Chapter 28 


*Install CCTV cameras in Raya, Jade, and Tristan’s rooms,” I ordered Wren, walking inside my office. “And I want their personal omnegas to be my eyes and ears. Either threaten them or replace them by killing them.”I added. 

“Contact the jewelry shop and buy a platinum chain for women in your name,” I ordered next. 

“Okay, King. There is news that you should know. He paused before continuing, “Alpha Tristan announced to claim Lady Raya as his first wife, and the ceremony is after three days.” 

I knew this move was to hurt Brielle and insult her as well. And this time, this would be done in front of everyone. 

“Do you want to spoil their marking ceremony?” Wren asked, to which I shook my head. 

“As one’s doom approaches, the person’s intellect works against his or her best interest,” I responded. “Tristan has no idea that he is throwing a gem for a stone. And by doing this, he was making my work easy. So, no, I won’t spoil their marking ceremony. In fact, I’m going to enjoy it by watching Tristan regret his decision sooner or later.” 

I wouldn’t kill Tristan for S**ually assaulting a woman, but I would punish him, which would be worse than death. 


The humiliation that his Raya would bring to him If he wouldn’t beg for forgiveness from Brielle, then I would change my name, and that was my promise to myself. 

Since I had limited time with me to work on everything, I didn’t get time to check on Brielle throughout the day. 

I was about to enter the dining room when I heard Mom’s voice. 

“If you want to eat, then have your dinner by sitting on the floor.” I didn’t have to see to whom she could talk in this way, but soon. Brielle’s face came into my view. 

“What’s happening?” I asked, walking towards my chair. I saw that there was no chair for Brielle, and she was standing near Zera as Tristan had shifted near Raya. 

“Nothing, son Mom responded. Before I could grab my seat, Brielle acted fast and sat in my chair, shocking everyone, including me. 

“What the hell?” 

“Brielle Lopez,” 

Tristan and Mom’s growl boomed in the background while I tried to hide my amusement. “That’s King’s chair,” Mom said. 

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind giving his chair to a lady for tonight.” Brielle smiled innocently, looking at me while I tried to understand what exactly was happening here before my arrival. 

“Didn’t you hear me before? You will have your dinner by sitting on the floor as a punishment for skipping the morning breakfast,” Mom said annoyingly. 

*I didn’t know there were stupid rules like this in your kingdom, King Ezekiel, where one couldn’t even skip their breakfast as per their wish” She said, looking directly into my eyes, “And if there is any, then, I guess, we both are going to have dinner by sitting on the floor because I know that even you skipped breakfast in the morning.” 

“Wh.. what?” Mom exclaimed. “He is the king.” 

Chapter 98 

“Rules are the same for everyone. Am I saying anything wrong, former King Everest?” She asked Dad, who was looking at her with interest I bet he liked Brielle already. 

“Right, Dad agreed before adding, “but there is not a rule like this in our kingdom. So, bring a chair for Lady Brielle.” 

“Please, ask them to bring a chair for King Ezekiel because I have already grabbed this place, and I don’t think King Ezekiel is someone who would fight over a chair, that too with a woman to whom his mother was bullying by telling fake rules of the kingdom,” she said, challenging me to say something, but she wasn’t going to receive any reaction from me in public. 

“You’re crossing your limits by insulting both my mother and brother,” Tristan stood up. 

“Well, someone had to put your mother in her place, and about your brother, he just received the punishment of her mother’s deed. And nothing like that would have happened if you had stood up against your mother’s wrongdoing, but 

nope, you wanted a show.” 

“Now that the topic of the show has shifted to your family members, then you’re not liking it, huh?” 


“Your mother started it. Tristan. I don’t start fights, but I know how to finish them,” Brielle said with a hint of warning to everyone, cutting Tristan’s word before he could even start. Zera whistled happily and clapped her hand. 

Woah! You’re too good. Bri 

That’s my tigress. Rrrrrr!! I could already feel my dick throbbing hard inside my pants. That was her effect. 

I settled on my new chair beside Zera for dinner. Brielle was right about the fact that I wouldn’t have a fight with her over the chair. Also, I didn’t have time for that drama either. 

I looked around silently and saw Tristan, Raya, Jade, Mom. Luna Kali, Luna Fern, and Dad’s eyes on Brielle, who was eating like a hungry baby as if she had been on fast the whole day. Maybe she was. I was too busy to check that. 

While everyone was pissed at her, I couldn’t understand Dad’s emotion. 

‘Don’t tell me that you’re planning to make her your fifth wife, I mind-linked Dad, to which he scoffed. 

