Chapter 153 The Best Way to Disturb Her Heartbeat

Chapter 153 The Best Way to Disturb Her Heartbeat

Remington thought she had seen through their trick because Andres's acting skills were just so-so. Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and admit it, saying, "We did it because Andres misses you...


Cecelia interrupted without ceremony, "You should not have taught a kid to lie no matter what! How could you ask him to pretend to be sick? Do you know how worried I was?"

"We did not lie. He did have a stomachache before you came. So, 1...'

"So, you played the trick to induce me here, right? I know what you're thinking!"

Cecelia poked his heart with a finger and coldly stared at him.

"Fine, I will tell you the truth. Not only he but also I missed you. We wanted to see you, so I made this stupid move. If you don't believe me, look at these things!" Remington said and showed her two notes written by Andres.

After Cecelia read them, her anger subsided a lot. Andres had indeed missed her and asked to meet her.

"I want to take him to my place!"

Cecelia believed it was better to let Andres live with her. After all, his brothers could accompany him.

"You can't take him away unless you allow me to go with you!"

Remington would not allow her to take Andres away. If she wanted to live with Andres, she must let him go there too.

"No way!"

Cecelia did not want to live with him!

"If so, this matter is unnegotiable! No one can separate me from my son!"

Remington deeply stared at her beautiful but cold face, wondering what he could do to melt her heart.

Cecelia looked away from him, returned to Andres, and stroked his little face, saying, "Andres, if you miss me, you should make a video call instead of pretending to be sick. But if you feel unwell for real, you must tell me, OK?"

Andres nodded with his eyes full of attachment to her.

Chapter 153 The Best Way to Disturb Her Heartbeat

"Hurry up and go to bed! I will stay with you!"


Cecelia didn't leave but stayed with Andres. After he finally fell asleep in her arms after a long time, she lightly got up and tucked him in. Then, she bumped into Remington outside the door. Seeing her coming out, he asked, "Has he fallen asleep?"


Seeing her intending to leave, he walked over and reached out to stop her, saying, "It's getting late. You can stay here overnight!"

"No, thanks!"

"Cece, you've seen how Andres misses you! He will feel sad if he can't find you after waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night."

Cecelia raised her head and coldly said, "If so, you should let him. live with me!"

"If you raise him alone, he will lack paternal love. How about we raise him together and give him a healthy family environment?"

"Sorry, I can't do it. I don't want to wrong myself or live with people I dislike!"

Cecelia made it clear to him. But her words were too hurtful, making him feel like a knife was cutting his heart.

She was determined to leave, but he pinned her against the wall and said, "Why do you hate me so much?"

"What do you I think I should like about you?"

Remington did not know how to answer because everything he was proud of could not attract her. She liked young men, but age was irreversible!

"Give me a chance to correct my mistakes! If you to know more about me, you will change your mind."

"I'm not interested in you, so I don't want to know more about you."

"I don't believe it! You have feelings for me!"

Desperate to prove it, he lowered his head and kissed her.

Cecelia was shocked by his sudden action. She wanted to push him away, but he was too strong. He was firmly imprisoning her like at mountain, making her unable to move. Chapter 153 The Best Way to Disturb Her Heartbeat

Soon, the smell of blood filled the air. When Remington groaned in pain, Cecelia vigorously pushed him away and unceremoniously slapped him.

"You're shameless!"

When she angrily went downstairs, he stayed in place.


His lips were broken, and the blood made them brightly red. He wiped the blood off his lips and couldn't help showing a faint smile. Hé had discovered a secret. When he kissed her, her heart was beating wildly! The best way to disturb her heartbeat turned out to be kissing her! When he kissed her, she had feelings for him.

When Cecelia ran out of the Aroma Villa, her cold heart was still racing. She realized she couldn't get close to Remington because he was bad and could easily shake her resolve!

When she was about to leave, Cynthia suddenly shouted, "Cecelia, wait!"

Cecelia looked over and saw her and Gabriella walking over arm in arm from the shadow.

"Madam Nelson, why haven't you gone to bed yet? It's late now."

"Cecelia, I heard you came back, so I came to see you."

Gabriella came over, took her hand, and looked at her with tears of gratitude, saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you are Andres's biological mother. The woman who gave birth to my grandson turns out to be you! Thank you for giving the Nelson family such a lovely child. How have you lived alone for the past few years? You must have suffered a lot!"

Cecelia was touched by her words and shook her head in response.

"Cecelia, you married Remington to counteract his bad luck when he was dying, so I know you're a grateful good girl. I did not misjudge you! He didn't know your identity before, so he did a lot of stúpid things to make you angry and sad. I will teach him a good lesson! But can you stay with the Nelson family for Andres? The kid and the Nelson family need you!"

Gabriella had come here in person because she wanted Cecelia to get back together with Remington. After all, it was hard to find such a good granddaughter-in-law."

Cynthia also echoed, "Cecelia, although Remington was a jerk in the past, Andres is innocent! Can you bear to part with him?"

Cecelia couldn't bear it. Otherwise, she wouldn't have returned here to look for her son.

Chapter 153 The Best Way to Disturb Her Heartbeat


She was grateful to Gabriella for attaching so much importance to her and appreciated Cynthia's kindness, but she could not stay here. "I'm sorry. I will often visit Andres but can't remarry Remington." After finishing speaking, Cecelia got into the car and left the Nelson family.

Gabriella sighed, stared after her car, and said, "What a nice girl! It is a pity that we can't let her come back!"


Another car shot out. Cynthia was excited because she recognized it was Remington's car.

"Grandma, don't worry! Remington has awakened! He is chasing Cecelia. You just need to wait! believe they will get back together!"

"I hope so! Let's wait and see!"

Gabriella could do nothing to help now, so she wished Remington good luck!

Remington's car soon ran out of the gate of the Nelson family. He confidently and firmly stared at the rear lights of the car ahead with his deep eyes and lightly stepped on the accelerator.

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