Zephyr held onto Cordelia's hand. Despite how tall he was, he lowered his head and grinned, staring at her. "Cordelia, see, it's so late now..." "Uh huh, so?"

"So, can I not leave?" He negotiated. "It's so dark, and it's dangerous on the road. Are you not worried that I'm going back alone?"

A giggle escaped Cordelia, and she laughed heartily.

She pushed him toward the exit, but the man was tall and well-built. She used up all her strength and still could not move him. Because she had exerted so much force, she lost her balance and actually fell right into his arms.

Zephyr tightened his arms around her waist, seizing the opportunity. His other hand went from her back to her neck and gently pinned the back of her head.

Cordelia could not help but meet his eyes, taking in their burning desire. Her heart skipped a beat, and she blushed. She averted her gaze elsewhere.

"D-Don't be like this." She gave his chest a nudge and felt warm.

They were outside, after all, so Zephyr did his best to restrain his wandering fantasy.

"Cordelia." His voice was husky. He helped her stand properly. "I won't push you if you're reluctant. But... can you give me a little encouragement from time to time? At least let me feel that you care about me." Cordelia pressed her lips together and stayed silent with her eyes cast down.

Zephyr took a deep breath and smiled at her, stroking her hair.

"Don't worry." He went back to talking about Carter. "Carter's case isn't something serious. I'll give him the justice he deserves after investigating it."

Cordelia looked up with a complex gaze. After some time, she said slowly, "It's my first time running into something like this, and I panicked a little. But the only way I could think of was to take advantage of my job and publicize this matter.

"But I considered it later, and it might backfire instead if I did do it."

"Mm." Zephyr nodded. He knew that she was smart. Out of curiosity, though, he asked, "Why would it backfire?"

"The University of Centrolis is an established organization. It does Carter no good making the matter go viral. People might not believe us and slander us instead!"

"You're right." Zephyr smiled. "It's best not to act recklessly when the disparity of strength is too much."

"But you settled it in a few words." Cordelia chuckled wryly. "I still have to rely on you ultimately..."

Zephyr held her hand and hugged her gently again. As her face was pressed against his chest, she was engulfed in a sense of security upon hearing the familiar heartbeat.

The man rubbed her hair, his voice low and gentle. "You're already doing great. You live well even without relying on me.

"As for this case..." He said, "Carter's my younger brother too. I can't just sit and watch him being wronged. Naturally, I have to do what I can to help him."

Cordelia beamed and snuggled deeper into his embrace.

She knew that it was her fragile ego that was messing with her. She kept feeling inferior from time to time before him. She also knew that it was not nice of her. This man had been doting on her, protecting her, and loving her. It was petty of her to act like this.

Cordelia took the initiative to wrap her arms around his waist, saying softly, "Thank you."

Zephyr smiled in contentment. Hugging her like this was like he had gotten the whole world.

Suddenly, two beams of light flashed on them before the sound of a car stopping echoed. Both of them froze as they watched a red Porsche stop in front of them.

Zephyr's face fell, and he unconsciously tucked Cordelia behind him.

When the car door opened, the first thing to greet them was a pair of stilettos covered with diamonds. Cordelia trailed her gaze up and saw a gorgeous face walking toward them with a smile.

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