Marcus looked alarmed and gripped the dagger he hid in his sleeve.

Matthew had told him before he came that he should act fast and speak less, so others would not notice anything.

This woman did not seem easy to handle. Moreover, he had to drag her to some deserted area to kill her. It would be rather dumb to kill her in the cafe.

Marcus could not help looking at Cordelia again. This was her, the wife Zephyr had married in place of him!

He did not expect Zephyr to have settled his marriage for him when he was roaming the streets with a finger chopped.

He narrowed his eyes. Cordelia was pretty. It was a pity to kill her. At least, he should enjoy his time with her first.

Marcus cracked a grin. A wash of evil gleamed in his eyes.

He coughed to cover it while Cordelia quickly poured him some water and asked him to sit and wait. She put on the apron with ease and started to cook.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the man fidgeting on the chair. He looked around with a strange expression, studying even a small coffee cup.

This was a heaven-and-earth difference from the Marcus she knew.

Cordelia paused what she was doing and saw the box of fennel seeds on the side. Without much thought, she grabbed some and sprinkled them over the baked chicken rice she had just made. "Darling, the food's ready." She served it with a smile.

Marcus was startled and nearly dropped the cup with his hand. While he extended a hand to steady the cup, Cordelia noticed the finger cot over his left pinky.

She was astonished. "Darling, what happened to your hand? Did you get hurt!?"

Marcus snapped his head up to glare at her.

Cordelia froze. She had never seen such a ferocious gaze.

"Honey, you..."

"I'm fine." Marcus lowered his head and picked up the spoon with his left hand out of habit before stuffing a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

He ate noisily and spat whatever he did not like on the floor.

What rang a siren in Cordelia was that he did not mind the taste of the fennel seeds! Her husband hated them!

Feeling chills on her back and beads of cold sweat on her palms, Cordelia kept her eyes on him as she slowly inched back.

Marcus finished the baked rice swiftly and wiped his mouth in satisfaction. Cordelia went over to clean up. As he watched her slim figure busy about, he smirked.

"D-Do you want coffee?" Cordelia was unnerved when she met his gaze.

Marcus licked his lips and swiped the corner of his lips with his thumb. He wore an evil smirk.

"Never mind coffee. It's bitter. I've never gotten used to it!"

Cordelia sucked in a cold breath.

Her mind flashed with the person she had met on the beach when she stayed at the hot spring hotel in Centrolis...

The man closed in on her and suddenly pulled out a dagger. The savage glint in his eyes weaved in with the icy gleam of the dagger!

Cordelia screamed and ran for the door instinctively, but her hair was grabbed, and she was dragged back.

"No... Help!

"Honey, save me! Marcus, save me!"

Marcus cackled and threw her to the side.

Cordelia's forehead knocked the bar, and she bled.

Marcus took the opportunity to lock the cafe's door.

Cordelia endured the pain and forced herself to stay conscious. She saw the man slowly walk over to her like a demon. His leather boots on the wooden floor sounded like death knocking. "Hah, stop crying." He smiled. "I am Marcus!"

There was a buzz in Cordelia's ears as she widened her eyes in disbelief.

"You wouldn't not know who you married, huh?" Marcus drew the dagger against her neck. "Hah, I'm your husband. You're my wife!"

"No, no!"

Cordelia's heart shattered. The despair felt like she had stepped into an abyss.

"I know you might be upset when I say this, but I'm your husband!" Marcus snickered. "Don't worry, I'll do it fast, so your death's easier since we're husband and wife!"

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