Chapter 224 Her Heart Had Already Been Touched By 1/5 Chapter 224 Her Heart Had Already Been Touched By Him.

"Since we speculate that it is related to the Songo's Incense Dyeing in Porema, shouldn't we investigate the Songo family? Find out why your grandmother left Porema?

"You are right. We should investigate the Songo family as well. I remember before Aunt Ida died, she told me don't go to Porema. Why did she say that? Why can't I go back to Porema? What happened there? It seems that I have to investigate it carefully!" "Leave this matter to me, let me help you find out the current situation of the Songo family first."


After searching Black Hawk's residence, Remington took Cecelial back.

Half of the way home, Remington received a call from his subordinates.

"Mr. Nelson, we just got the news that the murderer Black Hawk attacked the police, causing chaos. He took the opportunity to escape, and his whereabouts are unknown now.

"Where did the accident happen?"

"In the Procuratorate."

"Okay, I'll be right there!"

Hang up the phone, Remington slammed on the brakes on the spot, turned around sharply, and drove towards the Procuratorate.

Cecelia had heard the content of the conversation just now. When she heard that Black Hawk had escaped, she was very worried. "This is terrible! If Black Hawk escapés, not knowing what he will do in the future!"

Now it was too late to say anything. Remington drove to the Procuratorate as quickly as possible..

Remington and Cecelia got out of the car and ran towards the procurătorate. When they came here, they saw that the road near the procuratorate was blocked, and there were many police cars and ambulances parked on the road.

Paramedics carried the injured police officers out of the building one. after another.

Just at this time, Roger rushed over with his team members. After getting off the car, he ran straight toward the prosecutor, Giuseppe MMR

Chapter 224 Her Heart Had Already Been Touched By 2/5


Giuseppe fought with the murderer before, but he was not the opponent of him. His forehead was injured and he was taking a statement.

Roger grabbed his collar and questioned him. "What did I say? The important murderer should be under strict supervision! Why don't you listen to me? See what happens now! That is a serial murderer, that guy is a crazy man, he is a top killer! He is best at fighting and escaping!"

Giuseppe, the prosecutor who was originally very imposing, vowed to bring the murderer back for interrogation. At this moment, he lowered his head. "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? The most pointless thing is to apologize now. The important thing is to hunt down the murderer!"

Roger was under a lot of pressure. This serious case was finally solved before the police reported it to the outside world.

But a few hours later, the murderer escape when he was transferred to the procuratorate. It would cause a lot of panic when the news spread.

After Roger finished yelling, he threw away Giuseppe and immediately started to investigate, and ordered his team members. "Go and investigate the driving recorders of nearby vehicles and road monitoring, and quickly find the escape route of the murderer!"

"Yes sir!"The team members worked quickly.

Roger wanted to go into the procuratorate to check the place where the murderer committed the crime, and Remington and Cecelia also chased after him.

"Captain Shawn! Did he escape?"

Seeing that it was them, Roger replied solemnly. "That's right, het escaped again! I need to go to the scene first!"

Everyone came to the scene. After familiarizing the situation, it was known that he came to the procuratorate and proposed to go to the toilet.

The policeman locked him on the railing of the bathroom, but he broke free from the handcuffs and injured the policeman, He attacked five policemen and three prosecutorial staff and fled from the procuratorate.

After an on-site investigation, they found the location where Black Hawk escaped. He fled the scene along the sewer pipe of the 65% 12:37

Chapter 224 Her Heart Had Already Been Touched By 3/5


Roger notified the team of the findings and asked the traffic department to assist in tracing his whereabouts.

The police were fully dispatched to hunt down the suspect Black Hawk.

Remington and Cecelia couldn't offer any help, so they left the


On the way back, Cecelia was in charge of driving, and Remington contacted his subordinates.

Guessing the escape route of Black Hawk, Cecelia said. "Do you think he will go back to his residence?"

"Maybe. Let's go and see!"

Remington already has found out where he lives, maybe he would return to the apartment after escaping from the prosecutor's office.

A van was parked under the apartment building.

A man in a hat and mask got out of the car and ran into the apartment building.

Black Hawk returned to his residence. He was aware of something after entering the door.

Looking at the placement of the items in his room, and the traces of some things being moved, he has concluded that someone has been there.

Who could have been here?

Black Hawk took a tiny pinhole camera from the dark and connected it to the phone. He quickly figured out who have been there.

When he saw it was Remington and Cecelia, he said. "We'll see."

The corners of Black Hawk's mouth curled up slightly, and killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Several bodyguards who have been in charge of secretly monitoring Black Hawk's residence reported to Remington immediately when they found a suspected figure of Black Hawk from the surveillance. "Mr. Nelson! The suspect has been found! He has returned to his residence!"

"Okay, keep watching! I'll be there soon!"


Chapter 224 Her Heart Had Already Been Touched By 3/5

When Remington rushed to Black Hawk's den, he asked Cecelia to disclose the news to Roger.

After Roger received the clue, he immediately led people to come there.

Remington and the others came to the apartment in time. When getting out of the car, he took out the weapon from under the car seat and loaded it with bullets neatly.

He may face Black Hawk head-on later, so he has to be prepared!

"You wait in the car! I'll go in and find him!"

Remington said to Cecelia.

"I will come with you!"

Cecelia also wanted to fight side by side with him.

However, it was dangerous, and Remington would not allow Cecelia to go with him.

He held Cecelia's face in one hand and told her solemnly. "Stay here! I will catch him this time. Wait for me.

After the man stared at her firmly for a few seconds, he opened the door, got out of the car, and ran towards the apartment.

Cecelia couldn't describe the feeling at this moment, it was complicated. Her heart had already been touched by him..

All she could see was his back. She became nervous when she couldn't see him.

When Remington ran into Black Hawk's residence, he found that the door was open, and several of his subordinates fell to the ground. Apparently, it was Black Hawk who brutally killed them.

One of them still could breathe. When he saw Remington approaching, pointed in one direction. "Mr. Nelson... that..."

Looking up and seeing a black shadow flashing across the corridor, Remington quickly ran toward the shadow.

In the dilapidated apartment building, Remington and Black Hawk started a catching game. After searching for a while, they finally found each other. "Boom!"

Remington fired without hesitation, but Black Hawk dodged in time.

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Chapter 224 Her Heart Had Already Been Touched By 5/5

They shot each other several times.

Remington kept chasing him.

Going up another floor, the upstairs corridor was very long, and the room was empty. The figure of Black Hawk disappeared. Remington held up his weapon and searched vigilantly. Searching one by one, until he found a figure hiding behind a pillar not far away, Remington aimed at the target and shot.

But when he ran up to take a look, he realized that the one who had just been knocked down was just a model.

"Damn it!"

In addition to being angry, Remington heard movement from the stairwell in the distance. After he realized something, he hurriedly chased downstairs.

At this moment downstairs, Cecelia didn't see Remington coming out for a long time, she was worried and was about to find him. Suddenly someone broke into the co-driver and put a gun on her temple. A gloomy voice sounded. "Start the car now!"

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