Chapter 160 The Serious Consequences

Chapter 160 The Serious Consequences

Sean refused to bow his head and apologize, revealing his identity. "Mr. Short, as a VIP customer of Tranquil Tastes, even if I made a mistake, there's no need for me to apologize, right?" 1/5

Remington's icy gaze fell on him, "So what if you're a VIP customer? Mr. Short, you should know what to do."

Mr. Short naturally understood the situation. He called the lobby manager and all the waiters and gave them instructions on the spot. "Listen up, all of you! Starting today, remove Mr. Gusto from our Tranquil Tastes VIP customer list! In addition, blacklist everyone from the Linsey Group! No one is allowed to set foot in this restaurant!"

Upon hearing Mr. Short's orders, Sean was furious. "Hey, Mr. Short, what do you mean by this?"

Mr. Short didn't explain and called someone over. A group of black-clad bodyguards rushed in and seized Sean. One of them kicked his leg forcefully. "Thud!"

Sean knelt directly on the ground, with a weapon pointed at his temple.

"If Mr. Gusto doesn't apologize, no one can save you!" Mr. Short reminded from the side.

Sean was frightened, trembling all over, and could only apologize and admit his mistake. "I apologize, I apologize... I'm sorry... I was blind... Mr. Nelson, spare me...

"Are you offending me?" Remington spoke softly, his meaning obvious. Sean looked at Cecelia and could only apologize

reluctantly, "I'm sorry, Cecelia, I was wrong. Just treat me as if I don't exist! Please..."

Cecelia's gaze turned cold. "Since Mr. Gusto is begging for mercy, then let him leave!"

"Get out quickly!"

The bodyguards dragged and kicked him, driving him out of the restaurant's entrance.

Everyone was expelled from the Tranquil Tastes Hotel, and Ophélia's face turned livid with anger.

She had never been treated like this before. They actually put them on the blacklist and kicked them out of the restaurant?


Chapter 160 The Serious Consequences


Unbelievable! Sean felt extremely embarrassed, not only losing face in front of outsiders but also being embarrassed in front of his own employees.

His reputation, dignity, and all his male pride were shattered on the ground and tr ampled upon!

In the crystal private room, Remington lifted his wine glass and toasted the woman. "Come, Cece, let's have a drink."

He must have moved Cecelia's heart after helping her deal with Sean and the others. If he did more things like this, she would definitely be grateful enough to throw herself into his arms! Remington thought wishfully, but Cecelia had no extra thoughts.

"I'm done eating, take your time," she replied calmly, not lifting her wine glass, putting down her knife and fork, and wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

"Eating so little? Are you on a diet?" Remington took a sip of wine, put down his glass, and stared at her slender figure. "You don't need to diet, you're neither fat nor thin. You have a good figure." Cecelia had a perfect body, not a little thin or fat at all. It was not an exaggeration to describe her figure as perfect.

"Who said that my figure is average?" Cecelia crossed her arms and coldly glanced at him.

Remington almost choked, "Ahem... Previously, I couldn't see clearly and my touch was incomplete, which caused some deviations. But if you let me touch it again, I guarantee I can give you the most objective and truthful evaluation."


Cecelia cursed, "I really want to blind your eyes!"

"Are you willing? If I go blind again, you'll have to take care of me for the rest of my life!"

Cecelia's face turned cold as she walked out of the private room,

Remington finished eating, wiped the corners of his mouth, elegantly stood up, and happily caught up with her steps.

Twenty minutes later, Remington parked the car outside the hospital.

The two of them went upstairs and arrived at the 11th floor. Cecelia noticed two bodyguards standing outside a ward in the distance, "Is that the room with someone guarding it?" "My clever Cece never disappoints."

Chapter 160 The Serious Consequences

Remington praised generously.

Cecelia was really about to lose her temper. She stopped and pointed at him, "Remington! I warn you! Don't call me Cecel

anymore. It disgusts me!"

"Alright, no more Cece."


Cecelia turned around to leave but heard the man pondering behind her, "What should I call you then? How about Baby?" "Shut up!"

Cecelia swung her hand and delivered a punch without hesitation, hitting him on the cheek.

"Cece, you're fierce, but I like it."

Remington's playful attitude left Cecelia speechless.

Remington's cheek stung from the punch he received, and he silently rubbed his aching face as he followed the woman who was walking away with a fierce momentum. Although the woman in front of him was no longer as gentle as she was five years ago, he could endure it!

After all, she was Lilian!

Well, getting hit by his sown wife was also a kind of happiness!

One would get used to being hit after being hit many times!

Cecelia arrived at the door of the ward, and the bodyguards. stretched out their hands to stop her from entering until Remington walked up from behind. "Don't obstruct anymore! Can't you see who's here?"

"Mr. Nelson!" The bodyguards respectfully stepped aside.

Cecelia walked in with big strides and saw Nick lying on the hospital bed.

Witnessing Nick's current condition couldn't help but make her feel sorrowful.

Now, his skin was yellowish and pale, tubes of different kinds were inserted into his body, and he had lost his hair, appearing to be on the brink of deathly illness. Cecelia frowned, having a bad premonition. "What illness does


Chapter 160 The Serious Consequences

Professor Miller have?"

"Advanced-stage stomach cancer."

Cecelia's mood became heavy.

Cancer, advanced stage... It seemed that he wouldn't live much longer!

Why did someone as good as Professor Miller suffer from such a severe disease?


After waiting for a moment, Nick finally woke up and saw the woman sitting in front of him. He hallucinated for a moment, mistaking her for a young Leila. "Leila, is that you, Leila..."

"Professor Miller, I'm Leila's daughter, I'm Cecelia!"


Nick tried to sit up to get a better look at her, and Cecelia adjusted the height of the bed for him.

"Professor Miller, are you alright?"

Nick's eyes became moist, shaking his head as he looked at Cecelia. It always reminded him of her mother, Leila.

He had loved Leila his whole life but couldn't save her. This had always weighed heavily on his mind, filled with remorse. "Professor Miller, is the blue jacaranda yours? Is it also you who wanted to find me?" Cecelia asked.

"That's right! There are some things I want to tell you. I'm afraid if I don't say them now, I won't have another chance!"

Nick was suffering from advanced-stage stomach cancer, which was difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it was like a death sentence. "Is it related to my mother?" Cecelia asked.

Nick nodded, and Cecelia felt a surge of excitement. Finally, she might find some clues related to her mother.

"Tell me! I'm listening!"

Instead of speaking, Nick turned his head to look at Remington next. to him.

Cecelia had a vaque idea that the content he was about to disclose

Chapter 160 The Serious Consequences


was not convenient for a third party to know, otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to such lengths to send her flowers as a hint. "Mr. Nelson, could you please wait outside? Professor Miller and I have something to discuss!"


Remington didn't insist on staying. He left the ward and closed the door behind him.

"Professor Miller, you are so seriously ill. Why don't you inform me directly? Instead, you had to send mé flowers as a hint?" "Before, someone was monitoring me, and it was inconvenient..."

Now, because he was being protected by Remington, he was temporarily safe, so he could notify her to come. "Who was monitoring you? What do you want to tell me?"

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