“Really?” This time, Dad scoffed. 

*Well. you look quite impressed by her. So, you can’t blame me, can you?’ Dad didn’t answer my question; instead, he focused on his food. 

“King Ezekiel.” Brielle stopped me from leaving once the dinner finished. 

‘Don’t call me by my name, Ellee, I mentally groaned and turned around to look at him. 

“I want you to give the guards the stern order about not letting anyone enter my room without my permission, including my fiance, because we aren’t married yet. Brielle said, knowing that Tristan wouldn’t let her go easily after all this scene. 

“As if he is interested in you,” Raya mocked. 

“I can’t show you my marks to prove that, Raya. But I can definitely see that he isn’t interested in you either because there isn’t a single mark on your b*dy,” Brielle said with a smile. 

Woah!” Zera clapped her hand again. “It looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” She laughed and 

“Don’t worry, Lady Brielle. No one will enter your room unless you allow them,” I assured her before leaving from there. 


With the help of Raya, I left the mansion to meet Jameson secretly. I wasn’t thinking of contacting that asshole ever again, but then, after joining hands with Raya to destroy Brielle and move her out of our way, she suggested using Jameson for our benefit because the mere photos of him and Brielle weren’t going to work in our favor. 

Not when Alpha Tristan claimed that he was aware of Brielle’s past and had no problem with that. We needed Jameson to tell everyone that they were still in the relationship and that the man that Brielle k*ssed was him. 

Though I knew that Brielle wasn’t with Jameson’s that night, 

Even I had spent time with Jameson, so I could recognize his back. It was someone else, but who? 

It looked like my stepsister was really not that innocent, like Mom and I thought. Or maybe her heartbreak pushed her to the extent that she became shameless and characterless. 

“And we met again,” I said when I saw Jameson waiting for me. He glared at me. Not that I could blame him. I used him and then ditched him. 

“Come to the point because I’m not here to meet you,” he hissed, not hiding his hatred towards me. We both glared at each other, ready to rip each other apart, when Raya spoke. 

“It was me who called you here,” Raya said. “I need your help in breaking Brielle’s wedding with Tristan. We’re planning to frame her with you, and in that way, you can have your revenge on her, and I can have my Tristan.” She spoke straight to the point. “I have heard that she promised to elope with you and then left you after getting engaged to Tristan.” 

Jameson scoffed at her words: “You’ve heard it wrong, spoiled princess. Brielle isn’t a woman who left me because she got a chance to be with Tristan but because she found out that I was cheating on her with her own stepsister.” 

“She knows that I was that girl.” I asked in surprise because I once asked her about it, and at that time, she acted innocent and told me she had just heard about Jameson cheating on her and had no idea about the girl. 

“Don’t tell me that you don’t know about it.” He mocked before continuing, “It looks like she learned how to act from you and your mother,” he added. I was about to punch him when Raya stopped me. 

“You’re helping us or not?” 

“I will, but not to take revenge on her, but because I regret cheating on her with this b*tch, and now I want her as my Luna. I lost a diamond because of a stone,” Jameson said, insulting me and, of course, praising Brielle. From his tone, it was clear that he was really regretting it. 

“Okay then, you can have Brielle as long as Tristan will be mine, only mine,” Raya said. 

“Perfect then. It looks like even Moon Goddess wants the same thing; that’s why my father is going to make me the King of Rogues after three days, and then the first thing that I’ll do is claim Brielle as mine,” Jameson said with determination. 

“In that case, it’s double-perfect. Their wedding is in five days, and before that, we have to both frame her. If that won’t work, then you’ve got to attack the wedding venue to kidnap your bride. I will make sure that you can easily enter the packhouse with your people,” Raya said. 

We decided to share the details on the phone with new numbers so that no one could trace our involvement after the investigation of this whole incident. 

When we were on the way to pack, I couldn’t help but ask, “Are you helping him and his people enter the pack? Won’t you get caught? What if Jameson opens his mouth and frames you?” 

“Don’t worry. His arrival and his attack will prove that he is involved with Brielle, and you don’t know Tristan’s anger; he will kill Jameson first and ask questions with his dead b*dy later.” I furrowed my eyes at her words when she added. 

“Jameson not our partner but a scapegoat whom I’m going to use against Brielle by killing him.” She smirked like a devil. 

Chapter 28 

I might be a bad person, but I never involved myself in killing anyone, but she was a lot more evil than I could think, I felt bad for Alpha Tristan for marrying a dangerous woman like her. 

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