Chapter 10 

Claire just noticed that a person had suddenly appeared beside her. It was a woman dressed elegantly, with a refined demeanor, smiling as she looked at Claire

Claire was enchanted the moment she saw her. 

“You must be Claire, right? The woman thought. Claire hadn’t heard her and repeated herself, 

After hearing her voice. Claire quickly reacted and said, “Ah! Yes, I’m Claire. May I ask who you are?” Claire was puzzled, wondering how this glamorous woman knew her name. 

“I’m Gavin’s mother. The woman looked satisfied as she observed Claire, and she internally gave her daughter–in–law a high score. She could tell that Claire was a kind and innocent girl. She liked Claire no matter how she looked at her. 

Ah! Mrs. B. Mrs. Byrd… Nice to meet you!” Claire suddenly became nervous and started stuttering upon realizing the woman before her was Gavin’s mother. 

Claire nervously swallowed, contemplating what to say next. Why did Gavin’s mom come over out of the blue? It’s so stressful!” she murmured in her mind. She had never imagined that meeting her mother–in–law for the first time would be under such circumstances, and it caught her completely off guard

Seeing Claire nervous to the point of stuttering, Veronica Byrd curled her l*ps into a faint smile. It seems I came too suddenly and scared my daughter–in–law instead, she thought. 

With a faint smile, she said. “Claire, did you address me incorrectly? Do you still call me Mrs. Byrd? That’s a bit too formal, right?” 

“Ah… Mrs. B… Veronica…” Claire blushed in embarrassment and stammered, her face as red as a ripe tomato. She and Gavin had just gotten married, but she was meeting his family so quickly. Claire was at a loss for words and didn’t know what to 


“Mom, are you bullying my wife?” A clear and gentle voice suddenly came from behind Claire Before she could turn around, a well–defined hand embraced her. 

Claire suddenly found herself in a warm and fragrant embrace. Without looking, she knew it was Gavin. 

“Already forgetting your mother now that you have a wife, huh? Veronica teased Gavin and Claire. Claire’s face was now not just red but almost steaming in embarrassment. 

“Mom, I’m glad you know that,” Gavin said bluntly, showing no mercy to Veronica, 

“Alright, I won’t disturb you two, Bring Claire home for dinner in a few days! She has been through a lot today.” Veronica softened her tone and spoke sincerely, glancing at Claire with love. She was nothing like the terrifying mother–inlaw others spoke of 

“Okay, I know. I’ll have Martin take you back,” Gavin said gently, but his eyes remained fixed on the thoroughly blushing Claire in his arms. 

Veronica understood that she shouldn’t be here, so she didn’t refuse and left with Martin. 

After Veronica left, Claire finally fully grasped the situation. She quickly freed herself from Gavin’s embrace and examined his back, which was stained with blood. 

“Is your wound okay?” Claire grabbed Gavin’s arm and looked at him with concern. The only reason why he got hurt was to save her, and she was worried for him. 

“Yeah, it’s okay. I’ve bandaged it. Gavin’s icy demeanor disappeared instantly as he heard Claire’s caring words. His warmth was reserved only for her. 

“It’s great that you’re okay. Thank you so much today. If it weren’t for you… Um… Claire looked at Cavin gratefully, blushing 

as she thanked him. Thanks to his connections, her mom could receive a suitable kidney earlier in the morning. It was because of him that she was able to escape from the trap set by Kayla. In the end, he got injured because of her. She owed Gavin a lot that she couldn’t repay. But just as Claire was about to express her gratitude with a red face, her l*ps were suddenly covered by a soft k*ss. 

This time, Gavin’s k*ss was gentle and tender, unlike the previous one which was domineering and uncontrollable. It carried tenderness yet with a hint of dominance that could not be resisted. Claire looked at Gavin, who suddenly k*ssed her with a surprised look on her face. She was so shocked that her mind went blank, and she forgot to resist. Gavin’s hand tightly embraced Claire’s back, seemingly wanting to merge her into his bones, never to be separated again. 

Thus, the two engaged in a deep k*ss in the hospital corridor. The passing nurses blushed as they glanced at the two and quickly avoided them. 

It was only then that Claire’s brain gradually regained clarity. She blushed and tried to push Gavin away, not realizing she couldn’t budge him an inch. Claire, torn between pushing Gavin away and fearing she might hurt him in the process, was in a dilemma. Finally, the long and intense k*ss came to an end. 

Claire, blushing, pushed Gavin away with force and created a safe distance between them. 

“What are you doing? Claire looked at Gavin in embarrassment, her big eyes staring at him disapprovingly. She did not understand how she had provoked him again. 

I’m k*ssing my wife. Is that not allowed?” Gavin innocently looked at Claire, his eyes shining with a sly light. 

What? You…” Claire realized that sometimes she couldn’t communicate with Gavin, like when he was mischievous. 

*Claire, can I be the one to take you to and from work in the future? Gavin, dropping the playful attitude, looked at Claire seriously. He couldn’t bear to think about what might have happened to Claire if he had arrived just a bit later today. He also couldn’t fathom a future without Claire. Ultimately, it was his mistake when his beloved woman got hurt under his nose. He couldn’t let such a thing happen again from today onwards. 

Surprised by Gavin’s words, Claire looked up, meeting his sincere and caring gaze. Her heart fluttered a bit. It had been a long time since she felt warmth from someone other than her best friend and mother. 

*L… The words pushed up toward Claire’s throat, but she did not know how to say it out loud. Gavin was a stranger she had gotten a marriage license with after they met once. She could not figure out why this outstanding man valued her so much. 

“I know you may find it uncomfortable, but please give me a chance, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt. Gavin looked at Claire seriously, his face filled with gravity. 

“Okay…” Claire, for some reason, agreed to Gavin’s request. The husband taking his wife to and from work might be ordinary to others, but for her, it felt awkward. After all, there was no emotional connection between them. 

After the two returned from the hospital, Gavin helped Claire take several days off from her company. He wanted her to rest at home and enjoy her time without worries. Meanwhile, he attended to his unfinished business. 

Thalia and Kayla, right? They were trying to avoid marrying a middle–aged man, huh? But I wouldn’t let you guys have your way, he thought, 

During these days of rest at home, Claire was the most relaxed she had been in years. There were no work troubles and no disturbances from Kayla and Thalia. Most of her time was spent accompanying her mother in the hospital or sleeping at 


Gavin would return from work and accompany Claire for breakfast and dinner daily. They looked just like any other loving couple

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