Xyla was pale as she trembled. Her eyes were slightly red as she stared at William like she had seen a ghost.

He had indeed taken her in back then, but he had also destroyed her! He had made her think that Cordelia was his daughter, and she nearly did not want her! Memories from years ago rushed into Xyla's mind like a tidal wave. The past pain and darkness were wounds and scars she no longer wanted to revisit in this life.

"Are you still thinking about that man?" William snickered. "He's long gotten married with children! He didn't want you a long time ago! He took over the Irwins and used you to achieve his goal, then kicked you to the side!"

"Enough!" Xyla screamed, covering her ears.

"I'm the only one in this world who's nice to you!" William's face was twisted. "Xyla Irwin! The Jenner Group's exploring a new market. If this medicine is successfully developed, then-" "Impossible!" growled Xyla. "Don't even think about it! I've destroyed it. It's not with me now. You aren't the only one who won't have it. Nobody from the Irwins can dream about getting it!"


William raised his hand, but Cordelia rushed up to stop him.

"This is none of your business. Move aside!"

"I don't know what you guys are talking about, but please stop triggering my mom!" Cordelia was fearless. "This is my home. I'll call the police if you don't leave right now!" "Cordelia, you-"

"Dad!" Yelena instigated, "Stop asking this crazy woman. What you want to find must still be in this house. Let's search for it ourselves!"

William paused and nodded.

Cordelia was not expecting them to be so shameless and fought Yelena, only for William to grab her wrist and shove her aside. Losing her balance, she slammed against the wall. She got up despite the pain and frantically looked for her phone to call the police when the doorbell rang...

She could not hold back her tears the moment she saw Zephyr.

"What's going on?" Zephyr entered and saw the mess in the house.

William and Yelena were ransacking the place, while Xyla was in a corner with a pale face.

He was instantly enraged.

"What are you doing!?"

William snorted. "Marcus, don't poke your nose into this! I'm just taking what belongs to me today!"

"It's not his!" Cordelia bit her lips. "It's my mom's!"

Zephyr's expression was stern and brutal when he looked at William. The latter was going to keep rummaging when Yelena suddenly tugged his sleeve and gave him a look. "What's the matter, Yelena?"

"Dad..." Yelena gulped and was hesitant to speak.

"You're scared of him?" William's gaze was disdainful. "Hah, what's there to be scared of a thug?

"Brat, don't think that you can put up a front before me just because you Grists were close to us in the past! The Grists have long gone down!"

"That has nothing to do with me," Zephyr said coldly. "But as long as I'm here today, I won't let you lay a finger on this house!"

William squinted. "How dare you fight me..."

Zephyr smirked and stepped forward. His eyes were on William, but his hands flew out to choke Yelena on the side.

William was horrified.

In an instant, Zephyr crashed Yelena against the wall holding her neck. Yelena's face was turning blue as her breathing grew labored, and she could not get a word out despite her gaping mouth. "M-Marcus!" William panicked. "What do you want?"

"I just want to tell you." Zephyr took his time, his gaze sharp like a blade. "Lay a finger on this family again, and I'll choke her to death right away.

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