Chapter 126 Mr. Nelson Is So Cool

Chapter 126 Mr. Nelson Is So Cool

"Why not?"

Remington's voice sounded cold and his eyes looked ferocious.


Not to mention that Ronald was just his cousin, and even if it was his father, he wouldn't tolerate it if he did something wrong!

Whitegon and Winger immediately pinned Ronald's hands behind his back.

Ronald was reluctant to admit his defeat and shouted, "Remington Nelson, I'm your cousin! How dare you!"

It was because Ronald was his cousin that Remington didn't expose his conspiracy in front of the others.

As the saying goes, domestic shame should not be made public.. Therefore, he would deal with those shameful things that Ronald had done after returning to the Nelson Residence! "Take him out first."


Whitegon and Winger then took Ronald out of the meeting room.

Ronald was still shouting before being forcibly taken out of the meeting room, "Remington Nelson, don't be so ungrateful! You're even so cruel to your own cousin. You're so vicious!" Who was the vicious one?

He was really good at shifting the blame to the victim.

When the meeting room quieted down, Remington said to all the shareholders, "Everyone, from today on, the Nelson Group will be back on track."

"As for those who sided with Ronald and tried to ruin the company with him, I'll dismiss all of them. I won't spare them!"

"Meanwhile, I will promise to all of you that on the same day next year, the Nelson Group will give you a profitability ratio of 200%!" "I hope that we'll reach a win-win result in the future." Remington's voice sounded firm and determined.

"Hooray! Mr. Nelson, so brilliant!"

The shareholders were all cheered up and gave him thunderous

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As for those who were bribed by Ronald, they were trembling secretly.

"That's the end of this meeting. Dismiss!"

After announcing the dismissal of the meeting, Remington directly put on his sunglasses and strode out of the meeting center.


News about Remington returning to the company quickly spread out and the company's employees had heated discussions in their group chat.

Someone posted a video of Remington striding into the meeting


The employees all witnessed how dominant their president was when he came back to the company.

Moreover, they learned from some internal channels that Ronald wanted to s natch away the management right of the company but was humiliated by Remington on the spot. Remington had taken back the management right of the Nelson Group!

He was so cool!

"Oh, Mr. Nelson is so cool!"

"He's so brilliant. Those vicious people can't escape hist punishment!”

When all the employees were discussing this enthusiastically, Remington had gotten into his exclusive car and was going back to the Nelson Residence.

In the main hall of the Nelson Residence...

Gabriella, Maria, Lydia, Renee, and her children, were all

summoned here.

"Carlos, what happened?" asked Gabriella.

"Mr. Remington asked me to summon all of you here, saying that he would announce an important notice."

Carlos didn't know what was happening either.

When everyone was bewildered, two men escorted Ronald over.

Ronald was tied by a mone and was taken to the main hall Whitenon

Chapter 126 Mr. Nelson Is So Cool

kicked the back of his leg and he knelt on the ground.


"Oh, Ronald, what's happening? Why did you tie him up?" Maria got anxious when seeing that her son was being tied up. Lydia also asked in shock, "What the heck is happening? Why are you holding Ronald down?"

Samson asked, "What happened? Why did you tie my brother up?"

Whitegon replied, "Mr. Remington Nelson ordered me to escort Mr. Ronald Nelson back. He has done something he isn't supposed to do!"

"What has he done? Make it clear. My son is very cautious and conscientious. What has he done?" Maria shouted.

"Yep. Why did you hold him down for no reason?" Lydia also shouted.

"Enough. Stop quarreling. We'll confront Remington when he's back," said Gabriella.

Soon after that, a ser vant ran into the hall.

"Madam Nelson, Mr. Remington Nelson is back."

Everyone looked toward the gate and saw Remington's car slowly stop before the house. The next moment, Fredric opened the car door and a tall man got out of the car.

Cynthia exclaimed when seeing her younger brother, "Oh my god, is that my brother? Can he walk now? And he isn't blind anymore, is he?"

"It's really Remington. Has he recovered?"

Samson marveled at Remington's speed of recovery.

Everyone was very shocked. After all, yesterday, Remington was still a blind man who had to sit in a wheelchair. But today, he looked normal. This was so incredible!

It only took him one-third of the time needed for an ordinary person to recover. This was a miracle in medical history!

When Remington walked into the sp acious main hall, he glanced around indifferently.

Maria and Lydia shuddered secretly when his cold eves swent

Chapter 126 Mr. Nelson Is So Cool

across them.

"Remington, have you recovered?"


Gabriella felt so happy when finding her grandson was as normal as an ordinary person.

"Yep. Grandma, I've recovered."

Remington replied calmly.

"That's so great!"

Gabriella nodded and then asked, "Why did you arrest Ronald?"

Fredric answered the question for Remington, "Madam Nelson, Mr. Ronald Nelson held a shareholders' meeting without informing Mr. Remington Nelson today, trying to kick him out of the company and s natch away his management rights. Therefore, Mr. Remington Nelson ordered us to arrest him and take him back."

"What? How could Ronald do that?"

Gabriella looked toward her grandson who was kneeling on the ground, feeling angry.

"Ronald, you said you wanted to help Remington when he learned he had a car accident, but how could you dream of replacing him? He has put painstaking efforts into the company!"

"Yep. Ronald, what's wrong with you? Aren't you and Anderson in charge of Sierra International's business in the Cathail Republic?"

"Now you even want to s natch the Nelson Group. You're too greedy!"

Renee also chimed in. She was a fence-sitter who would only side with the person with the upper hand.

Right at this moment, seeing that Ronald had been arrested, she decided to give up on him to protect herself and didn't plan to put in good words for him.

Cynthia also reprimanded him angrily, "Ronald, you've gone too far. Were you trying to make my brother's things yours as he was blind and cr ippled before? What's your difference with a robber?" Maria said anxiously, "Ronald, say something. Explain it! You don't think so, right? Did anyone force you?"

Ronald tried to defend himself, "Grandma, Mom, Remington is making a fuss! I helped him manage the company, but he didn't

appreciate it at all and trasted me like this instead I'm co


Chapter 126 Mr. Nelson Is So Cool


"That's it. How would my son do that kind of thing? Remington, it must be your excuse to kick your cousin out of your company. What's this? You're so ungrateful!"

Maria was protecting her son and accusing Remington of being so ruthless.

"Shut up!"

Remington shouted.


"It's an undeniable fact that Ronald has held a shareholders' meeting without informing me. Except for that, he embezzled the public funds of the Nelson Group and kept them in his own account. This crime itself is enough to send him to prison!"

Remington's words shocked everyone present and they all looked toward Ronald. No one had expected that Ronald would do this. Remington continued, "Even if I can put this matter aside, do you know what outrageous thing he has done behind everyone's back?"

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