Cordelia looked at her in confusion but closed the door as instructed.

As Xyla sat on the chair, her gaze was fixed somewhere outside the window without any focus. Her expression was heavy and sorrowful.

"Mom..." Cordelia crouched down in front of her.

"Cordelia." Xyla snapped out of her trance after some time and slowly turned to the box in the corner. "Bring that over."

Cordelia was stunned, and her heart drummed anxiously.

She did what she was told. The wooden box was not heavy, and she could lift it with a hand. The carving on it was intricate and discreet, looking unique.

When Cordelia was young, she was curious about the box too, but Xyla had forbidden her from touching it, so she suppressed that curiosity.

This was actually her first time being this close to the box.

There was a vintage copper lock on the box that could barely be seen nowadays.

Xyla sounded a little aggrieved. "Cordelia, I'm not a good mother. I've been a burden to you. I wasn't even able to witness you getting married.

"Take this box back. Consider it your wedding gift from me.

"But... don't open it if nothing calls for it. Can you remember?"

Cordelia froze in bewilderment.

Was there some kind of secret in this box? The lock looked sturdy and would not give easily, but Xyla had never mentioned the key.

Her mother was giving her this box, but not the key-and she did not say what was in it either... What was the meaning of this?

Cordelia wanted to ask, but Xyla looked tired as she lay down on the bed.

"Go on out." Her back was against Cordelia. "I'd like to get more rest."

Cordelia bit her lips.

The doctor had said that her mother must not be shocked with this illness. Cordelia subconsciously thought that the box was something that would shock her as well.

She pressed down the confusion-no matter how many questions she had-and softly closed the door.

Cordelia brought the box home and kept it in the same cabinet as the jewelry box. She looked at it for a long time and sighed. The moment she closed the cabinet door, though, she suddenly felt that the retro carving on the box felt familiar-like she had seen it somewhere but could not remember it.

She lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It felt like she was in a maze where she could not see the exit. Her mind was chaotic.

Robert was booking the return trip flight ticket for Zephyr and showed him a few selected times, but he rejected them impatiently.

Robert was at a loss. This was the first time he had encountered something like this. Ultimately, he asked the great lawyer, Frederic, for help.

Great lawyers had eyes for details. Frederic immediately saw the issue and circled the earliest red-eye flight with a chuckle.

Robert was so surprised that words escaped him.

"Sir hated midnight flights like this the most in the past!"

"He'll like them very much now."

"But... first class is sold out on this flight."

"Book him economy then. The kind where three people are squeezed together on the same row!"

Robert broke out in a cold sweat.

"You won't be wrong listening to me!" Frederic was experienced. "Even if you ask him to go back hanging on the plane now, he'll be happy to!"

As expected, the red-eye economy flight was booked, and Zephyr boarded punctually with his luggage through the night.

It was 3:00 a.m. when he arrived in Jangasas, and he rushed home eagerly.

However, the moment he stepped inside, he was almost tripped by a pair of man's sneakers.

Zephyr was astonished. The pair of shoes did not belong to him.

He slowly padded inside and heard a man snoring!? The house was not big, so he got to the living room in a few steps and discovered someone on the couch...


Zephyr slowly relaxed his raised fist.

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