He grabbed the doctor's white coat tightly.

"Doctor, save her no matter how much it will cost."

The doctor frowned.

"I understand how you feel. But I can only do my best. It still depends on whether she can wake up within twenty-four hours. Then, we can do something. Please be patient."

"Doctor, please... Save her."

There was no trace of arrogance in Mitchel anymore. At this moment, he threw away his pride and self-esteem. For the first time he begged someone. He sought help from someone he didn't know.

His Lips, which were always red, turned pale. He held the doctor's arm tightly and said, "Save her..


The doctor looked at his pale face and sighed.

"We have done everything. As a family member, you have to have a stable mind no matter what the result will be. You have to always prepare yourself for the worst."

"What can be the worst result?" Mitchel subconsciously asked.

"The worst result is that she will no longer wake up. She'll be brain-dead, a vegetable."

Upon hearing the news, Mitchel felt as if a sledgehammer had struck his chest, each blow heavier than the last.

A relentless ache radiated through his insides, making every fiber of his being throb with pain.

Observing his distress, the doctor reassured him, "Don't lose hope.

There's still a chance. For now, rest up and gather your strength for her sake."

Once the doctor had departed, an assistant brought over his repaired phone.

Mitchel grabbed it and dialed Luis.

"Luis, I need your help.

The call disconnected. An unread voice message was displayed on the screen.

Upon playing it, Mitchel heard Raegan's feeble, raspy voice.

Raegan spelled out her despair, each word cutting into him like a blade. It nearly broke him.

For years, he'd thought nothing could move him to tears.

Yet now, his eyes reddened, and tears streamed down his face and cheeks.

Hearing Raegan say she'd rather not see him in another life and would forget him entirely was the last straw. A piercing pain

erupted in his chest, his vision darkened, and a gush of blood erupted from his mouth.

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