It was the same story with Jarrod and Jamie. Despite Jamie's tarnished reputation, Jarrod still expended effort and time to shield her. And it all boiled down to one reason.

After their meal, the driver took Raegan home, while Nicole planned to head back alone.

Soon enough, she realized she'd left her purse behind. Returning quickly to retrieve it, she also made a quick detour to the


That was when she spotted a familiar figure not far from her.

Jarrod and Jamie had also chosen this place for a meal. They Looked like they had just arrived and were on their way to a chamber.

As they moved in her direction, Nicole lowered her gaze, her nerves getting the better of her. She nearly collided with Jarrod.

"Be careful!" His refined voice filled her ears.

Jarrod steadied Nicole by the arm, his thumb caressing it briefly before letting her go.

Nicole's heart pounded in her chest. She couldn't fathom why Jarrod would touch her so openly, especially in front of his fiancée. Gathering herself, she managed to say, "Thank you."

With that, she headed into the restroom.


Jamie glanced at both Jarrod and Nicole, then remarked in a tone audible to Nicole, "You two enjoy playing dangerous games, don't you?"

Frozen, Nicole's complexion drained of color.

Nicole looked rather refreshing with the short hair.

Jarrod's eyes left Nicole, his voice still smooth but now icy.

"You understand how it is. We men find a certain appeal in wild women."

These words stung like a slap to Nicole's face.

With a radiant smile, Jamie said no more and ascended the stairs with Jarrod.

In the restroom, Nicole splashed her face with chilly water as tears escaped her eyes.

Nicole wasn't downcast. She just felt she'd disgraced the Lawrence family. In fact, news that she had selflessly put herself on the line to save her family spread out.

Rumors had it that for the sake of the Lawrence family's interests, she would go to any Lengths.

Just then, the bathroom door swung open.

Grabbing her purse, Nicole prepared to exit after wiping her face.

She turned around and found herself staring at Jarrod. Surprise left her momentarily speechless.

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