Chapter 33 


This is my wedding with Raya, but Brielle stole the show. As much as I wanted to complain about it, I couldn’t stop myself from admiring her as well. 

f**k! She looked breathtaking. 

I laughed mentally after losing to her. I wondered what I was thinking before insulting her. She turned the table. I wanted to replace my bride after watching her dress like a bride. 

But I had already announced my decision to marry Raya. I just couldn’t back away from that fact. I couldn’t show others that Brielle was affecting me to this extent. 

She proved that she was both a b*tch and a boss if you messed up with her. 

I didn’t miss the fact that I wasn’t the only one who was admiring her. Most of the guests’ eyes were on her. Both mated and unmated males, including females, Someone was glaring at her for snatching her mate’s attention, while others wanted to look that confident and beautiful. 

I didn’t need the power to read the minds of males because, the way they were looking at her, it looked like they wanted to discover what she was hiding beneath her f**king S**y gown. 

Not only that, even my own brother couldn’t control himself from checking her out. Though he tried to hide it well, he failed to do so. 

To be honest. I was glad to see a reaction from him because he wouldn’t have looked at Brielle at all, and then I might have doubted that someone was wrong with his dick. 

With a heavy heart, I married Raya; that was a different thing that I didn’t even care to hear about the vows that were recited because, throughout the time, my mind was on Brielle. 

The plan was to hurt and insult her, but instead, I was the one who was in pain because she just didn’t care whether I married Raya or someone else. She had made her statement loud and clear by attending this wedding and enjoying it instead of sucking somewhere in the corner. 

She was a queen who didn’t prefer a crown but a sword. 

While I was thinking all this, I heard the priest asking me to mark Raya. 

Wait, what? When did I tell anyone about marking Raya? Did he suggest me on his own, or did someone ask him to say that in front of everyone? 

My fist clenched in anger when Raya arched her n*eck, giving me access to mark her instead of acting shocked. So, it was her plan. What did she think that by doing this publicly, she would force me to mark her? 

I immediately reject that idea, and for the first time, both Raya and I become the talk of the wedding, taking that title from 


“Why. Tris? Raya’s mind is linked. 

Because you aren’t my mate, 


I wanted to hear her before, not caring about finding my mate, but now things have changed after Brielle’s arrival-didnt know why Looking at the place where a female should hold the mark, all I could think of was Brielle. 

Chapter 23 

Just like everyone else, she congratulated us after the wedding, but when she spoke. “I’m indeed feeling bad, but not for myself but for you. Even though you’re the bride, the guests, and your husband are more interested in staring at me than at 


I knew Raya ended up eating her own shit because Brielle definitely knew how to end the fight. I watched her leave by giving her a flying k*ss. I controlled my urge to grab her and fuck both her mouth and legs until she wouldn’t be able to talk or 


“Why are you insulting me again and again. Tris?” 

Consider this as your punishment for ruining Brielle’s image in front of all the family members, I responded to her back through the mind link. 

‘I was just showing her true color to everyone,’ 

‘I’m not a fool to believe you. Raya. If your intention had been pure, then you would have told me about it instead of creating a scene for everyone. And do you really think that I will believe after knowing that the way you’ve always tried to frame her and her sister is no different? The first moment she got, she threw Brielle under the bus.” 

‘I knew you wouldn’t believe me until I showed you the proof. That’s why I asked Jade to keep an eye on her and guess what? She messaged me that Brielle was with a man in her room. With that, she showed me her phone. My blood boiled at those words. 

This is the reason she left the party to spend some time with her lover or boyfriend’ 

Before I knew it. I was walking towards the mansion, and Raya quickly accompanied me. I could sense Raya’s happiness. thinking I was going to teach Brielle a good lesson, which was indeed the plan, but unlike previous times, I would definitely listen to her before punishing her. 

Instead of knocking on the door, I broke it open to catch them red-handed, but the situation was totally different from what I had thought. 

And to confirm that what I was thinking was right when Raygan blamed Brielle for inviting him 

That was it 

I lost my mind and attacked him with the purpose of killing him. But then, killing him inside between the four walls was no fun. I wanted to kill him in front of everyone as a signal and a warning that Brielle wasn’t just anyone but mine to touch. 

Everyone gasped when they saw me dragging Raygan’s b*dy by his wrist. 

Tris, what have you done? He is your brother-in-law.” Mom reminded me while watching Raygan’s almost lifeless b*dy. 

“He tries to force himself on my fiancee.” I answered loud enough to make everyone hear. “What will you all do if someone sees or touches what is yours?” 

“Gouge his eyes out,” 

“Rip his hands,” 

“Rip his heart,” 

“Rip his n*eck,” 

*Cut off his penis and leave him bleeding between the rats,” Ezekiel commented, making everyone gasp. That bastard was known as a cruel and heartless king for a reason. I smirked, liking his idea. 

A moment later, I gave the punishment that Ezekiel suggested, forcing every male who checked Brielle’s figure at the wedding to see the consequences if they dared to approach Brielle even in their dream. 

Never did I think that I would end up giving this gift to my newlywed wife-that too for a woman whom I hated the most 



Chapter 33 

What is this emotion for Brielle that I’m not able to understand?” 

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