Cordelia was worried about Linda staying in the hospital alone. When she visited, she saw the latter feeding Nicholas.

The girl who had always been carefree and casual about people and things blew on each spoonful of soup carefully, afraid that it would burn Nicholas.

As for the man on the bed who looked like he could not take care of himself, who would have thought that he was up and active in physiotherapy just two days ago?

Cordelia chuckled and suddenly thought of her husband.

The man was unfriendly to outsiders, only steps away from writing "Approach with caution" on his face. However, he was glued to her once he saw her and could not be driven away. He would go darling this and honey that, that the birds on the trees were less noisy than him.

"You're here." A familiar voice came from behind her.

Cordelia turned back to see Seth walking over. He glanced at the hospital ward, and his expression dimmed for a moment. It was only briefly before a warm smile was back on his face.

"Mr. Thompson's recovering well," he said softly. "His stitches can be removed in two days."

"Seth, thank you." Cordelia was embarrassed. She had wanted to pair Linda up with him only for...

"Nothing to thank me about!" Seth chortled. "I'm a doctor. It's my duty to save lives and treat the injured!"

"You're a great doctor." She knew that the compliment barely meant anything, but she genuinely did not know what to say other than that.

The man had personally treated his love rival and sent the girl he liked to the latter, yet no one was able to treat his wound. Seth's situation was heartbreaking.

"Actually, I hope Linda gets together with the person she likes too." Seth smiled and looked inside the ward again, his gaze longing.

"I can see it." His voice was low-toned. "She only smiles genuinely when she's with Nicholas."

"Seth..." Cordelia had mixed feelings. "The heavens won't be unfair to you when you're so nice!"

"Heh, I've never thought that God's unfair to me!" Seth's smile was open and forward. "I had a smooth-sailing life growing up. My family isn't the richest, but I never had to worry about making ends meet. They supported me till I finished studying medicine too. Now that I'm a doctor and have my own clinic, to be honest, I think I win in life!

"I appreciate all that I have now." Seth looked at her. "All of you included."

Cordelia felt like something was stuck in her throat, and she failed to speak for some time.

"If you have the chance, tell Linda for me that there's nothing to be awkward about when she sees me. We're still friends! I'll do my best when you need my help."

"Mm!" Cordelia nodded.

"I actually think that God must have a reason for making me meet all of you," Seth said with a smile. "See, I treated Marcus and got you two together. Then I treated Nicholas and got both of them together... I'm afraid I can't leave this duty as a matchmaking doctor so soon!"

Cordelia giggled at his words. Both of them walked some distance together before Seth waved her goodbye.

"Oh, yeah." He turned around before he left. "I've been kind of busy these days, so I didn't get to follow up on your report. I'll give you the results one of these days!"

"It's no hurry."

"No way! I think Marcus is dying to know!" Seth said with a chuckle, "It's no problem. Just be careful these few days. When the report's out, I'll get a professional ob-gyn doctor to tell you what you need to look out for."

Cordelia went home after thanking him. As soon as she went in, she heard noises.

Zephyr's shoes were scattered at the door, unlike how he usually placed them neatly.

Puzzled, Cordelia went in with light steps. The closer she got to their bedroom, the louder the noises were. She pushed the door open.

Zephyr froze in shock, a wash of panic flashing in his eyes.

"You..." Cordelia was bewildered. "What are you doing?"

She saw the man crouching on the floor as he rummaged through the room. A few drawers were pulled open. He held two certificates tight in his hand.

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