Chapter 142 Cecelia Confesses to Mr. Nelson

Chapter 142 Cecelia Confesses to Mr. Nelson

Cecelia rode the horse for a round and slowed down when she caught up with her son's pony.


"Did you see it, Andres? Do as I did just now. Clasp your legs on the horse and hold the reins tightly to maintain your balance. Then you can ride the horse as quickly as I did."

Andres studied it earnestly and tried his best to remember the techniques that his mother taught him. He held the reins tightly and slapped at the pony's as s.

Receiving the order, the Bordeaux pony sped up.

Seeing that her son had learned how to ride a horse, Cecelia smiled with satisfaction and slapped the a ss of her horse to catch up with him.

Right at this moment, the Bordeaux pony and the white horse kept abreast with each other on the racing course.

Standing beside the racing course, Remington noticed that a Bordeaux pony was racing with the white horse in the second round.

And the boy who was in a black horse-riding suit on the back of the pony was none other than his son!

As expected, Cecelia had allured his son here!

It turned out that Cecelia was teaching his son how to ride a horse.

What else was she good at except for this?

A trace of astonishment rose in Remington's heart. That woman seemed to be more mysterious than he thought she was. He couldn't help but want to approach her and learn more about her. Originally, Andres was racing happily with his mother. However, when he rode past the bend, he suddenly realized that the mari standing beside the course was his Daddy! He was doomed!

Was his Daddy coming for him?

Would he take him back forcibly?

But he didn't want to separate from his Mommy!

Because of Remington's sudden appearance, this little boy was distracted. He wanted to ride past the bend as fast as possible so that he could ignore his Daddy. Chapter 142 Cecelia Confesses to Mr. Nelson


However, his racing rhythm was messed up as he had slapped the a ss of his pony too frequently.

The Bordeaux pony was startled and began to lose control.


Noticing that her son's pony was started, Cecelia yelled and hurriedly sped up.


Remington also noticed this emergency. He subconsciously rushed over, přeparing to stop the pony. "AH!!!"

Andres was freaked out and screamed.

Cecelia caught up with the pony. Seeing that her son would fall at any time, she directly jumped onto its back and hugged him tightly in her arms out of instinct. They fell from the back of the pony at the same time, but Andres fell on his Mommy. Cecelia held him tightly.

After a long while, they finally calmed down.

Cecelia looked up at her son and asked, "Andres, you all right?"

Andres lifted his head to look at his Mommy and shook his head, signaling to her that he was fine.

"That's so great. I was freaked up."

When Cecelia was about to get up with her son, she that a pair of arms were holding them.

A moan then sounded from under her back.

"Let go."

Cecelia snapped and the man let go of them obediently.

Cecelia stood up with Andres in her arms and turned around, only to see the man who lay under them. "Remington?"

Cecelia recalled that a black shadow flashed before her when she jumped to the pony. Was that Remington? Chapter 142 Cecelia Confesses to Mr. Nelson

Why was he here?


Remington was still lying on the ground. It hurt so much as just now, Cecelia and Andres áll slammed onto him.

Andres pouted. If it wasn't because of Remington's sudden appearance, he wouldn't have gotten panicked and his pony wouldn't have been startled just now. It was all his fault!

Andres walked over and kicked his leg.

"Brat, stop kicking me."

Remington got up from the ground, brushed away the dust on his suit, and then turned around to look at Cecelia and Andres.

Then he squatted down and asked Andres, "Andres, how could you sneak out alone? Do you know how dangerous the outside world is? There are many bad people." When saying the words "bad people", he shot a cold glare at Cecelia. He believed she could understand it.

Andres stared at his Daddy ferociously. Why did he have to disturb his happy moments with his Mommy? "Don't run away from home without informing me next time. Do your hear me? I'll let them send you back first." Hearing his father's words, Andres subconsciously held Cecelia's leg.

He didn't want to go back home.


He didn't want to be an abstinent like his father!

He wanted to stay by his mother's side and learn from her.

"Andres, be good!"

Remington looked solemn. He had called Whitegon and Featheron over to pick him up.

"Young Master Andres, please go back with us!"

Andres didn't want to go back at all. He looked up at Cecelial beggingly.

What else could Cecelia cav? At least she had sol

Chapter 142 Cecelia Confesses to Mr. Nelson

from Remington Max must have left the Nelson Residence!


They wouldn't be able to find out anything even if Andres went back to the Nelson Residence now.

"Well, Andres, you should go back with them first. I'll visit you later. Be good."

All right.

Andres decided to listen to his mother's arrangement first and went back with them first.

Right at this moment, only Remington and Cecelia were left on the horse course. Remington couldn't help but look her up and down again.

Cecelia turned around without saying anything.

"Hey. You would have been paralyzed if I didn't save you just now. Aren't you going to thank me?"

Remington caught up with her and tried to strike up a conversation despite the awkward atmosphere.

Cecelia held the reins of the horse and then turned around to look at him.

"If I guess it right, Andres' horse wouldn't have been startled if nor for your sudden appearance. Then I wouldn't have had to jump to his pony to save him and wouldn't have fallen down." "You're the inducement of this accident and you should be responsible for it. You should apologize to me instead."

Remington was lost for words.

Why did this woman have so much fallacy?

And he found that he couldn't retort to her!

"Never mind. It's just an accident."

He wouldn't bicker with a woman.

Cecelia took her horse back to the stable. When she turned around, she found Remington was still following her.

"Why are you following me?"

"I want to ask you a question."

"What's ¡19"

Chapter 142 Cecelia Confesses to Mr. Nelson

"Look at it by yourself."


Remington handed her the test result. Cecelia slightly frowned after reading the report.

Remington fixed his cold, dark eyes on her, not wanting to miss the slightest change of her expressión.

He was also looking forward to restarting with her!

Cecelia shoved the report back to him and said, "Yep. You guessed it right. I'm Lilian. But so what?"

She didn't avoid this question, Although she didn't want Remington to know that she was Lilian, she could only confess to him as he had learned about the truth.

"Why did you deny it when I asked you about it before?"

If she admitted her identity before, he wouldn't have divorced her.

And he wouldn't have to pursue her now.

"Do you think it necessary for me to admit it?"

Cecelia asked.

"Of course, it's necessary. Do you know how long I've been looking for you? Five years! I've been looking for you for five years! But you've deceived me with fake information!" Remington was losing control a bit and a cold light flashed across his black eyes.

He had been waiting and looking for her for years. Who could understand how much disappointment and suffering he had endured. over the years?

He had waited for her persistently and she finally showed up. How would he give up easily?

"But you can't deny the fact that we have a child."

Cecelia breathed out a long sigh and asked again, "So what even if you find me? Do you want me to be responsible for you?"

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