We Are Going To Divorce The door was ajar, so Raegan heard Mitchel's low and deep voice.

"Sorry, I can't go there now.

I'll visit you when I get back." Then Mitchel fell silent.

It seemed he was only listening to the person he was talking with.

But Raegan couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

It was only then that she realized he was talking with someone on the phone.

Raegan didn't think much about it.

She stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she was wrapping herself in a bath towel when she realized that she had nothing to wear.

Her clothes were touched and ripped by that pervert.

She didn't want to wear them anymore.

Raegan was in a dilemma when the door suddenly opened, and Mitchel came in.

He saw her putting on his shirt clumsily.

His shirt was so big for her that the hem reached her knees.

She rolled the sleeves because they were longer than her arms.

She was like a child stealing an adult's clothes.

When Mitchel approached Raegan, he found that her face was as red as cherries.

She said, "I have nothing to wear." If they were in Ardlens, Mitchel would have asked someone to prepare clothes for her. But they were in a different place, which was not very convenient.

There was no suitable place to buy clothes here.

"Take me back to my grandma's place.

I have clothes there," Raegan added.

She brought some clothes with her there.

Mitchel looked her up and down and asked in a deep voice, "Are you going out like this?" "Why not?" There was a full-length mirror in the bathroom, and Raegan could see her reflection.

Mitchel's shirt was knee-length for her, so she thought there was nothing wrong with it.

And it wouldn't be cold in the car anyway.

When she noticed Mitchel's silence, she couldn't help asking, "Is there any problem?" At this time, Raegan noticed that there were hickeys on her neck, which had already turned purplish.

Mitchel did it on purpose.

He left marks on her.

Raegan was annoyed.

She covered her neck with her hair.

Mitchel hugged her from behind and asked hoarsely, "Why did you cover it?" Raegan just glared at him in the mirror.

She didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Mitchel put his hand on her back and patted her butt.

"Do you want to go out with so much skin exposed? I didn't know you are this bold." Raegan's face instantly blushed when she heard this.

She struggled to break free from him, but she failed.

Mitchel held her hands and put them behind her.

He looked at her in the mirror, and the desire he had suppressed for a long time suddenly surged up.

His hand slowly moved downward, following the curves of her body. Raegan was startled when she saw the look in his eyes.

She wanted to push him away, but her hands were locked. So, she could only beg for mercy in a low voice, "Mitchel, you... You can't do it." Mitchel lowered his head and bit her shoulder. Then he pressed his crotch against her, giving her a nudge. He said in a low and dangerous voice, "Who says I can't?" Raegan turned crimson. Their reflection in the mirror became lustful and seductive. "I mean... It's..." Raegan fumbled for words. She found that Mitchel was particularly insatiable. Last night, their relation was slightly eased, but now, he started to act like this. She struggled and said warily, "Let go of me first." He put his head on her shoulder, looking like an aggrieved dog. Then he murmured, "Honey, I know I was wrong. Please forgive me." Raegan couldn't help frowning. What Mitchel said had nothing to do with this matter. Mitchel noticed that Raegan ignored him. He bent down, picked her up, and let her sit on his lap. Then he lowered his head and kissed her face. He said again, "I know it's all my fault. But that man with the surname Brooks covets you. You are my wife. How can I stand it?" "He has a name," Raegan reminded him with a frown. Mitchel didn't even want to hear Raegan mentioning that guy. He said irritably, "Fine. But I have a request. Can you stop having contact with him?" He had been taking medicine to control his manic depression lately. But when it came to Raegan, he couldn't be rational. He even wanted to cut off Henley's limbs to prevent him from coming to Raegan.

This time, Raegan countered, "Mitchel, we can't go back to the way we used to be.

That's why it's better that we divorce as soon as possible." Last night, Raegan was overwhelmed by scare. But she was sober now.

So, she told him, "And I can't give you my baby." "No," Mitchel decisively refused.

"You can negotiate everything else with me except for the baby and divorce." But Raegan was stubborn.

"Except for those two, I have nothing else to talk to you." Mitchel frowned, feeling she was irritating him, not as good as last night.

He felt like pushing her on the bed and kissing her hard to vent his anger.

Raegan felt uncomfortable sitting on Mitchel's lap.

His muscles were so tight.

"Are you going to take me back to get my clothes? If not, I'll go there myself." After saying this, she got up.

But Mitchel suddenly grabbed her and wrapped her up with a bath towel.

Then he picked her up and carried her out. As soon as they got back, Raegan went to her room to get her clothes. And when she saw the mess inside, she was reminded of what had happened last night. She subconsciously tugged at Mitchel's sleeve and said in a low voice, "Don't leave." Mitchel looked at her without saying anything. But he stayed outside the door. Raegan left the door ajar while she changed her clothes. She had her back to the door, so when Mitchel looked up, he saw her beautiful backbones. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down. He quickly turned around. By the time Raegan came out, Mitchel had already started fixing the doorknob. She didn't know where he found a screwdriver. But at this moment, his sleeves were rolled up high, and he held the doorknob with his slender fingers, unscrewing it. The sunlight seeped through the window and sprinkled on his handsome side face. His exquisite facial features were fully displayed at this moment. He was like a piece of exquisitely carved ancient jade.

Raegan was a little surprised.

She never thought Mitchel knew how to fix things at home.

Mitchel must have felt her presence.

He said without turning his head, "Come here." When Raegan walked over, Mitchel handed her the other screw to hold and continued to tighten the other one.

His forehead was already wet, and beads of sweat dripped down, sliding along his perfectly angled jaw to his long neck. Such a scene was very attractive.

Raegan was suddenly parched.

She tried to look away and change the topic.

"I have no idea you know how to cultivate a land." Mitchel took the screw from her hand and screwed the last one.

He looked at her with deep-set eyes and remarked, "Your husband knows a lot.

You are the only one who dislikes me." Raegan's face heated up at his words.

But she had to correct him.

"I don't dislike you.

It's just that we're not right for each other." Even though she loved him very much, she didn't want to be with him if he had someone else in his heart.

She didn't want to share her man with other women.

Mitchel raised his eyebrows, looking at her in displeasure.

"Why? If we are not right for each other, how can we have eight rounds of sex a night?" He was talking about the past.

If he wasn't afraid she would faint, he would have broken the record.

"You..." Raegan was at a loss for words.

She just turned around and went to the kitchen, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

On the other hand, Mitchel was in a good mood.

He thought she'd better be angry at him than ignore him.

He followed her to the kitchen.

After washing his hands, he said, "Honey, I'll help you prepare the vegetables." Raegan was stunned for a moment.

Actually, there were no vegetables in the fridge except for the two tomatoes she bought yesterday.

So, she said, "No need.

Just wait outside." Soon, Raegan brought two bowls of tomato and egg noodles to the table.

The combination of red tomatoes and yellow eggs, sprinkled with a bit of green onion made the noodle soup look colorful. Its aroma was also appetizing.

Mitchel sat at the dining table, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Thank you, honey." Raegan's face turned as red as the tomato in her bowl.

She wanted to commend him for always saying the word "honey" so naturally.

Mitchel ate leisurely and elegantly as if he was in his own dining room.

Soon, he finished the entire bowl of noodles, On the other hand, Raegan only ate half of her bowl.

She couldn't eat anymore.

Upon seeing this, Mitchel took her bowl and finished it up.

Raegan was shocked.

She knew very well that Mitchel

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