Cordelia frowned. Before she could say anything, she saw the assistant putting on another face.

"Hello, Mr. Findlay!" The assistant hurried out from the reception to welcome the man with all smiles. "What got you here today? Hahaha!"

The shrill laugh did not sit well with Cordelia.

The assistant had basically jogged over to welcome that reporter, and Cordelia took a glance. The guy was a famous senior in the industry who was well-connected with plenty of celebrities and big names. "Come, welcome!" the assistant said with a chuckle. It was worth wondering whether she did it on purpose-when she went past Cordelia, she knocked her with her shoulder harshly.

"You're finally here, Mr. Findlay. You have no idea. Some small reporters always overestimate themselves, coming here and causing problems! Hah, thank goodness Neil is free today. He's all ready for your exclusive interview!

"You write so incredibly. Which of your pieces doesn't go viral each time? Haha!"

Both of them went in, leaving Cordelia, who stood outside with her hands clenched into fists.

Zephyr went up to hold her hand and smiled softly. "Let's go."

Cordelia went out with him. She was in a bad mood and hung her head.

When they got to the milk tea parlor by the street, Zephyr asked, "Boba and grass jelly, which do you like?"

"Huh?" Cordelia looked up and met the man's tender smile.

The first day after getting married back in Jangasas, she had asked him the same question when she bought milk tea.

She grinned and pointed at the caramel bubble tea, emphasizing that she wanted it iced. She needed something cold right now to cool the rage in her.

Zephyr nodded and went to buy the drinks with an indifferent look. When he came back, Cordelia realized that her milk tea was hot...


"No cold drinks." Zephyr looked at her.

Cordelia was stumped. Wasn't she fine?

"Whenever it is, no cold drinks." Zephyr held her hand. "Seth said that you're weak and should always keep yourself warm. So no more iced drinks, you hear me?" "But..." Cordelia pouted.

Despite that, she knew that it was no use acting cute or throwing a fit. The man was resolute once he got stern.

She sighed and slumped on the table miserably.

Zephyr rubbed her hair with an adoring look.

"You know how fierce his assistant is now?" Cordelia said softly, "I heard Neil's famous for being social and nice to his fans, but he has people like this working behind him! His future is worrisome..." She was obviously just lamenting, but Zephyr felt a different way as he listened. His gaze dimmed, and he asked in a low tone, "You're worried about him?"

Cordelia bit the straw in surprise. "No?"

He made a low hum in reply. It did not quite make sense for him to be jealous about this... He typed on his phone in silence.

A middle-aged man came in a while later and stood by the table respectfully. He nodded with a light smile.

"Mr. Zephyr!"

Cordelia was astonished while Zephyr said with a smile, "This is Mr. Smith from Wattz Media. He's currently in charge of the company's entertainment business."

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