Chapter 167 Maybe He Was Born Masochistic.

Chapter 167 Maybe He Was Born Masochistic.


When Cecelia rushed to the police station, Morty had already arrived ahead of time, waiting at the gate of the police station.

He was dressed in black casual clothes, with deep and sad

emotions printed between his brows. He was leaning against the wall, looked like he was waiting for her.

Cecelia just got out of the car and walked towards Morty.

"Hi, Morty."

"Hello, Miss Cecelia."

"I'm older than you, you can call me Cece, you don't have to be that formal."

"Okay, Cece."

Not for a while, there were several cars that came to the gate of the police station.

Morty looked over and reminded Cecelia. "Looks like Mr. Nelson is here!"

Cecelia turned her head to look at the way Morty reminded her. Sure enough, she saw the majestic man coming down from the exclusive seat of the luxury car. When Remington got out of the car, he found out Cecelial

immediately. Seeing her talking with Morty, he walked over directly. "Mr. Nelson." Morty greeted him politely.

Remington nodded in response and then looked at Cecelia. But Cecelia just turned her face and said, "Let's get in now."

Remington could see that this woman didn't want to see him, and she even did not want to look at him.

Remington became discouraged. All he could do was took a deep breath and stepped forward to follow them.

The autopsy report already came out, and Remington took it over to look at it. He frowned immediately when he read it.

"It says that the deceased may not have heart failure caused by the onsef of stomach cancer!"

Cecelia and Morty looked at each other after hearing this, with expressions of disbelief.


Chapter 167 Maybe He Was Born Masochistic.

"What do you mean? Let me see!"

Cecelia asked for the report and read it by herself.

It clearly stated that the forensic doctor detected an excessive amount of quinidine in the blood sample of the deceased.

They were all familiar with quinidine. It was an EA antiarrhythmic drug, which could inhibit the automatic contraction of the heart muscle and reduce the speed of conduction between the hearts. It was a medicine for treating heart diseases and it should not appear in Nick's body.

However, the content of this drug ingredient in his body was too much, which caused his heart failure, and died.

Seeing the result, Cecelia was happy with what she suspected before, but she was angry as well. "Did you see it? I knew that something wrong with his death! Someone must have injected him with this drug before we went to him!"

After reading the report, Morty's eyes were red. He clenched his fists, and said angrily, "It's them! They killed my father!"

When he said this, Morty raised his fist and smashed it against the wall. Soon, the blood flowed down the wall.


Cecelia wanted to stop his self-harm. She could understand his feelings.

"What did you say? Just now you said it was them or your father? Who are they?" Cecelia asked.

"I don't know! I don't know who are they!"

After experiencing so much, Morty fell into grief.

At this time, Remington said, "Since it was a homicide, it needs to find out the truth! Now all we can do is go to the hospital first and investigate who did it."

Remington wanted to go to the hospital with Cecelia to investigate, also he could get the chance to get along with her.

"I think we should call the police first. We are at the police station


After Cecelia finished speaking, she directly called Roger. Not long after, Roger rushed over from the Criminal Investigation Center.



Chapter 167 Maybe He Was Born Masochistic.

"Miss Cecelia! What's wrong?"


Roger came to them. When he saw Remington was there, nodded. "Mr. Nelson."

Remington did not say anything, because he didn't like Roger. Roger just came here by a call from Cecelia.

Why would he be so excited when he saw Cecelia?

"Capitan Shawn, this is Morty Miller. His father is Professor Nick Miller. Professor Miller died yesterday. We entrusted the forensic doctor to make an appraisal. The forensic doctor said it might be a homicide. We hope the police can file a case for investigation!"

Cecelia handed the forensic autopsy report to Roger. After reading it, Roger said, "Okay! I will notify my colleagues to file a case immediately!"

Roger called the team members soon, and after the case was filed, the police were dispatched. Cecelia and the others came to the hospital with Roger too.

When they came to the hospital, Roger showed his ID. Soon he started to investigate the case.

They asked the staff of the hospital to cooperate with them. They got the monitoring and retrieve the time period before Nick's death.

They also interrogated Nick's attending doctor and the nurse who looked after Nick one by one to record statements

Everyone entering and leaving the ward would also be subject to investigation, including Remington's subordinates.

After a few hours of investigation, they found something suspicious. An hour before Nick died, a suspicious nurse entered the ward to change his medication. "What was the situation like at that time?" Roger asked the subordinates of Remington.

"We checked her identity, and she had a badge on her neck, so we allowed her to enter the ward."

"What was the name shown on the work card?"

"The name is Sara Bandera."

It just so happened that Sara was present. Roger asked her. She said, "I didn't come to work yesterday, you can check my attendance sheet."

Chapter 167 Maybe He Was Born Masochistic.



After checking the attendance sheet, it could be proved that Sara did take leave yesterday.

In other words, someone may have worn Sara's clothes hanging in the nurses' lounge, stolen her badge to enter the ward, and quietly injected the quinidine into Nick's medication.

The case could be characterized as a vicious and intentional murder!

Cecelia has been at the scene, watching the progress of the case. The police have confirmed that the suspect posing as a nurse administered the injection to Nick, but they still couldn't identify the other party. The good thing was that Remington and his subordinates have been helping out, Winger traced back through the timeline of the fake nurse who had entered the ward and found the picture of her entering the nurses' lounge.

With this clue, they finally know this woman's appearance. The monitor had filmed her face when she entered the hospital gate.

"Found her! Go and inform Cecelia!"

Remington let someone call Cecelia. When Cecelia heard the news, she rushed to the monitor room.

"Did you find out who she is?"

After Cecelia looked at the screen, she found that it was a woman in her 20s.

"Her identity is still uncertain, but her face has been seen clearly. It will be easier to find her."

After saying so, Remington looked at the woman's delicate and beautiful face, waiting for her to compliment him.

"Copy this woman's picture and video and hand it to Captin Shawn. Then the police may offer a reward for the arrest of a suspect."

What Cecelia could do was assist the police in solving the case in order to find the real culprit as soon as possible.

Although the woman who murdered Nick was found, Cecelia felt that the matter could not be that simple.

"She may not be the mastermind of this case. It is possible that she is being used by someone! Only we find her that possible to know who is behind the case."

Cecelia kept frowning as she said.

Chapter 167 Maybe He Was Born Masochistic.

"What's the evidence?" Remington asked curiously.


Cecelia said with certainty. "There is no evidence, But Mr. Miller told me personally that someone has been spying on him all these years, and Morty also said at the police station before that 'they killed my father. I think Morty could possibly know who that person is."

"Go find Morty then!"

Remington naturally put his arm around her shoulders and wanted to take her out.

But Cecelia nonchalantly knocked his hand off. "Just stay away from me, you and I need to have the distance. Or I'll break your arms!" "Seriously? How could you be so harsh to your man?" Remington complained about it, but he had to do as she said. The way Cecelia treated him was rough, but he liked it so much. Maybe he was born masochistic.

Cecelia and Remington found Morty. At the garden outside the hospital, Cecelia asked Morty.

"You said that they were the ones who killed your father, who exactly were they? Do you know something?"

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