The blade sliced deep, hitting bone, and blood spewed forth.

Nicole's gaze fixated on the blood, the physical pain paling in comparison to the anguish in her heart.

It was an excruciating, soul-deep agony.

Nicole hadn't imagined Jarrod capable of such cruelty, prolonging her suffering instead of granting a swift end.

This was the price Jarrod had spoken of, a cruel, unforgettable retribution. He was a cruel man!

In Nicole's bloodshot eyes, tears of hatred formed. Even in her impending doom, she cursed Jarrod with every fiber of her being.

The short-haired woman's first attempt to sever Nicole's fingers was botched, lacking precision.

Angela's Library

She readied for another strike.

Suddenly, Nicole, driven by desperation, bit down fiercely on the short-haired woman's arm.

"Ah!" the short-haired woman screamed, only to be muffled by the other woman.

"Quiet! Do you want us caught?"

The short-haired woman, in agony, stammered, "My arm! Get her off The other woman struggled to pry Nicole away. Failing, she resorted to striking Nicole on the back of her head with force.

Struck forcefully, Nicole's grip loosened.

The short-haired woman's arm was gruesomely torn, with flesh ripped away from Nicole's bite, bleeding profusely.

In a rage, she slapped Nicole.

"Bitch! How dare you bite me!"

The blow sent Nicole crashing against the wall, pain radiating through her body.

She began to experience stomach cramps, her body wracked with spasms.

The short-haired woman, still seething, raised her hand to strike Nicole again. But she halted while seeing Nicole wield the blade she had snatched.

Nicole's eyes blazed with a fierce determination, warning them off.

The short-haired woman hesitated, her pain holding her back. The other woman cautioned, "Take your time. She won't Last much longer.

We'll see who outlasts whom."

Clutching the blade, Nicole kept her eyes on these two women, refusing to give in.

She had to see her parents one last time.

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