Lauren was right. Maybe all the bad things that happened to her were her retribution.

She shouldn't have fallen in love with the wrong person. She shouldn't have coveted the man who didn't belong to her. It was all her fault.

But no matter how miserable she was now, she would never allow anyone to slander her family.

At this moment, Raegan felt she could move her hands again. Suddenly, she grabbed the kettle on the bedside table and smashed it at Lauren without hesitation.

"Ah! No!" Lauren screamed in pain. The lid of the kettle popped out, and the hot water spilled all over Lauren's body. She screamed in agony and hid under the bed.

But Raegan was not done yet. Although her hands didn't have much strength, she used her legs. She seized the opportunity and kicked Lauren hard on the knee.

"Ah! Help! Somebody help me!" Lauren cried miserably. She was in so much pain.

Raegan stepped hard on Lauren's neck and said coldly, "Don't you Like pretending to be in a wheelchair? I'll help you make it happen for real. But remember..."

Raegan's eyes became cold and sharp, and her body was filled with murderous intent.

"If you dare to curse my family again, I will make sure you are stuck in the wheelchair for the rest of your life. Do you hear me?" Lauren was too stunned to react. She didn't expect that Raegan, who was weak and gentle, would be so tough all of a sudden.


Raegan was obviously out of her mind.

Lauren was about to get up and fight back when her eyes caught a glimpse of a pair of shiny leather shoes outside the door. She trembled and immediately changed her tone, "No, please. Don't hit me."

Raegan looked at Lauren with disdain and said, "Let me be clear, Lauren. I have no interest in Mitchel. He's nothing but garbage to me. Why are you acting so proud?"

Lauren, far from being upset, felt a sense of satisfaction.

"Just go ahead. Lash out at me!" she muttered to herself.

She was convinced Mitchel wouldn't want to stay with someone like Raegan after hearing these words.

Perhaps a divorce was imminent.

Continuing her tirade, Raegan sneered, "If you're so keen on picking up my leftovers, be my guest. By the way, I hope you two, a bitch and a bastard, find happiness together."

At these words, Mitchel standing behind them stopped in his tracks, his expression turning dark.

Bastard? Since when had Raegan become so sharp-tongued?

Lauren, now genuinely furious, retorted, "Who are you calling a bitch?"

"Oh, how could I forget? You're the mistress here, Raegan quipped, leaving Lauren both mortified and irate.

Raegan, with a mocking smile, added, "Don't delude yourself. Even if you succeed, you'll always be the mistress. That label will haunt you forever, so you better stay in line and not cross me again."

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