Chapter 1663 

Emmanuel and Mackenzie quickly glanced over. 

In essence, it was just an additional set of rules to choose from. 


The first set of rules was the original old rules; the second set of rules was the 

public rules, where the president was directly elected by members of the 

Nuthana Chamber of Commerce, with the most votes winning. 

The second set of rules also had two alternatives–either elected by 20 

official members or elected by all members of the Chamber of Commerce. 

Without hesitation, Mackenzie chose the first option. 

However, the voting results were quickly tallied. Ultimately, the second option 

of the second set of rules received the most votes. 

It was no surprise. Given that there were 91 unofficial members in Nuthana, 

they naturally wished to become the ones who could control the Nuthana 

Chamber of Commerce rather than merely play a passive role. 

12:29 Fri, 7 Jun MM 

Chapter 1663 The Results 


“Well then. Now that the election rules for the president are set, the next step 

is the election for the president.” 

Stanley proceeded with the process formally and meticulously. 

Mackenzie remained silent throughout, her expression somewhat grave. 

Emmanuel also couldn’t grasp the situation. He whispered to Mackenzie, 

“Mackenzie, what do you think the Eshal Silverbane is up to?” 

Mackenzie also whispered, “You’ve claimed the title of the Grandmaster, and 

the Quillen family has now become an exceedingly rare trillion–dollar family 

in Nuthana. Yeringham and Onza are both under the Quillen family’s 

dominion. Logically speaking, even if Eshal Silverbane uses the second 

method of election to bypass President Silverbane, his chances of success 

should be slim.” 

This was precisely what Emmanuel had been thinking. 

It wasn’t just the two of them who anticipated this; even the few aunts sitting 

Chapter 1663 The Results 

behind, and even Beatrix, were hoping for the same. 

Even with this method, the Quillen family could undoubtedly secure the 


However, Mackenzie suddenly changed her tune as she said, “However, Eshal 

Silverbane’s actions might still allow them to manipulate the process.” 

At this point, Mackenzie’s voice lowered even further. She leaned in toward 

Emmanuel’s ear, detailing some strategies in response. 

Emmanuel nodded approvingly and smiled. “Mackenzie, you’ve got this. I 

believe no matter what dirty tricks the Eshal Silverbane plays, he won’t stand 

a chance against you.” 

Mackenzie smiled slightly. “It’s not just me. It’s us.” 

Her words made Emmanuel feel warm inside. 

Terence couldn’t help but chuckle incessantly. He was delighted to see that 

the relationship between the couple came stable. 


Chapter 1663 The Results 

It seemed like having seven children was definitely in the cards. 


Once the election rules were confirmed, the official process for electing the 

president commenced. 

Unlike the earlier selection process, with both the 20 official members and 91 

unofficial members of the Nuthana Chamber of Commerce as candidates, 

there were a whopping 111 options available. 

Consequently, voting was conducted electronically. 

Everyone followed instructions. They scanned the provided QR code to enter 

the voting system. Then, they discreetly logged in using their faction’s 

account to select the faction they supported. 

Mackenzie and Emmanuel were dissatisfied with this kind of election process, 

but they followed the procedure and decided to wait for the results. 

Finally, the voting results were quickly revealed. 

A glance at the results caused a complotion among everyone present. 


12:29 Fri, Jun 

Chapter 1663 The Results 

Unexpectedly, the Eshal Silverbane came in first, receiving 19 votes. 

The Quillen family narrowly missed out with 18 votes. 

Many factions had only one vote. They had clearly voted for themselves. 

After all, this was an anonymous vote to prevent future internal conflicts 

within the Chamber of Commerce. 

Upon seeing the results, Stanley was also greatly surprised. 


His health had been declining, especially after the recent assassination 

attempt, which left him gravely injured and slow to recover. Lately, he had 

been feeling physically inadequate and was relying solely on his willpower to 

continue overseeing the Nuthana Chamber of Commerce. 

He had always intended to pass on the presidency to the Quillen family, 

letting those young blood with a strong sense of justice manage the order of the Nuthana business community. However, the situation had now become such that he was at a loss for what to do. 

12:29 Fri, 7 Jun MM 


Chapter 1663 The Results 

“Well, my apologies. Thanks to everyone’s support. It looks like the presidency 

will have to be taken up by us, the Eshal Silverbane. This is truly the will of the 

people.” Blaze stood up immediately, smirking with satisfaction. 

Bobby also urged Stanley, “Dad, please announce the results. If you’re not 

feeling well enough to continue as the president, then let me—” 

“Just a moment.” At that moment, Emmanuel suddenly stood up and 

declared loudly, “I question the authenticity of the results.” 

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