Chapter 94 

Felix left with a sense of grievance. 

Whitney rubbed her hands together, relishing the feast before her. She reached for a skewer of konjac, followed by some spicy beef and mushroom balls sitting on his side of the table. As she eagerly dived into the meal, she directed him, “Grab me some of this, that, and oh–more of those, please.” 

“Are you a pig?” The man glanced up, his aristocratic hands remaining still. “Waitress, could you get some veggies for this little piggy here?” 

His voice, too magnetic and pleasant, immediately drew attention from the nearby diners. 

Whitney’s face flushed with annoyance as she looked around enviously. “Look at everyone else’s boyfriends. They’re doing so much for their girlfriend.” 

Her gaze wandered, observing the young couples around them, some still in their school uniforms, with the boys diligently serving their girlfriends and cooing endearments like, “Sweetie, careful, it’s hot.” 

“Sweetie, want some bubble tea?” 

It was all about pampering. 

The more Whitney watched, the more she envied, especially compared to the icy glacier beside her, who seemed clueless about doting on a lady. 

Ludwik, looking unimpressed, finally picked up a skewer and methodically placed meatballs into her plate. “That’s as far as I’ll go. Eat.” 

He was not one for such feminine displays of affection. 

Deep and commanding, his voice drew near with a dangerous warmth, his clean, masculine scent enveloping 


His fingers, long and strong, moved with purpose. 

Whitney’s cheeks warmed under his care, especially as she caught the envious glances from other girls around 


Every woman has a touch of vanity, desiring their man to show care and affection, especially in love. 

Content, she continued eating. 

Unable to stomach his food, Felix walked past their window and was stunned. There was Ludwik, holding a cup and a napkin, tenderly helping his lady with her drink and wiping her lips clean. Was that really the stoic Mr. Lippert they all knew? 

Felix could not resist taking a sneaky photo and quickly sharing it in the gossip group and the secretaries‘ work group. 

[Check out our high–and–mighty Mr. Lippert, catering to his wife at a barbecue joint. I’m getting slaughtered in broad daylight here.] 

Parker: […] 

Nolan: [Holy smokes, that’s a slap in the face of romance. Ludwik at a barbecue? Wake me up!] 

5 OZ F = 2 

The secretaries‘ work group exploded with excitement, begging Felix for more. [Mr. Lippert and his lady look so in love! Felix, we need more!] 

Meanwhile, the spice overcame Whitney, and Ludwik cautioned, “Stop with the spicy meatballs. Have some seaweed; it’s good for the baby.” 

“I want bubble tea,” Whitney pouted. 


He carefully wiped her lips with a napkin, and as he leaned closer, their eyes locked, her flushed lips tempting 


Whitney looked up, catching Felix’s reflection in the window, his phone aimed at them. She suspected that Elaine might see the photo. With a coy glance, she teased, “I want my bubble tea. Otherwise, I’ll have to drink something else.” 

“What?” Ludwik was losing patience. 

Suddenly, her plush lips met his, her eyes soft and seductive. 

He took a deep breath and kissed her back passionately, his grip tightening. “Drink something else?” 

He wrapped his arm around her waist, his whole body reacting, “You’re quite the flirt, aren’t you? Damn it, I want to take you right here…” 

Whitney’s face flushed deeper, her playful seduction working all too well. 

Felix, heart racing, captured a discreet photo, sending it to the group. 

The secretaries were ecstatic at the sight of their CEO kissing his lady, causing a frenzy of excitement. 

Elaine, busy with work, paused when she heard the screams and could not help but glance at the secretary’s phone, only to see Ludwik kissing Whitney, with a barbecue restaurant in the background. 

Ludwik, of all people, at a barbecue joint? Unthinkable. 

But for Whitney, he had clearly made exceptions more than once. 

Elaine clenched her fist at the sight. In the photo, the gorgeous Ludwik was kissing the petite woman in his arms, a sight any woman would be envious of. Plus, Whitney’s eyes were barely open, as if looking through the lens and smiling at her. 

Envy was boiling within Elaine. 

Was this how Whitney enjoyed his affections? 

She dialed Ludwik without hesitation. 

The phone rang. In the corner of the barbecue restaurant, amid the warmth and intimacy, Whitney saw the name ‘Elaine‘ flash on his screen. 

Ludwik glanced at it, uninterested, and set it aside. 

Whitney narrowed her eyes, feeling the sting of his kiss as the onlookers stared. She buried her face in his chest, crumpling his shirt. 

He reluctantly released her, though his gaze lingered. At that moment, the phone stopped ringing. 

Back at work, Elaine saw the call go unanswered. She imagined them locked in an embrace, cursing inside, “Whitney, is this a challenge? You can flaunt your love now. Marking your territory, huh? Enjoy today because tomorrow you’ll cry your eyes out.” 

Elaine smirked coldly. She would not let Ludwik fall for this vixen. He was hers, forever hers. 

And the vixen and her cursed offspring deserved a fate worse than death. 

Elaine’s gaze settled on the Elate City construction site accident, where a worker’s death was causing an uproar. With Ludwik gone abruptly that night without providing a solution, the managers had taken a hard line with the family. 

Now, one was seeking vengeance against Ludwik in Banyan City…. 

Elaine quietly shredded the report meant for Ludwik and smiled to herself. 

After a satisfying meal, Whitney returned to the villa, took a relaxing bath, and prepared for bed. 

Ludwik strode in, tossing the blankets aside and cornering her in the doorway, laying down his terms. “Tonight, I want to hold you as we sleep.” 

Why?” Whitney’s cheeks flushed. 

“You ate all those chilies. If you don’t let me sleep with you, I’ll tattle to Mom.” 

“Damn it. So underhanded,” She thought. 

Whitney gazed at the man before her, his justifications ringing with a certain righteousness. In her mind, she admitted that he hadn’t done too badly tonight, even deigning to join her for a spicy street food feast. 

Reluctantly, she nodded in agreement, feeling a warm blush spread across her face as she tacitly accepted his request. 

The man wasted no time hopping into bed, fearing she might change her mind. He reached out, brushing her hair with his hand, saying, “There you go, sweetheart. Maybe put some ice on those lips to bring down the swelling.* 

“Mind your own business,” she thought, “It’s all your fault anyway.” 

Whitney went to fetch a towel, only to hear him grumble discontentedly, “If our baby ends up with eczema, I’ll never forgive you.” 

Whitney’s lips curled into a sly smile. How could that happen? She was well–versed in medicine and planning to have some cooling herbs tomorrow to balance out the heat from the spicy food. And she always made sure to press the right acupressure points after indulging in such fiery delights. 

Carrying their child had not been too tough for her. Thanks to her youth and vigor, the only real challenge so far was the morning sickness. 

Quietly, Whitney slipped into her side of the bed, only to be immediately scooped into his embrace. 

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