Chapter 45 

What was with that jerk? Just leaving like that was bad enough, but to send food? And then to insult her with 

She was fumina 

With a forced smile, she said through gritted teeth, “Thanks for making the trip, Parker. But… has my friend Tiana left siready?” 

“No idea,” he replied nonchalantly. 

A bit embarrassed, Whitney asked, “She’s a girl on her own. Would you mind giving her a lift, Parker, if it’s not too much trouble?” 

“No trouble,” Parker said almost too easily. 

Before leaving, he paused at the door, his eyes behind the gold–rimmed glasses betraying a lazy indifference. He dropped a bombshell. Is Tiana’s fiancé Gunner Lutz, the one from the Lutz family?” 

Whitney was taken aback, but Parker added with a hint of mischief before she could respond, “Ran into Gunner at the hotel last week playing with some celebrity.” 

Being a man, the implications of ‘playing‘ were clear. 

Whitney was shocked. Was Tiana’s fiancé cheating on her? 

Parker had mentioned it casually, not really concerned with the lesser–known Tiana’s family, but the Lutz clan was among the top four wealthiest families. He had seen Gunner before–a notorious playboy. 

The next day, Whitney received a Facebook message from Tiana telling her to ignore the news. 

Whitney guessed that her reputation must be boiling over by now. No doubt Monica had bought a legion of trolls to drag her name through the mud

This debacle was Monica’s golden ticket to fame and fortune. 

To distract Whitney, Tiana sent over several pictures of engagement rings. 

Bashfully, she said, “That bastard Gunner proposed to me. I didn’t want to say yes, but our parents are pushing it. Whitney, can you help me choose? Or better yet, design a rock so big it makes him really pay!” 

Whitney suddenly remembered Parker’s reminder. 

Tiana might badmouth Gunner, but she was still hopeful about their relationship. 

Whitney hoped Parker was mistaken, or maybe Gunner was just playing the field. 

She seriously considered several options before making her choice for Tiana. 

Then, she called home to check on Natalie. Natalie was in high spirits, laughing. “Dear Whitney, your husband came home to sleep last night. When will you be back?” 

Whitney was surprised. Had L come home last night? She thought he was off chasing some lover. 

A smile tugged at her lips, one she did not even notice, as she softly said, “I’ll come home after I finish up today, Mom.” 

But there were still things to do. The breakthrough in her plagiarism case hinged on Stella confessing she had given Whitney’s manuscript to Monica, 

That’s why Whitney had not rushed to confront Monica but had instead focused on dragging Stella into the light. 


Without any other evidence, the outcome was in the hands of late. 

Whitney had found out Stella would be at the Golden Hue Bar tonight before leaving town for a film shoot. 

Just then, Monica’s taunting call came through. 

“Whitney, the preliminary results are out in a week, and I’ll be the top prize. The media are all over me. Phebe praised my talents today. She’s over your little games, you wretch. Once the prize is mine, it’ll be time for my engagement to the Perlman family. Oh, and Simon’s throwing a celebration for me tonight at the Golden Hue Har You ust come 

“Not interested,” Whitney replied, dismissing the provocation. 

But if she wanted to find Stella, tonight was her only chance. 

Under the cloak of night, Whitney arrived at the Golden Hue Bar 

Simon had booked out the entire bar for Monica’s celebration, and the Perlman family was well represented. 

Whitney spotted the legitimate heir, Troy Perlman, and the daughter of the family, Falth Perlman. They were clearly there to pave the way for Monica’s integration into the Perlman’s main branch. 

Troy was a known playboy, otherwise, the illegitimate son Simon would not have caught Wyatt’s eye, bolstered by Phebe’s favor. 

And Faith, born of the same mother as Troy, was determined to support her brother. 

Whitney steered clear of these people, going straight for Stella. 

She passed a private suite where young men were carousing. There was Troy, and Faith, stern–faced, keeping a close eye on him. 

Suddenly, Whitney noticed a curtain in the corridor, behind which muffled voices could be heard, “Gunner, please don’t… 

“Do you like it, you little temptress?” 


Tiana’s fiancé! 

Parker had not lied; this scumbag was cheating on Tiana. 

Fury rising, Whitney marched over and yanked the curtain aside! 

The disheveled couple inside, caught off guard, paused their heated encounter and looked up in annoyance. 

Whitney’s shock was palpable when she saw the woman’s face. 

Stella’s panic flashed but turned into a cold smirk upon recognizing Whitney. 

“Whitney?” Knowing her as Tiana’s best friend, Gunner tried to push Stella away quickly. 

Stella, however, pressed closer to him, smirking provocatively at Whitney, “Fancy seeing you here. Who are you looking for? Tiana’s fiancé, dear Gunner, or me?” 

Whitney clenched her fist, thinking of Tiana’s happiness earlier that day, sharing pictures of rings for her to choose from. 

She was itching to slap Stella hard! 

How could it be Stella? She had never imagined. 

Seeing Stella’s shameless grin, Whitney knew she had been the one to seduce Gunner. 

The illustrious Lutz family’was a prize among socialites, and Gunner was as corrupt as they come. 

He was the kind of guy who loved to fan the flames, threatening Whitney with a sneer, “You know how innocent 


and fragile Tiana is You better think twice before spilling the beans to her.” 

With that, he sauntered off, his laughter trailing behind him. 

Whitney’s gaze bore into Stella in the corner, sending an inexplicable chill down her spine. 

But the pain and conflict etched on Whitney’s face filled Stella with a wicked sense of triumph. 

Just yesterday at the Royal One Club, she was humiliated and shoved off the stage for the whole crowd to see–what blow for a star like her! Whitney and Tiana, perched upstairs, had watched with smug 

amusement. How satisfying it must have been for them. 

Stella seethed with resentment. 

Whitney’s voice was icy as she demanded, “When did you start fooling around with Gunner? How long has this sordid affair been going on?” 

“Don’t be so crude,” Stella retorted with a casual flippancy, “It’s only been a month. But Tiana’s so clueless, and she has no idea that Gunner often rolls right out of my bed to take her out to brunch.” 

Whitney’s palm cracked against Stella’s cheek with a sharp slap. 

Stella’s face twisted to one side as Whitney hissed. “You’ve become sick. Tiana may be the most loyal among us, but she’s also not one to be crossed. Do you really think she’d let you off the hook if she found out?” 

“Why don’t you go ahead and tell her? Her dearest friend and her beloved fiancé tangled up together–let’s see if she can handle that blow,” Stella taunted with a confident sneer. 

Whitney frowned, troubled by the very thought. The image of Tiana blissfully choosing engagement rings in ignorance tugged at her heart. 

She was grateful, at least, that Tiana had not come tonight, spared from witnessing this despicable duo’s betrayal. 

Whitney glared at Stella coldly. “How did you even get your hooks into Gunner? Tiana barely introduced you. What tricks did you play?” 


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