She trembled, disbelief coursing through her.

Jarrod watched her reaction, his voice icy.

"See? Your father's actions could land him in jail."

Nicole's voice quivered.

"This is a forgery! My father would never sign this."

Jarrod's chuckle was bitter.

"Forgery? We have audio and video evidence. Your father signed it himself, while sick in bed. His trusted aide, Brett, handed it to him, promising it would secure your position as heiress."

Nicole was in disbelief.

"You bribed Brett?"

Brett had worked for her father for decades, always trustworthy.

Jarrod scoffed.

"Bribed him? He came to me, ready to betray your father for his gain."

Nicole's world crumbled. Brett, the man she trusted, had deceived them.

In a frenzy, she ripped the documents to shreds, letting the pieces fall to the ground.

Jarrod leaned against the car, lighting a cigarette nonchalantly.

"Tear them up all you want. I can easily piece them together again."

Hearing this, Nicole acted irrationally. She began stuffing the torn pieces into her mouth, swallowing them desperately.

Nicole continued to push more paper into her mouth, her actions becoming increasingly frantic.

Initially, Jarrod watched with a sense of detached amusement. However, as she persisted, his amusement turned to concern.

Was she really intending to swallow all those pieces?

Dropping his cigarette, Jarrod stepped forward to stop her. Anger flared in his expression as he demanded, "Have you lost your mind?

Spit them out!"

But Nicole seemed oblivious, her mouth tightly shut as she swallowed the dry, sharp fragments.

The paper scraped her throat painfully, like a blade cutting through her.

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