and asked, "Maryam, can you tell me what's going on with those letters?" From Maryam Snow, Cecelia learned a little more.

It turned out that Nick Miller admired her mother, Leila Done, and wrote letters to her, asking Maryam Snow to deliver them.

But Maryam Snow loved Nick Miller and intercepted the letters, maintaining contact with him in the name of Leila. She didn't know why those Tetters were found by the fake Samuel and altered in headers and signature, causing trouble for her.

"So, Professor Miller may never have known that it was you he was corresponding with until his death?"

Maryam Snow nodded and blamed herself, "I'm sorry, Cecelia. If it weren't for me, maybe your mother wouldn't have married Gary Linsey. Perhaps she would be with Nick now. It's all because of my selfishness that I ruined them."

Chapter 240 She Loved Someone Else


"No need to apologize. Even if it wasn't because of you, my mother wouldn't have ended up with Professor Miller. She loved someone else."

Now that everything was clear, it turned out that there was a hidden relationship between Maryam Snow and Nick Miller.

It was a pity how fate played its games.

Nick Miller was dead, and Maryam had been imprisoned for many years.

"Cecelia, is it true that Nick has died?" Maryam asked.

"Yes," Cecelia replied.

Maryam was so sad and asked, "Then do you know where that child is nów?"

"What child?"

"My child with Nick."

Cecelia was surprised. Could it be that Morty Miller was the child of Maryam and Nick?

Cecelia remembered that she had asked Morty Miller before who his mother was.

Morty told her that he had never had a mother. Could it be that Morty was Maryam's child?

"If you and Nick have only communicated through letters and have never actually met, how could you have his child?"

"It was through artificial insemination. He was a donor, and I did it secretly."

So that was how it was!

When people love someone to the extreme, they would really do crazy things.

"I got it, Maryam. Wait for my message. I will help you find your son!"

"Thank you, Cecelia!"

If Morty was indeed Maryam Snow's son, Cecelia would arrange for them to meet.

Chapter 240 She Loved Someone Else

But she wondered how Morty would react if he found out that his mother was Maryam Snow?

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