Morpheus held Persephone's small hand tightly all the way. The evening breeze carried a hint of moisture, shrouding her mind like a mist.

Upon returning home, Morpheus dove straight into the kitchen.

Persephone peeked, catching sight of his broad back and busy demeanor. A wave of complexity washed over her. She had cooled down by now, and the sequence of events threaded together like beads in her mind.

Someone aimed to harm her, plotting her demise, with even those privy to her whereabouts beforehand tampering with the ship...

And how could this person, unless intimately familiar with her, know so much?

Persephone's heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, a fog clouded her vision, making it hard to discern her surroundings.

"Here, try this." Morpheus emerged from the kitchen in no time, presenting a small bowl of rose jelly.

The jelly, sprinkled with raisins and crushed peanuts, revealed beautiful rose petals beneath its crystal-clear surface. She was surprised, meeting his gaze.

"I haven't made this much. Still getting the hang of it," he said softly. "The jelly should have chilled longer. It would've been even tastier with condensed milk, but unfortunately, we don't have any at home." Persephone sat motionless on the couch.

Thinking she might be frightened, Morpheus sat beside her and gently encircled her shoulders. His presence always brought her comfort, but she felt an impulse to push him away this time as she recalled her suspicions earlier.

"If you don't feel like eating, you can rest. I'll put everything in the fridge."

"Morpheus..." She bit her lip, intending to voice her doubts, but the words morphed at the tip of her tongue. "Do you want me to stay?"

Morpheus was startled, not comprehending where her words came from. He softly caressed her hair. "I only hope you'll be okay."

Persephone's heart jolted as she leaned against his shoulder, gently closing her eyes. She had a long dream, sometimes vivid and colorful, at other times a chaotic battlefield. As she frantically searched for someone, he emerged from a pile of bodies, drenched in blood...

Persephone abruptly woke up, panting heavily. Only then did she notice the bright sky. The morning sunlight streamed into the room, accompanied by the chirping of birds outside.

Everything seemed calm as if the explosion from last night hadn't occurred.

She shook her head, got up, and walked out of the room.

Morpheus had just brought breakfast when urgent knocking interrupted.

Morpheus' previously tender gaze turned cautious. He approached the door and peered through the peephole, seeming hesitant for a moment before finally opening it.

"Seamus?" Persephone hurried over, almost embracing him. "Are you okay after last night? I thought you were still at the police station, and you..."

"I'm fine." Seamus' voice was low, and he smiled at her. He never wanted to burden her with negativity.

Seamus glanced at Morpheus. "Mr. Orton... His friend from the police station let me leave."

Persephone was momentarily stunned.

Seamus summarized briefly, ignoring Morpheus' presence, "Persephone, I've investigated. The ship explosion... It's related to our people. There's a mole among us who planted the bomb on the ship. Luckily, we were delayed ashore. Otherwise, it would have been catastrophic!"

"What?!" Persephone was shocked, unable to speak for a while.

A mole-meaning the bodyguards traveling with them were involved!

"So, when we arrived in Flinge and the syndicate ambushed you, it was connected to this person, right?" She quickly connected the dots.

Seamus nodded.

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