Chapter 179 Find out her brother's whereabouts with a small trick

Remington immediately ran back to his car. Seeing that his son Andres was sitting there, he was then sure that the one he had just seen was not him. But who could the child be if he was not Andres?

Why did he look exactly the same as Andres?

Or had he had a hallucination?

The luxury car on the road.

Cecelia looked back at the two kids in the back seats and asked Everest, "Max and Cyrus behaved themselves today, right?"

Both kids glanced at Everest, and the latter smiled dryly, "They behaved so well."

In fact, she disapproved of them inwardly. The two scions were an inch away from exploding the Central Edifice, which means they behaved themselves! Cecelia turned back, looked ahead, and asked, "Are those on that side ready?"

"Verda and his lot are all ready!"

"We'll split up and act separately. You take the kids to Bluebell Mansion. I'm going to the cemetery."

They stopped the car at an intersection, and Cecelia got in another car and left.

Everest glanced at the two kids in the back seats. "I'll carry out a mission in a while. Are you going home or going to do it with me?"

"With you!"


Everest started the car and soon merged into the stream of cars.

It was deep at night. The cemetery looked eerie and sinister, with cold winds passing by.

Heather Done was lying unconscious in front of a row of tombstones Only when a terrifying cry of owls sounded did she

Chapter 179 Find out her brother's whereabouts with a 2/5

wake up.

She slowly woke up, her brain unclear and dizzy. When she opened her eyes and found it was dark everywhere, she turned panicky. Where was she?

Her senses began coming back to her, and she remembered a few things from the past.

Today, on the way back home after playing poker with her female friends, she was suddenly blindfolded, tied up, and brought into a car by someone unknown. But why was she now lying on the ground in the open air?

Another terrifying cry of birds sounded, making Heather shake in fear.

The clouds happened to move away at the moment, revealing the moon. Then the moonlight lit up the entire cemetery, and she saw arrays of ghastly tombstones. Realizing that she was lying in a cemetery, she screamed in terror.

She scrambled up to run but fell.

She looked up and happened to see a tombstone. What frightened her so much was that the photo on it was Leila Done's.

On such a night, in such an environment, it was surely so creepy to see dead Leila's photo.


Heather staggered forward but fell again. What terrified her heart and soul was that the photo on the tombstone in front of her was also Leila's. "Ah!"

Whether she opened her eyes or she closed them, she saw Leila's face. She was so scared that she fell as her legs gave way, and couldn't get up again. She just cried in terror, "Leila... don't come to scare me... don't scare me... I'm timid."

At this point, a white mist seemed to gather not far ahead, and Leila appeared in it.

"Sister, long time no see. How have you been since I saw you last?”


Chapter 179 Find out her brother's whereabouts with a

It was Leila's voice!


It was empty and unreal with a resounding effect, making her more terrified.

Heather's heart almost stopped beating, and every hair on her body stood on end.

Ghost! A ghost! She saw Leila's ghost!

"Leila..." Heather said in a crying tone, madly shaking.

"It's said that after I died, it was you who took care of my children, sister. Is my daughter all right?" "Yes... Cecelia is all right... all right."

Heather felt like her voice was from the top of her skull, not like her


"What about my son then?"

"Kevin, he..."

"Where's Kevin? Where did you send him?"

Leila's voice was empty and unreal, giving terror to the heart and bones.

"I didn't... I didn't... I don't know..."

Heather cried, so afraid, afraid that Leila would settle accounts with her and take her to the nether world.

She scrambled up and ran in a different direction.

But Leila appeared in the direction where she was running, and she fell hard on her buttocks in fear.

"Ah... spare me... spare me!"

"My poor Kevin!"

Heather began crying but soon questioned fiercely, "Say it! Where did you send my Kevin?... where's he? If you don't tell me, I'll take you to hell."

Heather looked up again. Seeing blood tears running down Leila's ashen face, she was scared out of her wits.

"Ah... I'll tell you.. I'll tell you... we gave him.. gave him to someone." "Who was the someone?"

Chapter 179 Find out her brother's whereabouts with a 4/5

"A human trafficker named Fernando Garcia... We gave him 15,000 dollars... asking him to take Kevin away, take him far away."

Heather's face was streaming with tears. In order to marry Gary Linsey, she had plotted this with him and hardened her heart to send Leila's son to the human trafficker, asking the man to take him away and sell him to a family if he wanted.

In short, she didn't want Leila's son to struggle against her child for the family property.

"How could you be so cruel? Kevin was so young... but you sent him away against your conscience... Tell me how I should punish you. Let's go to hell!"

"No! I was wrong... I see that I was wrong... Leila, let me off... Waaa..."

Heather wept and lay on the ground, not daring to move an inch.

"Let you off? Heather, you are never the daughter of the Done family. You think you fooled my parents, so you can also fool me? You destroyed the Done family. Satisfied?"

"I... I really see that I was wrong... Leila... I wanted to live the life of a rich family's daughter so much that I thought about impersonating..."

"A woman like you should be cut into pieces and thrown into the boiling oil."

Leila disappeared with that, and an array of lights suddenly brightened up this area.

The cemetery was like in the daytime.

Heather found in horror that the woman in front of her was not Leila, but Cecelia.

"Cecelia? How come it's you... This is your scheme, isn't it?"

Heather finally saw the light. It turned out that what had just happened was her hallucination, the fruit of Cecelia's trick.

"It's my scheme. So what? Heather Done, you finally told the truth! You gave my brother to Fernando Garcia. What a cruel woman you are!" Cecelia came up, held her collars, and roared, "Tell me, where's Fernando Garcia?"

"I... I don't know... We haven't been in touch for so long... can't find him."

Chapter 179 Find out her brother's whereabouts with a

Cecelia was ferocious, making Heather so scared.

"Crack, cra ck, cr ack, cr ack!"

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Cecelia slapped her four times mercilessly. "Here's a chance for you to recall. If you don't tell me, you may guess if I'll bury you in the cemetery today?" "Cecelia, I really don't know! Fernando Garcia is a human trafficker. We asked your dad's man Robert Lewis to deal with it. He knows it. Go ask him!" "Robert Lewis? You mean Gary Linsey was also involved, right?" "Yes, right, he planned it.”

Cecelia's eyes almost burned in rage. "Why? Kevin is his son. Why did he do that?"

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