Chapter 181 She Just Wanted Him to Be a Cuckold Chapter 181 She Just Wanted Him to Be a Cuckold

But when he got there, the child had been gone.

Fredric and Winger quickly caught up to him and asked, "Young Master Remi, what's going on?"

"Winger, Fredric, did you see a child run by? Was it Andres?"

"No way!" Winger hadn't paid much attention to that direction just then.

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"It couldn't be Young Master Andres. He's sleeping at home now!" Fredric, risking punishment, said, "Young Master Remi, shall I help you make an appointment with a psychiatrist? You've been having some pretty bad hallucinations lately!"


Remington turned his head and glared at Fredric with a cold glance that måde Fredric shrink in fear.

He hadn't even pointed out that Remington had been having such strong hallucinations lately that he was seeing everyone as his son! After Remington had Winger contact Whitegon and confirmed that Andres was still sleeping at the Nelson Residence, he felt like he might have been mistaken just now.

There was no magic, and Andres couldn't be in two places at once.

Could this little boy just be a child who looked like Andres?

Thinking of the child in the back seat of Cecelia's car and the little boy making faces just now, Remington was perplexed.

Finally, he said to Fredric, "Go find Jackbone and check the surveillance. I want to see whose child he is."

"Yes, Young Master!"

On the other side, Cyrus rushed out of Grande Club and went back to the car.

"Max, that was close! I just saw our irresponsible father! He almost bumped into me."

Cyrus said excitedly, patting his chest.

Maximus raised a faint smile coldly, "We had better not let him know about us. Otherwise, he will definitely plan on our custody!"

Chapter 181 She Just Wanted Him to Be a Cuckold

"Exactly! We don't need a father, we need to find a way to save Andres!"

In the minds of Cyrus and Maximus, the Nelson family was like an abyss of suffering.

They believed their eldest brother was trapped there!


"But not now. If we take Andres away now, that jerk will definitely try to find him. Then we'll be in even more trouble.

"You're right. Let's not worry about that for now. We'll make other plans after Mom takes care of her business in the Cathail Republic!" "Sure!"

Cyrus and Maximus already had a plan.

They returned to Bluebell Mansion together after Everest finished his work.

At the Lindsey Villa...

It was late, but Gary Lindsey had not yet gone to bed. He paced the living room with a furrowed brow.

Ophelia went downstairs and asked, "Dad, why aren't you asleep?" "Your mom hasn't come back yet."

"Where could my mom go at this hour? Is she playing poker all night?" Ophelia asked.

"Who knows!"

Just then one of Gary's subordinates rushed in and reported, "Mr. Linsey, I can't reach Mrs. Linsey. Her phone is turned off. I contacted several of her poker friends and they all said that they went their separate ways after their poker game ended today. I can't find out where Mrs. Linsey went after that."

"Then go find out! This woman is getting outrageous lately!"

Gary was very angry. Ever since Heather had found out at his birthday party that he had cheated on her, she had been giving him. a hard time in private.

She even threatened that she would find young men outside to sleep with her. Could she have gone behind his back to sleep with other young men? Chapter 181 She Just Wanted Him to Be a Cuckold

Thinking about it, Gary felt too oppressed. "What about Robert Lewis? Hasn't he come back yet?"

Just as he was speaking, Gary received a message from Robert Lewis and after reading it, his expression changed drastically.

Seeing this, Ophelia asked, "Dad, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yes. Robert sent a message saying that your mother had an accident outside. He asked us to go there as soon as possible!"


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Ophelia was also shocked, so she quickly called her brother Harry Copper and followed Gary to the place mentioned in Robert's message.


Gary, Ophelia and Harry hurried to the club mentioned in the message and went straight to a room upstairs. When they arrived at the door of the room, they noticed that the door was not closed.

Gary pushed the door open and went in, and Ophelia and Harry followed him. However, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them!

Heather, Gary's wife, was having intense sex with his subordinate, Robert Lewis.

This scene was like a heavy blow that almost made Gary faint. He couldn't believe that his wife was having sex with his subordinate.

Ophelia and Harry squeezed in after Gary and saw the scene. How could they have imagined that they would see such a scene? They were all frozen!

Their father had said that something had happened to their mother and they thought that she was in some kind of danger, but they had no idea that what "something" the message said was such a horrible. affair!

Did Robert Lewis want to be killed?

Gary shouted furiously, "You motherfucker!"

But even though Gary rushed over while yelling and screaming, Heather and Robert continued their sex like they couldn't hear anything.

Gary kicked Robert away from her, and then Robert fell to the floor. Harry couldn't stand the fact that his mother was having sex with Chapter 181 She Just Wanted Him to Be a Cuckold

Robert, so at that moment, he went up together with Găry to hit Robert hard.


Robert was hit so hard that his face was covered in blood and he fell unconscious on the floor.

Gary turned around and slapped Heather hard in the face. After being slapped several times in a row, Heather finally came to her


"Gary... Why did you slap me?"

Heather was in tears of pain and realized that it was her husband who had hit her.

"You tell me! What do you think?! You B*ITCH! You humiliated me!" Gary sighed heavily and walked away, "You deal with this mess!"

Heather looked at her son and daughter, then at herself and Robert on the floor. After realizing what had happened, she was quite frightened.


She screamed, almost losing it.

"All right, Mom, stop screaming!"

All Ophelia could do was help Heather get dressed.

Harry was furious and asked Heather, "Mom, how could you do this?"

"I didn't mean to! Harry, Ollie, what should I do? What am I supposed to do now? It's all Cecelia's fault! She set me up..."

Heather cried as she told them what had happened, and Ophelia and Harry were both furious.

"It's her again! Why is she being so malicious?"

"Harry! She is taking revenge on all of us! She just wants to make us suffer! This woman is so sick!"

"I'll call the police. Let them catch her!"

Harry picked up his phone and started to call the police, but Heather stopped him. "Harry! Don't call the police! You can't do that!"

"Mom, she did this outrageous thing to you. Why can't I call the police?"


Chapter 181 She Just Wanted Him to Be a Cuckold


"You can't! If you call the police, what happened today will become a public scandal. The Lindsey family will be humiliated! Everyone will know what I did! I can't afford that!" Heather cried. Ophelia added, "Mom's right! Harry, we can't call the cops! If we do, we'll be doing what Cecelia wants! That's exactly what she wants. She wants us all to be embarrassed and ruined!"


Harry punched the wall angrily. His mother had been humiliated to this extent, but all he could do was swallow his anger.

He wanted to tear Cecelia, that B*ITCH, into pieces!

In the end, Ophelia and Harry cleaned up the scene and took. Heather home.

At the same time, in the luxury car parked across the street from the club, Verda reported to Cecelia, "Miss Linsey, they took Heather away! Should we release the video when we get it?" "No, just hold it. It's not time yet!"

To give Gary a taste of the humiliation of being cuckolded, Cecelia notified Gary and Heather's children to catch Heather in the act of cheating.

The more Gary cared about his reputation, the more she wanted to make him suffer from being cuckolded!

She believed that Gary and his family would not be able to sleep tonight!

"Let's go to the Lindsey Villa!"

Cecelia also wanted to find out the real reason why Gary had sent her brother away.

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