Chapter 1665 Mackenzie’s Power 

Chapter 1665 

Mackenzie gave a dismissive smile in response. 

Emmanuel also nodded slightly, looking at the man with a bit more respect. 

He, indeed, has the demeanor of a hero. Unfortunately, he can’t stand in the 

way of the wolf’s revenge! 

“Now that the new chairman has been elected, I’ll quickly submit my 

resignation and let the new president preside over the new Nuthana election 

meeting!” Not only did President Silverbane feel pleased with the outcome, 

but he also seemed eager to pass on the burden. 

Indeed, the Chairman of Nuthana Chamber of Commerce, who had 

governed Nuthana commercial community for over a decade, gave a hasty 

five–minute farewell speech before handing over the stage to Mackenzie. 

Amidst a round of applause, the number one beauty in Yeringham, her 

abdomen slightly swollen, gracefully ascended the red carpet stage with the 

support of the Grandmaster of Nuthana. 

Chapter 1665 Mackenzie’s Power 

“Friends of the Chamber of Commerce, honored by your favor, I, Mackenzie, 

am very honored to stand here on this stage and give my speech as the new 

president! Standing on this stage, I see not only the challenges ahead but 

also the vast goals and vision of the Nuthana Chamber of Commerce. Our 

chamber is facing many problems and difficulties. However, we can create 

an orderly, fair, and efficient chamber platform and lead Nuthana’s business 

to new heights as long as we unite and work together.” 

Mackenzie’s cool and calm demeanor, with her grand and inspiring speech, 

instantly ignited the crowd’s applause. 

Many in the audience had not visited Badlands Island and had not witnessed 

her prowess. Yet, at that moment, even they couldn’t help but be amazed. 

This beautiful woman was born for the big stage! Her poise could handle any 


Angela was also excited. In her eyes, the women of the Quillen family 

possessed both beauty and wisdom, and the men had both strength and 

skills. Most importantly, they were all outstanding people! 

Chapter 1665 Mackenzie’s Power 

With this couple leading the Quillen family, it would be utterly unjust if they 

did not reach the pinnacle of Nuthana! 

With the Nuthana Chamber of Commerce in their hands, Old Mr. Silverbane 

could be at ease, and the entire business community would benefit! 

“Next is the election of the vice president!” After Mackenzie’s inauguration 

speech, she moved on to the next item on the agenda. 

Moreover, using her authoritative position as chairman, she decisively stated

“Since the president was elected by votes from all 111 members of the 

chamber, we will also adopt this method for electing the vice president and 

other positions!” 

No one opposed it. Not only was it reasonable, but it was also the new 

president’s decision. Who would dare oppose it? 

Mackenzie was very pleased with this situation! 

Even Hattie, who came just to join in the fun, couldn’t help but marvel at the 

Chapter 1665 Mackenzie’s Power 

presence of Miss Mackenzie. She could easily rival the Four Beauties of 


“Please raise your hands for those who support the Summerton family to 

continue as vice president!” Mackenzie said, raising her hand first. 

This surprised the representatives of the factions below! 

In their minds, the Summerton family doesn’t have the qualifications to be 

vice president. 

Now that Mackenzie supported the Summerton family, opposing them would 

be like opposing the Quillen family. After all, the new leader is always eager to 

make a mark, and this fire could easily burn them! 

“Onza Silverbane agrees!” Angela was always the first to follow the Quillen 


Her immediate stance further increased everyone’s respect for the Quillen 


Chapter 1665 Mackenzie Power 

Next, Gautier also raised his hand in agreement. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be 

able to explain himself if Mackenzie questioned him later. 

Since he agreed, the third Silverbane family also followed suit! 

In an instant, a domino effect occurred. The major factions all agreed, fearing 

they would be targeted if they raised their hands too late. 

In the end, it was almost unanimously passed! 

Julian, who had been extremely nervous, suddenly relaxed. With Emmanuel 

as his brother–in–law and a close relationship with Mackenzie, he had two 

major backers! 

“My mother always had poor judgment, not letting me marry you. Now, the 

Lowe family has become the Summerton family’s greatest supporter!” Julian 

couldn’t help but complain. 

Even though his mother was no longer alive, he couldn’t help but feel that her 

judgment had been poor. He wondered what she would think if she were 

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