'Mom and Corinne wouldn't have left home and suffered such a hard life if it hadn't been for those crappy things Dad did back then!' thought Lucas to himself.

Lucas comforted his grandparents, but his tone was a tad sarcastic when he said, "Dad has been living well for the past few years, so it makes no sense he'll suddenly want to take his life. So don't worry. I promise I'll get him home safely."

After saying this, Lucas turned to thank the two police officers, then walked upstairs calmly.

Beatrice and Cedric looked at each other with shame in their eyes when they saw such indifference in Lucas' attitude.

The two of them drove away Lucas' mother years ago, and although Lucas never said anything about it, they knew he never forgave them for that.

Maxwell also suffered from severe mental illness after Emily left and needed to rely on drugs just to behave like a sane person.

Even though Maxwell was in his prime then, he could no longer manage the company due to mental illness, so he had to let Lucas take over the company at a young age.

All the troubles in the family started after Emily left with Corinne.

After Lucas went upstairs, he threw his coat on the sofa and took out his phone to call Sunny.

Sunny-who was in bed with Xante-immediately picked up the call when he saw the call was from Lucas. After clearing his throat, he said, "What's up, Lucas? It's already very late now, so I won't be going home to sleep." "Get your *ss back here right now!" said Lucas sternly.

Sunny, naturally, did not want to. "What's wrong, Lucas? I'm an adult now, so it should be fine for me to stay out from time to time, right?" "Our father is missing! Come back and help US find him now!"

Sunny bolted up from the bed. "What?!"

Lucas did not have the patience to explain so much to him on the phone, so he simply said, "If I don't see you at home within hal an hour, you'll never have to come back!"

i'll be right back! Wait..."

Lucas hung up on Sunny before he could finish speaking.

There was no time to call him back. Sunny quickly got out of bed, picked up his clothes, and put them on.

Seeing this, Xante propped herself up on her side. She narrowed her eyes and asked, "What's the matter? Did something happen?" "Lucas called to tell me our father is missing, so I have to go back now," answered Sunny while putting on his clothes.

Xante was stunned. She sat up and said, "I'll give you a ride."

Sunny finished dressing, walked to the bed, and pushed Xante back down on the bed. He then rubbed his cheek against her as if he could not bear to part with her.

"It's okay. I can get home by myself. It's late. You should get some sleep. I'll come back once I've found my dad."

Xante frowned. She was worried about letting him drive home when he was in such a panicked state.

Sunny's domineering trait appeared again as he pressed her down forcefully. "Be a good girl and listen to me! Go back to bed now."

Xante gave up the struggle and rolled her eyes at him with disgust. "You're being cringy again."

Sunny smirked and said, "Good night, Xante!"

He straightened up and turned to leave.

Xante looked at the empty room door and leaned lazily on the headboard, thinking, 'What's going on? How can Mister Maxwell be missing?'

When Sunny rushed home, the police officers had finished asking questions and left. Meanwhile, servants were running all over the mansion and the garden, calling out Maxwell's name.

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