Joe clinked glasses with them.

The doors opened at that moment, and the venue quieted abruptly. The chandelier on the hall's ceiling was the only one making a soft clicking noise. Cordelia was smiling as she walked toward Joe and Nelly.

Nelly's expression changed instantly. She was going to lash out, but Joe stopped her discreetly.

"Her status is unlike last time now. We'll still meet in the future. Hold it in!"

Nelly took a deep breath and looked at Cordelia coldly.

"Why didn't you tell me about such a joyous occasion today?" Cordelia smiled nonchalantly. "Ms. Tanner, do you still hold a grudge against me?"

"Very funny, Ms. Jenner. That usually happens when people are close. You and I don't seem to even be friends yet!"

"Oh... people who are close?" Cordelia smiled. "What a coincidence. I brought your best friend here today. It'd be best if you two could resolve any grudges you have in front of everyone!" "What did you say?" Nelly's heart dropped.

Joe stepped forward with narrowed eyes. "Ms. Jenner, this is an internal occasion of the Tanner Group. If you're here to congratulate us sincerely, we welcome you. But if you "

"Of course, I know that I have no right to intervene with the Tanner Group," Cordelia said seriously. "But it's unfortunate that I'm the person in charge of the western suburbs' project. I have to be careful about who I work with.

"Mr. Tanner, are you really handing the company over to Nelly?"

"Cordelia!" Nelly exploded. "Are you here to cause trouble? Don't try to oppress me with some person-in-charge status. You think I dare not call security to chase you out?"

As soon as she said that, two lines of people appeared at the door. Each person looked intimidating and held either a steel rod or a machine gun. Their black T-shirts had the word "Thompson" printed on the back.

The atmosphere in the hall turned grim and menacing right away.

Zephyr and Nicholas entered at the same time. The sound of their leather shoes clicking on the marble floor sounded like bullets being loaded into a gun.

Everyone was baffled and frozen.

A reporter with fast reflexes lifted his camera, but his camera was shattered with a shot before he could press the button!

"Apologies, media and press!" Nicholas said coldly, "Let a word about what happened today out, and you're against me, Nicholas Thompson. Think about the consequences on your own!" "You... You..." Joe panicked and turned pale. "What do you want?"

Zephyr went forward to sling an arm around Cordelia and smiled softly at her. His stern gaze then scanned across everyone and stopped on Joe and Nelly.

"I heard someone say to chase Cordelia out just now?" His voice was sarcastic. "Uncle Tanner, is it true?"

Joe's legs turned to jelly, and he stayed quiet.

"You probably have no idea what your daughter has done, huh?"

Zephyr smirked. His eyes were icy. "Doesn't matter. We'll tell you everything, one by one!"

Cordelia asked with a smile, "Zephyr, get Ms. Tanner's best friend here first. They might have some 'grudges' and need to resolve that face to face!"

Zephyr replied gently, "Sure, your wish is my command!"

Cordelia gave an eye signal, and someone instantly brought the person she wanted.

Nelly's heart thumped. Someone entered a while later. Her face was covered, and only two eyes were visible. Yet, that pair of eyes was enough to nearly pull a scream out of Nelly.

"Mona... You're Mona!?"

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