Chapter 228 Doing Anything She Could to Get Back Her 1/4

Chapter 228 Doing Anything She Could to Get Back Her Daughter "None yet. We are still in the process of pursuit. The culprit is much more cun ning than we imagined," said Roger. "All right. Make sure to guard the airport, port, and train station. Prevent him from leaving the country," ordered Remington.

"We have already alerted those staff. How is Miss Cecelia doing?" Roger didn't forget to ask about Cecelia.

"She's fine," responded Remington.

After hanging up the phone, he informed Cecelia about the conversation. Cecelia inadvertently frowned, wondering where that cun ning Black Hawk could be hiding.

Black Hawk hid in a dark corner in an abandoned and uninhabited area. A beam of light shone in through the window.

He bandaged his wounds on the arm with gauze, biting down on it with his teeth and pulling tight. After he was done, he picked up his phone and made a call.

Soon, a deep voice came from the other end of the line. "Didn't I tell you not to contact me unless necessary?"

"Master! The police in the Cathail Republic are chasing after me everywhere. I have nowhere to hide," said Black Hawk.

"I will prepare a plane ticket for you. Use a fake identity to go to Europe first, and someone will be there to pick you up.

"Okay." Black Hawk got up from the ground, turned around, and looked out of the window with wary eyes. The police had not yet. searched this area, so he was still safe. Thinking about how Remington plotted against him, Black Hawk sniggered.

"Just wait and see! One day, I will get back at you," thought Black Hawk.

The scene switched to the ward.

After learning from Shepard that Cecelia had been hospitalized, Cynthia rushed over and came to visit Cecelia together with Shepard.

"Remington, I've heard that Cecelia is hospitalized," said Cynthia.

Chapter 228 Doing Anything She Could to Get Back Her 2/4

She caught sight of her brother as soon as she entered, and she gave a big smile as if she was hinting, "Remi, this is your chance! Seize it!" "Yes." Remington greeted them both.

Cynthia approached to show her concern and handed over the flowers in her hand. "Cecelia, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Cynthia. Thanks for your concern."

Cecelia took the flowers and said thanks.

"Don't mention it! We're family. No need to be so formal. Dr. Nuno also comes. Let him check on you." Cynthia beamed.

Shepard examined Cecelia and then concluded, "Cecelia is fine." "Shepard, when can I get discharged from the hospital?" Cecelia asked.

"You'll need to stay for observation for at least one or two more days," Shepard answered.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Just rest here with peace of mind. Stay a few more days, and let my brother take care of you!" Cynthia felt that this was a great opportunity.

If her brother could stay here with Cecelia, it would definitely help them bond.

"Well, please arrange for my discharge tomorrow then. Tomorrow is Gabriella's birthday.

Cecelia made the decision herself. She believed that she would be fine and recover soon.

She needed to be discharged to handle her daughter's affairs and attend the Nelson family's birthday banquet.

"Oh, you're right. Grandma has been waiting for us at home."

Cynthia was also looking forward to seeing her other little nephews as soon as possible.

Tomorrow's birthday banquet would definitely be interesting, and Gabriella must be overjoyed.

Cecelia was discharged the next morning. Verda came to pick her up, while Remington went back to the Nelson family to prepare for the evening banquet, splitting up with Cecelia to take care of their respective tasks.

Chapter 228 Doing Anything She Could to Get Back Her 3/4

"Did you make an appointment with Maggie?" Cecelia asked.

"Yes, it's all set. We can go straight to the Taylor Group in a while," responded Verda,


Instead of returning to Bluebell Mansion, Cecelia headed straight to the Taylor Group.

After they arrived and identified themselves at the front desk, the receptionist called Maggie. "Mrs. Taylor, Miss Cecelia is here.”

Maggie, who was graceful and elegant, was sitting at her desk. She replied to the receptionist, "Please let her come up."

After the phone call, Maggie intertwined her fingers and a faint smile appeared on her face.

Cecelia followed the receptionist to Maggie's office. Seeing Cecelia come in, Maggie put on a friendly smile and stood up to greet her. "Oh, Cecelia, what brings you here?"

"Hello, Mrs. Taylor. Sorry for the interruption! Today, I have something important to falk about with you," said Cecelia.

"This way, please! Have a seat and let's talk." Maggie instructed her assistant to prepare some coffee after inviting Cecelia in.

"So, what can I do for you?" Maggie looked at Cecelia with a smile, appearing amiable.

"Mrs. Taylor, it's actually about my child. I accidentally found out that you havé a granddaughter named Doris. Is that true?" "Yes, what's wrong? Have you met Doris?" Maggie asked.

"Yes, I have met her, and... I'll just get straight to the point. I think she looks a lot like my daughter," Cecelia voiced her thoughts. "Your daughter?"

"Yes, I had a child five years ago who passed away shortly after birth. But now, after seeing Doris, I believe she is my child. That's why I came to meet you and ask about her birth. As far as I know, you and Miss Petunia told the child that her mother had gone far away, right?"

The smile on Maggie's face gradually faded, and her expression became serious. "Yes. Doris is not my biological granddaughter. We found her and raised her. Is she really your daughter?"

"Then, she must be my daughter. In all honesty, I have already

Chapter 228 Doing Anything She Could to Get Back Her 4/4

conducted a DNA test privately, and it confirmed her identity."

Cecelia suppressed her inner excitement and pleaded, "Mrs. Taylor, can you please return my child to me?"

"Well....." Maggie showed a troubled expression. "Even if she's your daughter, my family and I raised her, and I regard her as my biological granddaughter."

"I understand that you must have feelings for Doris after spending five years together, and it won't be easy to separate you and the girl. But I hope she can live with me. Mrs. Taylor, please understand the feelings of a mother. You're also a mothér. Could you bear to be separated from your own daughter?"

As Cecelia spoke with emotion, her eyes became misty, her words sincere.

She hoped her sincerity would move Maggie.

"Well, I understand your feelings, but I can't bear to part with Doris. She's the child I've raised with so much effort," Maggie sighed. She couldn't simply give up the child?

"Mrs. Taylor, thank you for raising Doris and treating her as your own granddaughter. I really appreciate it. But please consider letting my daughter stay with me. I know it's not easy for you to raise her. I can compensate you! As long as it's something I can do, I will agree to any conditions you propose."

"Well, Cecelia, you should know that five years of being together and a precious life cannot be compensated with money alone," said Maggie.

"I understand. Besides money, you can also make other requests. As long as it's something I can do, I won't hesitate.

Cecelia's determination to get her daughter back would not waver easily. She would do anything she could as long as she could have her daughter back.

"Alright. Considering your sincere plea, I will tell you my conditions," said Maggie.

"Please go ahead!"

Maggie secretly felt pleased. Cecelia was unknowingly stepping into the trap she had set.

But little did she know that Cecelia would go to great lengths, even if it meant going to hell, for her daughter.

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