Chapter 35 


Taking a deep breath, I looked at him, waiting for him to speak about why he was here. “Close the door,” he ordered. 

“No. It’s fine.” I said, not wanting history to repeat itself. 

“Trust me, darling. You won’t like others to hear what I’m going to tell you and show you.” 

“Too bad. I don’t trust you at all.” 

“Fine. Remember that you chose this on your own. He smirked before asking something, because of which my b*dy froze: “What is going on between you and Eze?” He was right. It was something that I didn’t want others to hear about, but I didn’t react by running towards the door to close it or giving him any expression to show how correct he was. 

“You were the one who left the mansion that night and killed that Siren with your dagger. And my so-called brother was the one whom you were k*ssing like no tomorrow in that picture,” he said, to which I gave him a bored look. “Don’t act confident, Brielle. Eze himself told me about it.” 

“Fine. Act like a mighty goddess, and I will bring you down. You will be begging.” 

“Go ahead. Do that. Even I want to see how low you can stoop, Tristan,” I said, cutting him in between with a poker face. All the blame that Raya and Jade were trying to put on my head was their trap, but the information that he had was correct. 

And I was sure that there wasn’t a way to escape from this because, deep down, even I would be aware that I was wrong in this situation. He kept staring at me without saying anything. He didn’t even look pissed. I was waiting for him to do something, anything, but he did. 

Instead, he left the room. I wondered what kind of papers he had in his hand. What else was he going to say when I cut him in half 

I was positive that Ezekiel would have also gotten this news by now because the warriors of the mansion were under his control. 

From what I learned from Rory, Ezekiel had physical strength, while Tristan had financial strength. 

Long story short. Tristan Deacon was the richest personality in our world, while Ezekiel Deacon was the most powerful person in our world. 

Closing the door. I lay on the bed, scared and worried for my future as well as the bond between the brothers, which I didn’t want to be ruined because of me. Either Tristan knew about us or he had suspicions. 

At night, Ezekiel didn’t visit me, and I couldn’t wait for the next morning, but every hour was dragged extremely slowly. 

Finally, after the torture of seven hours, I finally saw him at the time of breakfast. As usual, he had an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude on his face, but I was dying to know what the plan was for tomorrow. If not, then I might get married to Tristan, or he would punish me publicly by revealing the truth. 

Only Moon Goddess knew what was going on in his mind because no one could guess what his next move was. 

“You received more than six proposals yesterday. Have you decided to whom you want to get married?” Luna Opal asked, looking at Ezekiel, who thought about eating his breakfast. I kept myself from reacting when I saw Tristan’s eyes on me. 

“Not now, Mom,” 

“Then when? You can’t now give an excuse for your older brother being unmarried. All those she-lycans are beautiful and strong. I’m positive that she will give you a strong heir,” Luna Opal tried to convince him. 

“This. if you are free, then can you check whether they are strong enough to handle your dick or not?” Ezekiel asked, inaking my eyes go wide. I looked around, and they looked normal with it. So, I looked at Zera for this answer. 

*They are taught to share everything so that they won’t rip each other if the Moon Goddess blesses them with one mate,” she sand and winked at me while my jaw dropped. I wanted to ask more about it, but I couldn’t mind link her, and whispering at that moment meant everyone could hear. 

“I’m not free for now. But let’s wait for tomorrow. I’m sure by the end of my second wedding you will have at least fifteen. proposals “Tristan chuckled. “We can check them together.” 


Really? Out of all the ways, they came up with this way to reject the proposal by checking whether the p**sycats of those women could handle them or not. 

“So you want to know how my brothers fuck any woman? Really? Do you forget that you’re asking this question to their sister? How the hell will I be knocking on this?” Zera mocked me. 

“No. I didn’t mean that. I mean, how can they share any women?” I questioned. 

“Well, to know the answer to that question, you need to ask them to fuck you at once. My eyes widened like a soccer. “Relax, girl. I was kidding. I know you will die.” she chuckled. 

“Until now, they haven’t taken any women at the same time. First Tristan, and then Ezekiel. That’s how they share together.” 

“But those females aren’t even their mates,” I pointed out. Then don’t they want to have S** with two males? Don’t they feel like a whore” 

“Not everyone has a Nobel like you. Bri. Most of them are power-hungry, and hoping to get any of the brothers into their clutch is like a dream for them, even if they had to become a whore to reach that position. What do you think that Raya has only slept with Tristan? Nope, even Ezekiel has fucked her in the past” 

I excused myself from hearing this. I was well aware of my friend’s past, but hearing those things was disgusting for me. I wondered whether Ezekiel had planned to share me too. He had never shared that thought with me yet, but what if his thoughts might change in the future? 

I was walking towards my room, thinking all these things, and watching an omega walk towards me with a tray in her hand. 

Before I could understand anything, a warm liquid came flying at my face, making me scream in pain. I touched my face to wipe whatever was only to be pushed from the iron grill of the corridor. Thankfully, I grabbed the grill tightly, knowing I was hanging from the fifth floor. 

“Help…” I screamed, trying to open my burning eyes while my hands started to sl*p from the iron grill I sensed something coming in my direction with the change in the air, so I let go of the grill, screaming like a witch. 

Whoever planned my murder had an intelligent and evil mind. I must admit that before dying 

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