Clark asked politely, "Madam Baker, do we return to Zen Residence now?"

"Let's go."

"Mrs. Kate and Ms. Zennie are both there..."

Janine furrowed her brows but soon recovered an indifferent look.

It had been a long time since. She should let bygones be bygones.

She smiled and nodded at Clark before going into the car swiftly.

When she returned to Zen Residence, she saw two people on the couch the moment she stepped into the living room.

Zennie got up hurriedly and timidly greeted her. "Hi, Madam Baker..."

Janine was indifferent and shifted her gaze to Kate. The latter put down her cup of coffee and got up to welcome her with a smile. "Janine, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time, for sure." Janine scanned her up and down. "The last time we met was during my divorce with Henry, wasn't it?"

Kate's smile froze. It took a while for her to say, "Janine, actually... Well, I didn't know Henry was in the midst of a divorce with you when I met him.

"I'm straightforward, so I speak what I have in mind." Kate coughed and said, "If I knew he wasn't divorced back then, I'd never date him! But Henry didn't tell me anything and made me carry the blame for so many years!"

"Yeah." Janine clenched her jaw and said in a low tone, "That's why anyone who marries the useless man is unlucky!"

"Oh goodness, Janine!" Kate was thrilled. "We finally came to an agreement on something!"

Zennie smiled awkwardly and gave her mother a look.

"Oh, right, right..." Kate pulled herself back. "I'm here for you today because of a formal matter. Well, Zephyr has someone he likes, and her name's—"

"Ms. Jenner, right?" Janine cut in. "I've met her!"

"What?" Kate widened her eyes.

"Hah, that woman is pretentious, hypocritical, and has no shame!" Janine fumed at the mention. "What's gotten into Zephyr's head that he's bewitched by a woman like this!?"

Kate was at a loss for words. She was bewildered.

She asked, "Janine, i-is the one you met Cordelia Jenner? Are you sure?"

"Yes! A Jenner!" Janine glared at her. "Kate Cloud, do you think I'm old and can't recognize somebody?

"Hah, must be the case when you were younger, or you wouldn't have married Henry!"

"You..." Janine actually had no comeback for that.

"Sigh, it's not time for us to debate our grudges now! Did you really meet Cordelia?"

"How many Jenners do you think there are in the Hamertons?"

Kate's frown was locked deep as she exchanged a glance with Zennie.

They did not know that Yelena was at Yale's, so they found the entire situation odd.

Kate looked at her. "To be honest, Janine, I've met Ms. Jenner too. I like her a lot! I believe that you'll like her too if you see her!"

"Or you were deceived by her too?" Janine snickered. "Right, you dared marry Henry Hamerton. What do you know about distinguishing people?" "You..." Kate pointed a finger at her, biting her lips.

Janine stretched and flashed her a grin before she padded upstairs for a nap.

Kate pulled her phone out once she left Zen Residence.

"Hello, Zephyr... Your mom said she met Ms. Jenner already, and she doesn't like her, and... she said a lot of awful things. Is there a misunderstanding?"

@mayap commented wanting me to post 20 chapters/day. Therefore, I will respond to your request for this Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for supporting this series <3

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