The next moment, his hand was abruptly swatted away.

"Fuck off!"

Raegan's pale face contorted with evident disgust.

Mitchel's hand hovered, suspended in mid-air, his expression turning somber.

Suddenly, he felt arms encircle him from behind.

Lauren, finding her savior, clung to Mitchel, quivering.

Her fear rendered her speech disjointed.

"Mitchel, Raegan has lost her mind. She crushed my knees... The pain is unbearable. Please, help me. She's deranged. She might kill me..."

A nurse entered, visibly shocked at the room's chaos. She quickly helped Raegan onto the bed.

The wound on Raegan's ear, aggravated by Lauren's earlier assault, started bleeding anew, but Raegan seemed detached, her gaze icy as she observed their interaction, her eyes brimming with scorn.

Mitchel assisted a still-crying, trembling Lauren into a wheelchair.

Lauren's hands clung to his as if anchored by sheer terror. Her ability to feign distress was remarkable.

Previously, Raegan would have frantically offered explanations, fearing misinterpretation.

But now, Raegan was devoid of emotion.

Her only desire was a swift divorce, to distance herself from this disgusting man and woman and never encounter them again. Though held by Lauren, Mitchel's gaze lingered on Raegan, his concerns evident.

He instructed the nurse, "Get the doctor, quickly!"

Lauren, mistaking his concerns for her injuries, clutched his hands tighter, her voice shaking.

"I don't want to stay here, Mitchel.

Raegan is unhinged. I'm terrified. Please, take me away..."

With a sneer, Raegan warned, "Yeah, Mr. Dixon, escort your beloved to the doctor, or else I fear I may end up taking her life. Imagine the anguish you'll feel then."

Mitchel's brow furrowed. He gently pushed Lauren aside and stepped toward Raegan, hand outstretched in an attempt to clarify, ""Raegan, you've got it all wrong, I didn't..."


Suddenly, Lauren clutched at his sleeve, her voice laced with panic.

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