The secretary succumbed to the sexual tension and let out a soft moan.

"Hmm..." She boldly took his hand, placed it on her plump bosom, and whispered, "Mr. Brooks, take me..."

"Ugh..." Henley smirked and suddenly tightened his grip on the secretary's neck.

Feeling suffocated, the secretary realized something was terribly wrong. In a panic, she flailed and tried to break free.

However, Henley's grip only tightened. The secretary's eyes rolled back, and desperate sounds escaped her throat.

Just before the brink of death, Henley forcefully shoved the secretary away, who hit the sharp edge of the office desk with a loud thud. The next second, blood gushed from the back of her head.

Henley's eyes appeared as though they were tainted by the most fearsome hellfire.

"Remember your place!" he snapped.

Angela's Library

After leaving Henley's office, Raegan felt a profound feeling of worry.

Regardless of the veracity of Henley's words about Nicole's condition, she had to do something to save Nicole.

Nicole was pregnant. It wasn't just one life at stake, but two.

Jarrod was a bastard!

Compromising with Henley was not an option for her, leaving her with only one choice.

At home, Raegan was in turmoil. She felt increasingly anxious as the evening wore on. After pacing for some time, she finally mustered the courage to make a call.

"Matteo, is Mr. Dixon available?"

"He's not," Matteo answered.

Raegan plucked up the courage and said, "Then please tell him I'm waiting for him at home,"

Matteo seemed surprised but quickly responded, "Alright. I'll let him know."

In the detention center of Ardlens, Nicole was confined in a solitary room. It was pitch black, making it impossible to tell day from night. She had lost track of time.

Before being put in this room, doctors had treated her arm. She had three broken ribs, but thankfully, they hadn't punctured her pleura or lung. Rest and avoiding strenuous activity were vital for her recovery.

However, her frail physical state made self-healing seemed unlikely.

Despite these circumstances, her life wasn't entirely miserable.

Meals here were served regularly, and she was left undisturbed. Most importantly, she was away from Jarrod, the devil himself, which brought her some peace.

Missing her parents, Nicole wondered how Jarrod planned to handle her.

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