Chapter 52 

Dows the backstage corridor, the man seemed to be enjoying a cigarette. 

Was he a smoker too, like 17 

Tiana nudged Whitney, Go on, give him a hearty thanks. Fil keep watch for you” 

Whitney shot her an annoyed look and hurried over 

“Mr. Lippert,” she called out in the empty hallway, trying out flattery for the first time, “Mr. Lippert 

The tall man turned around. His handsome face was unmatched in the world, a hint of mischief playing in his deep eyes. 

“Not calling me a jerk or a nemesis anymore?” 

A wave of embarrassment washed over Whitney. 

He had done her a huge favor, yet he was still so snarky. 

She looked up earnestly to express her gratitude, “Mr. Lippert, I honestly didn’t expect your help today, especially given my strong prejudices against you. I never thought you were the type to step in and help others. Maybe I had you a little wrong…” 

“Just a little wrong?” 

“A lot wrong.” Whitney conceded, looking down. 

He chuckled and stepped closer to her. 

The petite woman continued her apology, “I was angry with you for being seduced by Monica’s bribes, but it turns out you kept the painting as evidence. You’re clever and wise. I’m sorry for my misunderstanding towards you, Mr. Lippert. Words can hardly express my gratitude to you.” 

She meant to say thank you, truly. 

But he blew a breath towards her and said in a teasing voice, “Then how do you plan to show your gratitude? Actions speak louder than words, right?” 

His suggestive gaze made her heart race. 

He strode towards her the next second, and Whitney found herself cornered against the wall by his imposing figure. 

The shadow cast by his tall frame enveloped her face, an air of intimacy filled between them. 

Whitney’s cheeks flared red and she protested, “Mr. Lippert, I’m having a serious conversation with you.” 

“Am I not being serious?” he tilted his head, feigning solemnity, “Shouldn’t you be a bit softer, a little more grateful to your benefactor?” 

“You should keep a respectful distance, though. I’m a married woman. And I still don’t understand why you suddenly helped me rather than adopting a hostile attitude. Can you tell me the reason, Mr. Lippert?” She tried to maintain some distance between them, placing her fists defensively in front of her. 

Ludwik glanced at her small fists and raised his eyebrows, “Me, hostile towards you? Seems to me it was you who kept trying to pick fights with Imperial Gem Corporation, biting off more than you could chew.” 

“You!” Whitney’s face scrunched up in anger, but then she had a revelation, “Oh, so Mr. Lippert does know who I am! The CEO of Skye Gem Ltd, your competitor, remember?” 

There was a brief flicker of annoyance in his eyes, but he chose not to respond. 

Whitney grew more certain that this arrogant man indeed knew her identity. 


Her lips curled into a slight smirk. So why did you decide to help me? 

Assistant Felix, squeezed into a comer nearby, struggled to contain his amusement. 

After all who else but the boss would stand up for his own fiery wife when she’s wronged, even if he had to keep his identity a secret. 

Frustrated by his silence, Whitney preased, “Mr. Lippert, we are competitors, and yet you used that $26 million painting to help me. You don’t have some ulterior motive, do you?” 

He played along, trapping her against the wall with his strong arm with a teasing smile, “Yeah, I have no interest in those drab landscape paintings!” 


Leaning closer, he whispered provocatively, “But what if I had a little interest in you? Would you be willing to… indulge me?” 

His voice was seductive, his charm irresistiblel 

Whitney pushed him away. When her hands brushed against his chest, the feeling of familiarity unsettled her. 

“Mr. Lippert, you can’t use a favor to coerce me! I’m married. Even though you saved me today, I won’t give myself to you. I am loyal to my husband!” 

For some reason, he burst into laughter. 

Seeing his gorgeous face light up with amusement, Whitney was left dumbfounded. 

Why was he laughing? 

Then, he pinched her cheek unexpectedly, his eyes playful, “Are you really that devoted to your husband?” 

“Yes!” Whitney replied with growing irritation. 

He leaned in, his hands gripping her delicate shoulders. His eyebrows lifted in a teasing gesture, “What if I insisted on a kiss?” 

“No way!” She immediately covered her mouth. 

He didn’t move, amusement written all over his face as he teased her reaction. Mockingly, he said, “I’d really like to tempt you. Are you sure you wouldn’t have an affair with me?” 

Whitney’s cheeks flushed with anger, then she blurted out, “Not a chance. Unless I’m divorced.” 

Assistant Felix was taken aback, 

Ludwik’s expression darkened instantly, his grip on her face firm, “Thinking of divorce, are you? Is your husband not treating you well?” 

Why was he so upset? Wasn’t he supposed to be happy? 

Confused, Whitney pushed him away and stepped out, “It’s none of your business, Mr. Lippert.” 

The assistant knew the boss was swallowing his frustration. 

Ludwik’s gaze was troubled. 

Whitney waved her hand dismissively, “I was thinking of inviting you to dinner, Mr. Lippert. But it’s late, and I need to share the good news with my husband. As for my gratitude, I’ll find another day to thank you.” 

Suddenly, his mood brightened. He seemed oddly pleased, “You’re really going home to take care of your husband?” 

“Of course!” Whitney nodded, feigning seriousness, eager to escape immediately. 

She quickly turned and ran, grabbing Tiana and rushing off. 


Chupter 52 

“You guys were so cozy! Mr. Lippert seems to have fallen for you. If you’d stayed another ten minutes, I’d have your ship name ready, and poor L’s grave would be covered in green grass… 

Whitney, fearing Ludwik might hear, clamped her hand over Tiana’s mouth. 

In the corridor, Ludwik had indeed heard. Certain words heated him up as he loosened his tie. 

Yet deep in his thoughts, he lingered on Whitney’s question; did he remember her? 

For Ludwik, his status was far from ordinary. In the eyes of the elite, he never really took the female CEO of Skye Gem Ltd. seriously. He had heard of Whitney, the woman who was quite adept at business. But who was Ludwik? A titan of industry, he had seen the young lady at a gala once–beautiful as a spring night, clever and composed, yet with an arrogance in her eyes. She was a young upstart, too full of herself for his liking, and he had a distaste for such brazen young women. 

Between Imperial Gem Corporation and Skye Gem Ltd., there were old scores to settle from the previous generation. 

This brazen lass had the audacity to compete with him for contracts, to snatch away business. Despite never winning, she kept provoking him. He never showed his face and remained calm, simply watching the spectacle unfold. 

Who would have thought that in the end, he would end up in a scandal, having gotten her pregnant. 

Nolan asked him why he wore a mask

At first, he just wanted to appease his mother with Whitney not knowing his identity, to get through the year without unnecessary trouble. 

Now, well… 

His fingers idly traced the memory of her scent left on his skin. That light, tantalizing itch crept into his heart, gnawing at him. Teasing her seemed to be quite interesting. 


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