Chapter 124 The Ruthless, Mighty Remington Is Back

Chapter 124 The Ruthless, Mighty Remington Is Back


Remington went downstairs and walked to the bedroom in which Cecelia once lived, only to find that pieces of jewelry were still in the room and clothes were still hanging on the hanger. All of them remained untouched.

It meant that Cecelia didn't take anything with her when she left.

She had refused not only the ten million that he offered but also these valuable jewelry, clothes, and branded bags. Didn't she insist that she married into the Nelson family because she wanted to get benefits? He hooked up a lace slip nightdress that she had worn from the bed.

What did she mean?

Why did she deliberately leave a s exy nightdress here after leaving the house?

Was this her trick? Was she hinting at him?

Tut. Such a lame trick.

Failing to find her photo, he went to the study and turned on his phone for news about Cecelia.

However, he found that he couldn't get any information.

It shouldn't be like this.

Several days ago, news about Cecelia attacking Mrs. Quinsey was reported. Why couldn't he search for it now?

He was just curious about her appearance, but why was he deprived of any chances to see her face?

Remington suddenly recalled that he once received a photo of Cecelia having dinner with a hunk and a video about Cecelia stabbing Sean in Grande Club. They were all sent by Camelia and were still stored in his phone.

He found his phone and opened the album. As expected, he found the photo and the video.

The photo was secretly shot in a restaurant from afar, so he could only vaguely see her side face.

The sun happened to shine on her hair, making her look like a goddess enveloped by a layer of light. She looked charming.

'Tek she's not as beautiful as I've imagined. Just an average girl. I

Chapter 124 The Ruthless, Mighty Remington Is Back

would just take her as a passer-by if she doesn't apply any make-up.' He thought to himself.

Remington didn't have a positive remark on Cecelia's side face.


He looked at the young man sitting opposite her and sneered. "I thought he was very handsome before. What's wrong with her taste? She should go to see an eye doctor."

He opened the black-and-white video. As the video was shot in a dim room, he couldn't see the scene clearly.

Moreover, from the images, he could only see a woman's back.

"Only her back is satisfactory."

Probably she was the kind of woman who had only a charming back yet an ugly appearance!

But she was very ferocious when she stabbed Sean, just like a female demon!

When Remington was studying Cecelia on his phone, Fredric walked into the study without his notice.

"Mr. Ingerwood, what are you looking at?"

His connotation was "Could you see it clearly?"

What was Remington looking at that his eyes had become crossed eyes?

Remington's hand shivered as he was started by Fredric. Not. wanting the latter to find out that he was looking at Cecelia, he put his phone down on the desk with the screen facing the desk. He pulled his collar awkwardly and asked, "What's the matter? Did anything happen to Andres?"""

"No. The private teaching is taking care of him."

Fredric continued, "Mr. Ingerwood, what I want to report is that Ronald secretly summoned a shareholders meeting which will be held today. I heard that he was ready to take over the president position officially.

"Oh? He's so impatient."

A hint of cold killing intent flashed across Remington's eyes.

When Fredric noticed it, he asked in surprise, "Mr. Ingerwood, your eyes... Are they recovered?"


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Chapter 124 The Ruthless, Mighty Remington Is Back


Right at this moment, Fredric could clearly feel that Remington's gaze was different from that he had when he lost his sight." Benjamin, who seemed to be able to kill a person with his gaze, was back. "Prepare a car for me."

Remington slowly stood up. His tall, slender figure gave others an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Looking indifferent, he didn't say anything else and just walked past Fredric and strode outside.


Fredric was very happy when he learned that Remington had regained his sight. Their unrivaled Mr. Nelson was finally back!

H ooray!

The door of the 100-square-meter luxurious cloakroom was opened.

An array of high-end, customized men's clothes came into his sight. There were arrays of men's shirts and pants.

They were so orderly as if it was a high-end store for luxurious men's clothes.

They were also various kinds of exquisite accessories.

Remington picked out a set of dark, handmade, vintage business suits.

He changed into the suit and stood before the full-length mirror. He looked tall and handsome.

The dark-purple striped necktie around his collar made his chin line. look more perfect.

He put on an expensive wristwatch and then tucked a pocket square of the same color into his poker.

Then he looked at his reflection in the mirror again. A fashionable hairstyle, outstanding features, and a noble aura... Those hunks. were never a match for him! What was wrong with Cecelia's taste? How could she say that he was not her type?

And she even said he was old!

Such bad taste!

Chapter 124 The Ruthless, Mighty Remington Is Back

Remington's exclusive car, a luxurious Rolls-Royce, was already waiting for him outside.

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When Fredric saw Remington who was wearing a pair of sunglasses walking out of the house, he respectfully opened the door to the backseats for him.

Remington got into the car and ordered, "Take my wheelchair with us. Inform Winger and Featheron to go to the Nelson Group. "Roger!"

Their ruthless, mighty Mr. Nelson was back!

Fredric was also excited at the thought that those people's demise. Remington would get back at them!

In the biggest meeting room of the Nelson Group...

All the shareholders were summoned here.

Standing in the center, Ronald was presiding over this revolutionary meeting.

Ronald didn't announce this unscheduled meeting to the public because he prepared to take control of the company first.

He believed that Remington wouldn't be able to change the result if everything was settled.

He didn't want to wait any longer.

"Shareholder, I summon you here to discuss some matters."

"I believe that you all know that my cousin, Remington Nelson, almost died in a car accident a month ago. He's now blind and c rippled and can't manage our company anymore." "He's in great pain now and I can understand him. I, as his cousin, must help him when he's in the most difficult time in his life. It's my duty to share his burden and help him solve the problems." "Therefore, today, we'll discuss a topic, which is, who should be the next president of the Nelson Group."

The shareholders burst into a heated discussion just as Ronald had finished his words.

The Nelson family had a large-scale property and its main part was Sierra International which was established domestically So far

Chapter 124 The Ruthless, Mighty Remington Is Back


Samuel, the eldest grandson of the Nelson family, was in charge of the overseas headquarters of Sierra International. And Anderson, the second grandson of the Nelson family, was in charge of the domestic headquarters.

However, the Nelson Group was not a part of the family's fortune as it was established by Remington alone.

Ronald wanted to take control of the Nelson Group. But wasn't it appropriate?

One of the shareholders, who had taken Ronald's side, stood up to express his attitude, "Everyone, I believe that you all heard that Mr. Remington Nelson almost died." "Even if he has survived, he's cr ippled and blind now. I'm afraid that he won't be able to manage the Nelson Group anymore."

"Therefore, I think the Nelson Group should be managed by a capable leader."

"And I think Mr. Ronald Nelson is the best candidate for this. What do you think of it?"

A shareholder doubted, "Excuse me, Mr. Ronald Nelson, have you discussed this with Mr. Remington Nelson before? Has he agreed to transfer the management right to you?" Ronald replied calmly, "I and my cousin get along well. His matters are also mine. He trusts me very much and is willing to let me take over the Nelson Group fully." When all the shareholders were considering his proposal, the doors. of the meeting room were kicked open.

Everyone looked toward the door at the same time and witnessed a group of bodyguards swarming into the meeting room and standing in an array to wait for their master.

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