Chapter 1688 

Aqua’s face turned pale with fear, knowing that Vachon was definitely 

coming for Emmanuel. He had been looking for Emmanuel all night, and 

someone must have informed him of Emmanuel’s whereabouts. 

“Hehe, Mr. Vachon is here! You’re dead this time, kid! Let’s see how tough you 

really are!” 

Ironskull wiped his nose and ran in the direction of the vibrations. 

Emmanuel looked over and saw a giant draped in bear skin walking towards 


The surrounding lower–class citizens quickly dispersed upon seeing him, as if 

he were the king of beasts in the forest. 

Emmanuel had to look up to see his face when the giant reached him. 

This man must be at least 2.3 meters tall and weigh about 400 pounds. 

Chapter 1668 Clash of Titans 

Is he really a bear? 

“Mr. Vachon, this is the new guy who beat us up yesterday. You have to 

avenge us!” Ironskull shamelessly pointed at Emmanuel and complained to 


“Get lost, you disgraceful wretch!” Vachon pushed Ironskull aside and looked 

down at Emmanuel, asking arrogantly, “Where are you from? What’s your 


“Emmanuel.” Emmanuel’s gaze was steady as he ignored the other question. 

“Very well. I heard you sat in the boss‘ seat yesterday. That makes you my 

opponent! Tonight at seven, we’ll settle this in the arena outside!” 

Vachon didn’t care what Emmanuel was here for. He just wanted to take the 

position of Night Wolf’s leader. 

“Not interested,” Emmanuel replied calmly and started to walk away. 

He was here to find his wife, not to become the leader. However, his 

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Chapter 1688 Clash of Titans 

indifferent demeanor appeared extremely arrogant to others. 

Especially to Ironskull, who, if he weren’t aware of his own inferiority, would 

have already tried to teach Emmanuel a lesson himself. 


Vachon placed his hand on Emmanuel’s shoulder. 

“Ah-” Aqua screamed in fright at this action. 

Vachon was incredibly strong, known for tearing formidable opponents in 

half. She feared he might accidentally break Emmanuel’s bones. 



“Kid, once you’ve sat in the Night Wolf leader’s seat, you don’t get to refuse! 

It’s a symbol of the leadership contest!” Vachon was very passionate, as this 

was the rule established within the Black Wolf Team after Mr. Xarri left. 

So far, apart from Vachon and Quell, the only one who dared sit there was 

this newcomer! 

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Chapter 1688 Clash of Titans 

“I said I’m not interested,” Emmanuel repeated.. 

Vachon’s lips twitched as he prepared to break Emmanuel’s ribs. 

But before Vachon could apply pressure, Emmanuel swiftly dodged, 

seemingly teleporting out of his control. 

The crowd was shocked! 


Aqua’s face lit up with excitement after her initial shock. Emmanuel was even 

more formidable than she had anticipated! 

Vachon’s move was almost instantaneous, yet Emmanuel had dodged 

before he could react, showing incredible speed and foresight. 

“Mr. Vachon, are you really going to let that arrogant newcomer go?” Ironskull 

yelled in frustration when he saw no further action from the giant. 

“Hehe, interesting,” Vachon said, unhurriedly clenching his fist. “That man’s 

strength deserves serious attention. According to Night Wolf’s rules, to 

compete for the leader’s position, you must fight fairly in the arena, not in a 

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Chapter 1688 Clash of Thans 

place like this!” 

Ironskull gasped, not expecting Vachon to acknowledge the newcomer’s 

strength, confirming that his arrogance had merit. 

Aqua, both excited and nervous, clasped her hands tightly to her chest. 


Most women were attracted to handsome men, and Emmanuel’s looks were 

among the top three on the island. Naturally, she supported him. 

However, Vachon was one of Night Wolf’s three giants, terrifyingly powerful. 

She feared Emmanuel might not be able to defeat him! 

Emmanuel didn’t take the challenge from Vachon to heart. He was solely 

focused on reaching the island’s center to find Mackenzie. 

During the day, he explored the borders of other areas and discovered that 

the island’s structure was definitely man–made. 

Each faction’s territory was separated by an artificial river, and crossing 


Chapter 1688 Clash of Titans 

required using bridges, making it difficult for intruders to move silently 

between territories. 


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