Chapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine 

Chapter 1661 

Yet, Emmanuel was straightforward. His mindset was different from Blake’s. 

Even as he removed Hattie’s clothes for acupuncture, his gaze remained 

clear and focused. 

Observing his current expression, Mackenzie suddenly recalled that he must 

have been like this when he was with Claudette in the past. 

Due to her pregnancy, Mackenzie felt an urgent need to use the restroom. 

While Emmanuel was diligently treating Hattie, she quietly left the room and 

headed toward the restroom. 

“Mackenzie, you’re not supervising anymore? Haha!” Blake teased Mackenzie. 

Mackenzie ignored him and didn’t tell him where she was going. She headed 

straight for the restroom. 

Blake didn’t bother her attitude. In fact, he was worried that if Mackenzie 

12:27 Fri, 7 Jun 

Chapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine 


engaged him in conversation, Emmanuel might misunderstand and think he 

was trying to seduce his wife. It would then be a big problem. 

After all, Emmanuel was now a Grandmaster. Blake couldn’t afford to provoke 


Just as Mackenzie stepped out of the restroom, she unexpectedly 

encountered a familiar face. 

“Ms. Quillen, it’s good to see you again.” Yasmine greeted Mackenzie. 

Mackenzie furrowed her brows slightly. She hadn’t noticed Yasmine earlier. 

She wondered if it was a coincidence or if Yasmine deliberately wanted to 

meet her here. 

Recalling the words Yasmine had said during their last encounter, Mackenzie 

instinctively stepped back, with her hands protecting her abdomen. 

Yasmine smiled calmly. “Ms. Quillen, rest assured. We consider your child in 

your belly a treasure and would never harm you.” 

Chapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine 

Mackenzie remained vigilant. She raised her eyebrows and asked, “Ms. 

Morgan, what brings you here?” 

She meant why Yasmine was in the restroom. 


Yasmine nodded, deliberately twisting her words as she said, “Yes, I’m here to 

congratulate you on reaching the peak of Nuthana. Of course, there are two 

more important matters I need to discuss with you.” 

Mackenzie frowned. She glanced around as her lips curved. “Ms. Morgan, I 

hardly think the restroom is an appropriate place for discussing important 


“There’s no choice. Emmanuel is guarding you too closely. If I want to speak 

with you alone, this is the best place.” 

Yasmine didn’t beat around the bush. She immediately told Mackenzie, “You 

seem to have a good relationship with Hattie. Do you know how to keep her 

alive? Emmanuel might not know how.” 

12:28 Fri, 7 Jun MM. 


Chapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine 

Mackenzie trembled slightly as she asked, “Do you have a solution?” 

Hattie was indeed a close friend with whom she resonated. There was no 

generation gap between them, and they often understood each other’s 

thoughts without speaking. 

This kind of tacit understanding was rare. That was why Mackenzie still 

considered her a close friend despite her being her past enemy. 

“Well, her illness is related to the Heart of the Sun. The Heart of the Sun could 

save her, but Emmanuel might not know the specifics. If he’s willing, I can tell 

him.” Yasmine smiled. 

“What’s your motive for doing this?” 

Mackenzie was a discerning woman who wouldn’t overlook someone’s 

intentions just because she was pleased. 

This could be a trap. 

“Well, there is indeed a motive. I’m Ha@e’s aunt. Naturally, I don’t want her to 

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Chapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine 

die,” Yasmine replied candidly. 

Mackenzie trembled slightly. She didn’t know the relationship between Hattie 

and Yasmine. 

“Ms. Quillen, the second matter might interest you more.” 

Yasmine knew she didn’t have much time to chat with Mackenzie. After 

piquing her interest, she got straight to the point. 

“If you want to know the truth about your parents‘ deaths, I can take you to a 


“What?!” Mackenzie trembled violently. 

“Ms. Quillen, here’s my contact information. Think it over before reaching out 

to me.” 

Yasmine then left. She had set the trap, and she could only wait for 

Mackenzie to be trapped. 

12:28 Fri, 7 Jun MM. 


Chapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine 

Mackenzie stared at the contact information for a long time. She hesitated to 

throw it away. 

She was well aware that it was something unforeseen. 

Not opening it would mean contentment with her current life, which was 

happy and fulfilling, but she would always have lingering doubts. 

No child wouldn’t want to uncover the truth behind their parents‘ deaths. 

Furthermore, she had never met h

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