Rowan looked at him for a long time with confusion in his eyes.

"I don't get what you're saying, Zephyr."

Zephyr smiled. "Mr. Irwin, you don't have to act oblivious. I don't know medicine, but I know my grandfather.

"To be honest, I've watched him take this tonic since I was young. He's been alright taking it for years. How could there be a problem now?

"Besides, Clark mentioned that he has recently been taking unusually much of this tonic. It used to be once every three days, but he'd more than like to have it thrice a day now. It's medicine, not some gourmet delicacy. Not to mention, he wouldn't have more than three bites even if he came across something delicious. Why has he lost control when it comes to this tonic?

Zephyr's gaze turned deep. "Mr. Irwin, there aren't just nourishing supplements in this tonic, right?"

Rowan looked at him quietly.

The kid was not stupid. He could see the problem at a glance.

It seemed that Cordelia would do fine marrying him. It would save her a lot of trouble being together with a smart man. Moreover, their children would not come out with too low of an IQ.

He wondered how adorable and cheeky a baby Cordelia would give birth to in the future... Not only would the baby be smart, but it would also inherit his parents' outstanding looks. Marvelous! The Irwins would have their heir too!

As Rowan thought about it, he slowly put on the loving smile of a father, and his gaze on Zephyr grew much gentler. He actually thought Zephyr looked easier on the eyes now!

Despite that, Zephyr had no idea about the drama going on in Rowan's mind. He only felt goosebumps rising from being looked at like that by Rowan.

"Mm, you're right." Rowan lowered his voice. "There's some other ingredient in the tonic, but I haven't found out what it is, so I can't bring it up lest it raises alarm."

Zephyr understood instantly and nodded.

"Don't worry. I'm not some angel, but I know what's right and wrong. Drugging an old man with slow poison is despicable."

Rowan took out a bottle containing small pills.

"This is a nourishing supplement too, specially manufactured by Irwin Pharmaceuticals. One pill can make one bowl of soup," he said softly. "Your grandfather's senior in age and has his mind set. It won't work to persuade him to stop taking the tonic. This supplement can replace that, and the color, smell, and taste don't differ much when it becomes soup. Let him drink this."

"Thank you, Mr. Irwin."

"Hamerton..." Rowan looked at him with a complex gaze and was hesitant to speak.

Zephyr knew what he wanted to say. He smiled. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of her."

Rowan was taken aback and was in a daze for some time.

Returning to Royal Manor, Cordelia took off the heels she had worn for the entire day once she stepped inside and threw herself on the couch.

If she had known that so many things would happen today, she would have worn a pair of flats so her calves would not feel like they were cramping now.

Zephyr took a seat next to her and naturally picked up her legs to put them on his lap and gently massage her.

"Mm, it feels so good!" Cordelia grinned.

The man stopped and smirked.

"There's something better in a while..."

Cordelia kept her guard up immediately and pulled back her feet.

"What are you going to do?"

"Why are you so nervous?" Zephyr asked innocently. "What I mean by something better is a foot massage. What are you thinking?" Cordelia was rendered speechless.

"Darling. Why are you blushing?" He looked at Cordelia with a smile.

Cordelia was exasperated and kicked him with both her feet.

Zephyr complained aloud, "You use domestic violence on me every time you can't argue over me!"

Jokes! When could she ever be stronger than him in strength?

Zephyr snuggled up to her with a cackle. "But I like you being violent with me... Do it more often!"

"Mm!" Cordelia feigned a straight face. "I'll learn well from Uncle Irwin from now on. I wonder where he needled your Uncle Matthew today..." Zephyr's eyes went round in fright. He did not know where the needle had poked in particular, but he had seen that it was around Matthew's hips.

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