"Uh, I didn't want to come. Josiah insisted!" Frederic quickly claimed his innocence.

Zephyr glanced at Josiah darkly.

"No, Z, I..."

"You didn't just want to come. You said you wanted to go for a drive in Z's new car!"

"Fredric!" Josiah could not even win the argument.

Zephyr asked sternly, "Didn't I ask you not to hang around here? What if Cordelia sees you!?"


Josiah was close to tears while Frederic tried to hold back his chuckle.

"Never mind, Z. He hasn't been the brightest since we were young. Don't get petty with him!"

Josiah was rendered speechless.

"Right, your new car's beautiful!" Frederic grinned like a sly old fox. "Cordelia picked it?"

It was only then Zephyr showed a hint of a smile.

Frederic continued. "Cordelia has good taste. Z, your cars weren't too practical in the past. This car's specs and model, its color especially, match you very well!" Josiah immediately loathed Frederic.

In spite of it, Zephyr was in a good mood and even suggested driving them around.

Frederic came to the main point then. "There's something that we come to you for... Let's talk somewhere quiet."

Zephyr nodded and went back to the cafe to get the car key from Cordelia.

"You're going out?"

"Mm... Going for a drive with my friends." Zephyr chuckled.

Zennie was in the shop, guarding the oven like a greedy kitten. She immediately understood that those two guys were here for her brother.

Cordelia passed him the key and asked casually, "What friends?"

"Just..." Zephyr gave it a thought. "Ex-prison mates!"

Zennie nearly spat out her coffee.

"Ex-prison mates?" Cordelia paused. "The one who called to borrow money from you last time?"


"Darling, didn't you say you don't want to keep in touch with them anymore?"

Zennie looked at Zephyr in amusement and anticipation of how he was getting himself out of this.

As expected of her brother, though, he said directly, "They corrected themselves pretty well. They turned a new leaf now. I think I can give them a chance." Zennie choked and coughed.

Cordelia quickly passed her a napkin and patted her back, not really concerned with what Zephyr said.

Nicholas could right himself too, so those people should be fine. Besides, she always believed that her husband would not see things wrong!

"Alright, go on out!" Cordelia smiled. "I'll watch over the cafe!"

Zephyr went out with the car key. Zennie looked at his back, then at Cordelia, and asked softly, "You trust him so much?"

"Huh?" Cordelia did not quite catch it as she made Zennie another iced latte.

"Those friends of his were inmates. They've been in prison!"

Cordelia's smile froze, but her gentle gaze remained. She looked at Zennie tenderly. "He took the wrong path before he met me, but he's never done anything wrong since we got together. "The most important thing for a husband and wife is to trust each other. I know Marcus, and I believe him 100%. He won't do it again."

"Cordelia." Zennie was moved. "What if he does lie to you one day?"

"That's not possible! He promised me that he won't keep anything from me."

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