Yelena bit her lips and did her best to turn away with her hair down to prevent Nicholas from seeing her face.

"No need," she answered. "I'll consider myself unlucky today to have run into two losers!"

"What did you say?" Once Linda raised her voice, Yelena shrunk into herself right away.

As she walked out, staying close to the wall, she growled, "Cordelia, just you wait! Watch your pathetic shop every day if you can, or I'll crash it one day!"

Linda was going to dash forward, but Cordelia clutched her hand.

"Forget it." Nicholas picked up a fallen chair to sit down and picked on his sleeves leisurely. He looked at both girls with a small smile. "Are you going to bite the dog back when it bites you?" "None of your business!" Linda vented on him.

The yell went straight to Nicholas' heart. He was dazed, as it was like he went back to his youth. The feisty and willful girl by his side would yell at him like this too-and he liked it. He grinned at her no matter how ridiculous she was with him.

He had never smiled like that since he went to prison.

Despite that, as he looked at her tonight-her red face from anger and her going all out for her friend-he suddenly felt like smiling again.

Nicholas smiled. "Miss, this isn't nice. The most important quality of a girl is being gentle and docile. Which man would dare take you when you're berserk like this?

"Learn from your friend. Look at how she treats her husband!"

Linda snapped her face to him, meeting his eyes with a cold gaze.

She used the same tone and spoke clearly. "Mister, the most important quality to a man is being wise with his words. Which woman would dare stay by a man when he goes back and forth with his promise? "Learn from your prison mate and see how he treats his wife!"

Nicholas' gaze darkened a little.

"Linda Quimby, are you teaching me how to conduct myself?"

"Oh, wow!" Linda scoffed. "You finally remember my name!"

Nicholas' expression grew grimmer, and the cafe felt as if it was sucked into a vacuum. It was distressingly quiet.

"Uh... Why don't you two have a seat?" Cordelia's voice was low. "I'll make you coffee..."

"No need!" Both of them replied in unison.

Caught in the middle, Cordelia could only nod awkwardly.

Linda asked Cordelia to lock up the cafe. She would go home with her to discuss how they would solve the current predicament. Nicholas knew that she was chasing him out and got up on his own. He strode into the night and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The scenery outside the car flew past swiftly. The dusk had colored the earth red and golden.

Nicholas stroked his chin with a frown, millions of thoughts racing in his head.

"N, what's the matter?" his underling asked in concern.

"Nothing." Nicholas paused and asked, "That girl in the cafe just now..."

"You mean the Jenner heiress?"

"You know her?"

His underling smiled. "N, that's the one always drinking at Euforia!"

Nicholas paused.

Euforia was a gray-area business and also the hottest club under him. Many heirs and heiresses in Jangasas frequented the place, taking it as a venting channel for their feelings. He did not expect Yelena to be one of them.

The spoiled heiress, who was competitive and egoistical, would get sh*tfaced drunk in Euforia every time she was upset.

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