Chapter 196 Who Could Resist Her Charm?

Chapter 196 Who Could Resist Her Charm?

Cecelia was bathed in sunlight as if she was coated in a halo of light. She was confident, unrestrained, and aloof. Who could resist the charm of such a captivating woman? Andrew became very interested and agreed. "Sure!”

With that, he mounted his horse swiftly and galloped toward the starting line.

"Mr. Blake! Mr. Blake!"

Sean and Ophelia tried to stop him, but unfortunately, they failed.

Cecelia snorted coldly, turned her horse around, and chased after Andrew toward the starting line.


Ophelia lowered her voice and said to Sean with hatred, "She must be trying to win over Mr. Blake. We cannot let her succeed in her scheme." "I know."

Sean's eyes were also filled with grudges as he thought, "Cecelia, since you dared to come and cause trouble openly, then go to hell!"

At the same time, a luxury car drove into the racecourse in a low-key


Remington, sitting in the back seat with sunglasses on, asked, "Hast the horse race started?"

"It seems not yet."

Remington's eye injury hadn't healed. He heard that the president of the Linsey Group invited Mr. Blake, the president of their

shareholder company, to go horse racing together today. Cecelia also came, and Remington was worried, so he ordered someone to drive him over. "Keep an eye on Sean and protect Cecelia! And, it's time to deal with the Gusto family."


Remington waited in the car while Fredric stayed to accompany him. Winger got out of the car with his men.

Cecelia's and Andrew's horses were both stopped on the starting line at the racecourse.

As the referee's gun went off, their horses raced forward like arrows

Chapter 196 Who Could Resist Her Charm?


Andrew's black horse initially took a commanding lead, while Cecelia's white horse fell behind noticeably. 50% 12:38


Ophelia and Sean secretly observed the race and believed that Cecelia was intentionally trying to lose to Andrew in order to please him.

In order to stop Cecelia, Sean quietly left the racecourse and secretly ordered his two subordinates to tamper with the track, intending to trip Cecelia's horse with a rope when she came over and cause her to fall off the horse.

Soon, Sean returned to the racecourse, but he didn't know that the order he had given in secret had been heard by Winger and his men. The two subordinates who were arranged to tamper with the track had also been quietly dealt with by Winger and his team.

Cecelia and Andrew ran smoothly for several laps, and when they were about to reach the last lap, Ophelia was puzzled. "Is the race coming to an end?"

Sean frowned, wondering why his subordinates hadn't taken action. yet.

He called them, but no one answered, so he wondered what was going on.

Cecelia, who had been trailing Andrew, quickly passed him on the final lap. She seemed to have made no effort in the beginning, and when she tried to catch up now, she was as fast as the wind. Ophelia was really anxious. She didn't want Cecelia to finish the race smoothly, so when Cecelia was rushing over, Ophelia threw her own hat and pretended to pick it up.

When Cecelia saw Ophelia on the track as her horse galloped over, it was already too late for her to stop in time.

Cecelia also realized that the hat was not blown off by the wind, but was deliberately thrown by Ophelia.

She thought to herself, "Ophelia, since you have a death wish, don't blame me for not showing mercy."

"Giddy up!" Cecelia shouted and tightened the reins, charging straight ahead.

As the white horse approached, Ophelia looked up and let out, al scream. "Ah!"

During just a short moment, the white horse kicked Ophelia with ite

Chapter 196 Who Could Resist Her Charm?

hooves, leaped over her from above, and continued galloping forward.


If it were an ordinary person, they might have fallen off the horse in this situation.

But Cecelia turned danger into safety and successfully crossed the finish line.

She won first place.

Holding the reins, Cecelia turned her horse around and smiled at Andrew, who had crossed the line a step a little later than her. "Mr. Blake, you let me win. "Miss Linsey, you're truly skilled in equestrianism. I am no match for you!."

Andrew was convinced. He had thought he was quite a good equestrian, but today, he realized that someone was even more remarkable than him. He lost to a woman.

In the distance, Sean shouted at the top of his lungs, "Ollie! Are you okay? Wake up!"

Cecelia and Andrew both turned to look in that direction, only to see Ophelia lying motionless on the race track while Sean anxiously called out to her. Others gathered around to watch the commotion. "What happened?"

Andrew caught up from behind and didn't notice Cecelia's horse kicking Ophelia.

"Go to have a look, and you will see," said Cecelia.

Both of them dismounted and walked toward Ophelia.

As they approached, they found that Ophelia was in a coma, Her face was covered in blood after she had been kicked by the horse. Her breasts, which had previously undergone plastic surgery, were also hit, sinking in and bleeding.

Andrew looked surprised and asked, "Mr. Gusto, what's going on?"

Sean looked up at Cecelia and pointed at her fiercely, "Cecelia! You saw Ollie picking up the hat just now. Why didn't you stop? It was your horse that kicked her and injured her so badly. It's all your fault." Chapter 196 Who Could Resist Her Charm?


Cecelia watched the commotion and said, "It's all my fault? She knew she couldn't enter the track without permission during the race. What could I do when she ran up to me? If someone lies on the tracks, should the train make way for her? If I had an accident because I tried to avoid her, who would be responsible?"

Cecelia argued logically, and the other people had seen what had happened at that time.

It was because Ophelia ran into the track without permission to pick. up her hat that she had accidentally been kicked by Cecelia's galloping horse.

It happened too suddenly at that moment, and there was no way for Cecélia to avoid her.

"D amn it! How can you still have the nerve to argue? You caused Ollie so much suffering. You bitch! Believe it or it, I'll beat you up."

Sean didn't hide his anger and charged toward Cecelia, intending to hit her.

Winger appeared in time, standing in front of Cecelia and blocking Sean's punches.

Seeing Winger, Cecelia knew that Remington had come.

Sean tried to dash forward again but was kicked away by Winger and fell to the ground.

Sean's face turned livid with anger as he glared daggers at Cecelia.

Cecelia sneered. "Mr. Gusto, you had better stop making a scene here and call an ambulance."

Andrew echoed, "Yes, this is not Miss Cecelia's fault. Mr. Gusto, your should prioritize saving the injured person."

The crowd also pointed at Sean and discussed. Fortunately, someone had already called an ambulance. Sean, who couldn't teach Cecelia a lesson, had to return to Ophelia's side. Ophelia was badly injured. He needed to call and inform the Linseys.

As soon as Sean took out his phone, he received a call from his mother.

When he answered, Agnes's voice came through, choked with sobs.

"Sean, my son! Come back quickly! Our Gusto family has gone bankrupt. The court staff is coming for our liquidation. Your father had a heart attack and collapsed. Come back right now! Hurry up!" Chapter 196 Who Could Resist Her Charm?

After suddenly hearing his mother crying and telling him such a piece of shocking news, Sean felt like he had been struck by lightning.

Something happened to Ophelia here, and his family also faced trouble.

Sean couldn't believe it and thought to himself, "What? Our Gusto family has gone bankrupt? Why? How could that happen when everything seemed fine? Da mn it! It's really not my day. Even my father fe Il ill God, why? Why did this happen?"

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