Mitchel's silence confirmed his fears, prompting him to spill the truth.

"We kidnapped a young woman in the hospital's underground parking a few days ago."

A dark cloud passed over Mitchel's face. Then, with a low and dangerous voice, he demanded, "Tell me what happened that day Leave nothing out.

"Okay, okay!" The fat vagrant vigorously nodded his head.

"Just don't hit me again. I'll tell you everything!"

"Me too! I'll tell you every last bit!" his thin companion echoed.

In their haste, they tripped over their words as they recounted what had happened.

"Some ruthless woman hired us for the job," the fat vagrant added.

"She wanted us to fuck the lady and even asked us to lash her. But we didn't know the one we kidnapped was pregnant. Had we known..."

A sharp crack interrupted him.

This time, these two vagrants' arms bore the brunt.

"Ah! Stop it!"

They screamed and writhed in agony. Their arms were grotesquely deformed and dangling uselessly.

Angela's Library

"I said, spare no details!" Mitchel bellowed. His low voice sounded like the devil's from the depths of hell.

Panic-stricken, the fat vagrant stammered, "I hit her many times, tore her clothes..."

"I used my belt to hit her, kicked her..." the thin vagrant admitted as well. His voice wavered, each word weaker than the last. The more he spoke, the less courageous he became.

Mitchel's expression chilled to an icy mask. Then, he commanded, "Before you hand them over to the police, make sure they're no longer a threat to anyone."

The vagrants' eyes widened in terror at his words.

Not long after, their cries and wails filled the air, reverberating off the cold walls as the bodyguards carried out Mitchel's grim directive.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Nicole made it a habit to visit Raegan every day. She would shoo the nurses away for some chit chat with Raegan.

The nurses did not complain. After all, Mitchel had ordered them to take good care of Raegan. Since Nicole was Raegan's good friend, they did not want to make things difficult for her.

Not too long after Nicole left, the door of the ward the door creaked open once again.

Lauren, in a wheelchair, approached Raegan's bed slowly. Then, she flashed a smile and asked, "Raegan, how are you feeling?' Raegan frowned in disdain. Not wanting to talk to her, she demanded, "Leave."

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