Chapter 156 The Little Girl with the Windmill Chapter 156 The Little Girl with the Windmill

Instead of kissing him, she threw her fist at his face.



Her move had been expected by Remington. At the moment of her attack, he swiftly and accurately caught her fist. Remington's large palm firmly wrapped around her fist, and despite her yanking hard, she couldn't break free.

"Want to hit me again?" Remington pressed her arm over her head, pushing her against the door, and looked down at her angry face.

If he couldn't see, it would have been easy for her to land a hit on him. But now, how could Remington give her that opportunity?

"Let me go!" Cecelia raised her knee to kick him, but he noticed in time and pressed her leg against the door as well.

She struggled a couple more times, realizing that her body was trapped and she couldn't move.

"Remington! We're divorced! What more do you want? I've made myself clear! There's no chance for us to remarry! Stop harassing mé!" Cecelia felt a hint of worry. Her fighting skills were not bad, but now, facing him, her strength seemed to falter.

How could this man be so different when he wasn't blind?

"I'm sorry, but your words are your own opinion. You are Lilian, the woman have been intimate with. Do you really think I can just let you go?" Remington's lips curled into a cold smile as he solemnly stated, "Don't worry! You are mine, Cece!"

Afterward, Remington slowly released her.

"You wish!" Cecelia broke away from him and just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

He didn't stop her anymore, but as she was about to leave, he said, "Go ahead! You won't be able to find Nick anymore." Cecelia stopped and looked back at him. Remington straightened his suit and walked out from inside. Passing by her, he reminded her with his beautiful voice, "Want to see him? Call me after the show."

After he said that, he walked away. Watching his retreating figure, Cecelia wished she could kick him into outer space.

Back at the show site, she saw that the Linsey Group's show had come to an end.

The host invited the main designer of the show to the stage. Ophelia

Chapter 156 The Little Girl with the Windmill


came out from behind the T-stage and stood in front, accompanied by all her models. Ophelia couldn't help but glance at Cecelia and saw her sitting there safe and sound. Ophelia felt a bit frustrated, thinking that her team was a bunch of failures.

But there was no time to dwell on it. Ophelia received a bouquet of flowers from an attendant. She accepted the applause, and the reporters snapped photos of her.

At that moment, she was successful!

Her show ended perfectly. The news about the show would soon spread across the internét and media. People would forget about the past incidents, and Ophelia could regain her popularity with this show. As she was leaving, Ophelia glanced at Cecelia. Their eyes met in the air. Pride gleamed in Ophelia's eyes, as if she was showing off. Cecelia, however, looked away calmly, her eyes filled with coldness. Ophelia was proud now. When she thought she had won everything, it would be the perfect time to strike her hard.

"We'll see about that!"

The Linsey Group's show ended, and the next design show was by the Taylor Design Company. Cecelia stayed to enjoy it because of Maggie. She wanted to get to know the woman and see if she could find any more clues.

Maggie's designs not only included men's and women's ready-to-wear, but also featured some children's clothing. The show began with women's wear, followed by men's wear, and finally, the children's collection.

It had to be said that Taylor Design Company's clothing designs were distinct and had their own unique style. Cecelia rested her chin on her hand, watching the little models-boys and girls-walk down the runway. Each child displayed great seriousness and didn't fall short compared to the adults.

However, it was the last little model that caught Cecelia's attention. She wore a long silver dress with a flowing cape, a small crystal crown on her head, and a half mask covering her face. It was reminiscent of a little queen's attire, exuding an aura of intimidation.

What intrigued Cecelia the most was the colorful windmill the girl held in her hand. The sight of it struck a chord in Cecelia's heart, causing a faint pang of pain.

A colorful windmill...

Cecelia couldn't help but recall the image of the little girl she had

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seen in the back of the car that day. She scrutinized the little girl on stage, attempting to get a clear look at her face, but the mask mostly obscured her features.

The little girl passed in front of Cecelia, making her heart race. Her gaze remained fixed on the girl as she made her way around the stage, until finally turning and disappearing backstage. Cecelia held her breath, her mind far from calm.

The image of the colorful windmill continued to spin in her thoughts.

As the show concluded and all the models took their final bows, Cecelia spotted the little girl once again. After the curtain call, the models exited the stage. Next, the fiost would invite the main designer of the show."

"Now, let's give a warm round of applause to Miss Petunia, the main designer of the 'Grace's Call' series. Please join us on stage!"

Having researched Maggie's background, Cecelia knew that Petunia was Maggie's daughter and an exceptional designer. Moreover, Petunia was also recognized as one of the "top three beauties of Center City" alongside Camelia and Ophelia.

Petunia's beauty was truly outstanding, inheriting the best traits from her mother. Adorned in her own brand's garments, she gracefully stepped onto the stage, accepting the flowers and waving to the guests. Cecelia didn't linger to watch. She quietly rose from her seat and made her way toward the backstage area, intent on finding the little model she had been fixated on.

Upon entering the backstage area, Cecelia scanned the surroundings, searching for the girl. However, the space was crowded with people, making it difficult to spot her.

In one corner, most of the models were waiting, while others were removing their makeup and changing clothes. Each design company had its designated area, appearing chaotic yet operating efficiently. "Cecelia! Finished watching the show? Come see me?" Cynthia, occupied with her own models, noticed Cecelia standing by the door and approached her.

"Cynth, just go onw ith your work. I'm just looking around."

Someone called out to Cynthia, who responded before turning to Cecelia. "I'll attend to my tasks now, but I'll find you later."

"Okay!" Cecelia replied, and as Cynthia left, she ventured further into the backstage area. She discovered a resting area for the little models.

Carefully inspecting the space, Cecelia failed to locate the girl with

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the windmill. She approached the other children, inquiring about the little girl, but none of them knew that girl she was talking about. Disappointed, Cecelia turned around, her hope dwindling. However, to her surprise, the little girl with the windmill suddenly appeared.

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